Kamran Ahmed 4 years ago
parent 0028d4f80c
commit 14c03912f9
  1. 62

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export default function Home() {
<Link ml='10px' bgGradient='linear(to-l, yellow.700, red.600)' p='7px 10px' rounded='4px'
_hover={{ textDecoration: 'none', bgGradient: 'linear(to-l, red.800, yellow.700)' }}
fontWeight={500} href={'#'}>Become a Member</Link>
fontWeight={500} href={'#'}>Get Updates</Link>
@ -614,7 +614,8 @@ export default function Home() {
<Text lineHeight='26px' fontSize='16px' mb='15px'>A considerable amount of my time is spent doing unpaid
community work on things that I hope will help humanity in some way. Your sponsorship helps me continue to
produce more open-source and free educational material consumed by hundreds of thousands of developers every month.</Text>
produce more open-source and free educational material consumed by hundreds of thousands of developers every
@ -630,14 +631,61 @@ export default function Home() {
<Box borderTopWidth={1} mt='60px' pt='70px' pb='80px' textAlign='left' bg='gray.800'>
<Container maxW='container.md'>
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