diff --git a/content/roadmaps/104-angular/content/101-rxjs-basics/100-observable-pattern.md b/content/roadmaps/104-angular/content/101-rxjs-basics/100-observable-pattern.md
index ea3b5d9fb..ae5d5f440 100644
--- a/content/roadmaps/104-angular/content/101-rxjs-basics/100-observable-pattern.md
+++ b/content/roadmaps/104-angular/content/101-rxjs-basics/100-observable-pattern.md
@@ -1 +1,8 @@
-# Observable pattern
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+# Observable Pattern
+The observer pattern is a software design pattern in which an object, named the subject, maintains a list of its dependents, called observers, and notifies them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods.
+Angular uses the Observer pattern which simply means — Observable objects are registered, and other objects observe (in Angular using the subscribe method) them and take action when the observable object is acted on in some way.
+Free Content
+Angular and Observable
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