List of Computer Science courses with video lectures.
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# Computer Science video courses
List of Computer Science courses with video lectures. For more courses, please refer [MIT OCW]( and [awesome-courses](
Focus would be to act as general undergraduate/graduate CS University curriculum. Brevity would be preferred over comprehensiveness/details in order to maintain the list readable and usable. Please visit link to course for more details.
Table of Contents
- [Introduction to CS](#introduction-to-cs)
- [Data Structures and Algorithms](#data-structures-and-algorithms)
- [Systems](#systems)
- [Artificial Intelligence](#artificial-intelligence)
- [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
- [Computer Graphics](#computer-graphics)
- [CS Theory](#cs-theory)
- [Programming Languages / Compilers](#programming-languages--compilers)
- [Security](#security)
- [Misc](#misc)
### Introduction to CS
- [6.00SC - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Spring 2011) - MIT OCW](
- [6.00 - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Fall 2008) - MIT OCW](
- [6.01SC - Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I - MIT OCW](
- [6.001 - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, MIT]( ([Textbook](
- [CS 50 - Introduction to Computer Science, Harvard University](
- [CS 61A - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs [Python], UC Berkeley](
- [Lecture Resources by Type](
- [Lecture Resources by Topic](
- [CS 101 - Computer Science 101, Stanford University]( (Register free to access Videos)
- [CS 106A - Programming Methodology, Stanford University](
- [CS 106B - Programming Abstractions, Stanford University](
- [CS 107 - Programming Paradigms, Stanford University](
### Data Structures and Algorithms
- [CS 61B - Data Structures, UC Berkeley](
- [Fall 2006 - Prof. Jonathan Shewchuk](
- [Spring 16 - Josh Hug](
- [6.006 - Introduction to Algorithms, MIT OCW](
- [CSE 373 - Analysis of Algorithms, Stony Brook - Prof Skiena](
- [6.046J - Introduction to Algorithms - Fall 2005, MIT OCW](
- [6.046 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2015 - MIT OCW](
- [Programming Challenges - Prof Skiena](
- [16s-4102 - Algorithms, University of Virginia]( ([Youtube](
- [CS 261 - A Second Course in Algorithms, Stanford University]( ([Lectures]( ([Youtube](
- [CS 224 - Advanced Algorithms, Harvard University]( ([Lecture Videos]( ([Youtube](
- [ECS 122A - Algorithm Design and Analysis, UC Davis](
- [CS 6150 - Advanced Algorithms (Fall 2016), University of Utah](
- [ECS 222A - Graduate Level Algorithm Design and Analysis, UC Davis](
- [6.851 - Advanced Data Structures, MIT]( ([MIT OCW](
- [6.854 - Advanced Algorithms, MIT]( ([Prof. Karger lectures](
### Systems
- [6.033 Computer System Engineering - MIT](
- [CS 162 - Operating Systems and Systems Programming, UC Berkeley]( ([Lectures - YouTube](
- [CS 4414 - Operating Systems, University of Virginia](
- [CSE 421/521 - Introduction to Operating Systems, SUNY University at Buffalo, NY - Spring 2016]( ([Lectures - YouTube](
- [CS 377 Fall 16: Operating Systems - Umass OS](
- [6.828: Operating System Engineering [Fall 2014]](
- [VU:Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms by Maarten van Steen (Fall 2012), Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam](
- [CS 5530 - Database Systems, Spring 2016, University of Utah](
- [15-721 - Database Systems, CMU]( ([Lectures - YouTube](
- [CS 186 - Database Systems, UC Berkeley, Spring 2015]( ([Lectures- YouTube](
- [CS 6530 - Graduate-level Database Systems, Fall 2016, University of Utah]( ([Lectures - YouTube](
- [CS 677 Spring 16: Distributed Operating Systems - Umass OS](
- [CS 436: Distributed Computer Systems - U Waterloo](
- [6.824: Distributed Systems, Spring 2015 - MIT](
- [CS194 Advanced Operating Systems Structures and Implementation, Spring 2013, UC Berkeley](
- [6.858 Computer Systems Security - MIT OCW](
### Machine Learning
- [StatLearning - Intro to Statistical Learning, Stanford University](
- [CS 156 - Learning from Data, Caltech](
- [10-601 - Machine Learning, Carnegie Mellon University](
- [Microsoft Research - Machine Learning Course](
- [CS 446 - Machine Learning, Fall 2016, UIUC]([Fall 2015 Lectures](
- [undergraduate machine learning at UBC 2012, Nando de Freitas](
- [CS 229 - Machine Learning - Stanford University](
- [CS 5140/6140 - Data Mining, Spring 2016, University of Utah]( ([Lectures - Youtube](
- [CS 5350/6350 - Machine Learning, Fall 2016, University of Utah](
- [CS 6190 - Probabilistic Modeling, Spring 2016, University of Utah](
- [CS 6955 - Clustering, Spring 2015, University of Utah](
- [DS-GA 1008 - Deep Learning, New York University](
- [Info 290 - Analyzing Big Data with Twitter, UC Berkeley school of information](
- [Machine Learning 2013 - Nando de Freitas, UBC](
- [Machine Learning: 2014-2015, University of Oxford](
- [Deep learning at Oxford 2015 - Nando de Freitas](
- [10-701 Machine Learning - Tom Mitchell, Spring 2011, Carnegie Mellon University]( ([Fall 2014](
- [10-702/36-702 - Statistical Machine Learning - Larry Wasserman, Spring 2016, CMU](
- [10-708 - Probabilistic Graphical Models, Carnegie Mellon University](
- [36-705 - Intermediate Statistics - Larry Wasserman, CMU](
- [CS 224d - Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, Stanford University]( ([Lectures - Youtube](
- [CS 229r - Algorithms for Big Data, Harvard University]( ([Youtube](
- [CS 231n - Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition, Stanford University](
- [CAM 383M - Statistical and Discrete Methods for Scientific Computing, University of Texas](