Add content to Spring Boot roadmap (#3285)

* Initial commit

* Update content files

Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <>
syedmouaazfarrukh 2 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 8264c4509f
commit 5f23d4c7eb
No known key found for this signature in database
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@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ A schematic is a template-based code generator that supports complex logic. It i
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- [Angular Website](,collections%20and%20installed%20with%20npm.)
- [Angular Website](
- [Angular Blog](

@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Angular processes all data bindings once for each JavaScript event cycle, from t
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- [ Website](,between%20parent%20and%20child%20components.)
- [ Website](

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ CSS Preprocessors are scripting languages that extend the default capabilities o
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- [CSS Preprocessors Explained](,preprocessor%20were%20not%20in%20place.)
- [CSS Preprocessors Explained](
- [Why Use Preprocessors?](

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# Architecture
# Architecture
Spring Boot follows a layered architecture in which each layer communicates with the layer directly below or above (hierarchical structure) it. There are four layers in Spring Boot are as follows:
- **Presentation Layer**: handles the HTTP requests, translates the JSON parameter to object, and authenticates the request and transfer it to the business layer.
- **Business Layer**: The business layer handles all the business logic. It consists of service classes and uses services provided by data access layers. It also performs authorization and validation.
- **Persistence Layer**: The persistence layer contains all the storage logic and translates business objects from and to database rows.
- **Database Layer**: In the database layer, CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations are performed.
For more information, visit the following links:
- [Spring Boot Architecture](
- [Spring Boot Architecture – Detailed Explanation](
- [Spring Boot – Architecture](

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# Why spring
# Why Spring
Spring Boot provides a number of features that make it easier to create a Spring-based application, including:
- Embedded Application Server
- Automatic Configuration
- Pre-configured Starters
- Ease of Packaging and Distribution
- Ease of monitoring through built-in health check endpoint and the ability to customize the management endpoint.
Additionally, it's come with a lot of best practices and conventions baked in, which reduces the amount of work and boiler plate code developers need to write.
Visit the following resources to learn more:
- [Why Spring?](
- [Spring vs Spring Boot: Know The Difference](
- [A Comparison Between Spring and Spring Boot](
- [Advantages of Spring Boot](

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# Introduction
# Introduction
Spring Boot is a framework for building applications based on the Spring Framework, a widely-used, open-source framework for building Java-based enterprise applications. Spring Boot aims to make it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications that you can "just run".
For more information, visit the following links:
- [Spring Boot - Introduction](
- [Introduction to Spring Boot](
- [Spring Boot](
- [What-is-Spring-Boot?](

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Spring Core Configuration is the process of configuring the Spring Framework, which involves specifying the various configuration details required for an application to function properly. This can include setting up beans, specifying bean dependencies, configuring aspect-oriented programming (AOP) aspects, and more. Configuration can be done through Java code, XML files, or using annotations in the code.
You can learn more about Spring Core Configuration from the links below:
To learn more about Spring Core Configuration from the links below:
- [Spring Framework Documentation](
- ["Spring Configuration" tutorial](

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# Dependency injection
# Dependency Injection
Spring Boot uses the Spring Framework's Inversion of Control (IoC) container to manage objects and their dependencies. The IoC container is responsible for creating objects, wiring them together, and managing their lifecycle. When an object is created, its dependencies are also created and injected into the object.
Visit the following links for more resources:
- [Spring Dependency Injection](
- [Dependency Injection Using Spring Boot](
- [Dependency Injection in Spring](

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# Spring ioc
# Spring IOC
Inversion of Control (IoC) is a design pattern that is often used in conjunction with the Dependency Injection (DI) pattern. The basic idea behind IoC is to invert the flow of control in a program, so that instead of the program controlling the flow of logic and the creation of objects, the objects themselves control the flow of logic and the creation of other objects.
Spring is a popular Java framework that uses IoC and DI to provide a more flexible, modular approach to software development. The Spring IoC container is responsible for managing the creation and configuration of objects in a Spring-based application.
The Spring IoC container creates objects, wires them together, configures them, and manages their complete lifecycle from creation till destruction. This removes the burden of instantiating and configuring objects from the application code, and allows the application code to focus on the business logic rather than on infrastructure concerns.
Spring IoC container provides two ways to configure the objects:
- XML based configuration
- Annotation based configuration
In XML based configuration, you use XML file to describe the configuration metadata and the container creates the objects and wire them together.
In Annotation based configuration, you use annotations in the Java source code to describe the configuration metadata and the container creates the objects and wire them together.
Both way, Spring IoC container can be used to create, manage, and wire together objects in a Spring-based application, using a variety of different strategies, including constructor injection, setter injection, and interface injection.
Overall, Spring IoC container provides a central location to manage the lifecycle and configuration of objects in an application, making it easier to develop, test, and maintain the code.
More more resources, check out the following links:
- [Spring IoC, Spring Bean Example Tutorial](
- [Intro to Inversion of Control with Spring](
- [IoC Container](
- [Spring – IoC Container](

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# Spring aop
# Spring AOP
Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) is a feature of the Spring Framework that allows developers to define certain behaviors (i.e., "aspects") that cut across multiple classes, such as logging or transaction management. These behaviors, which are called "advices," can be applied to specific "join points" (i.e., points in the execution of a program) in the application, using "pointcuts" to determine where the advices should be applied.
Spring AOP allows developers to separate the implementation of these cross-cutting concerns from the business logic of the application, making the code more modular and easier to understand. This can also make the application more flexible, since the same advices can be applied to different parts of the code without having to duplicate the code for the advices themselves.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Spring AOP Tutorial](
- [AOP with Spring Framework](
- [Spring AOP Tutorial](

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# Spring mvc
# Spring MVC
Spring MVC is a framework for building web applications in Java. It is part of the Spring Framework, which is a larger ecosystem of tools for building Java applications. Spring MVC is built on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which helps to separate the concerns of the application into three distinct components: the Model, the View, and the Controller.
Spring MVC provides a powerful and flexible way to build web applications, and it integrates well with other parts of the Spring ecosystem, such as Spring Security for authentication and authorization, and Spring Data for data access.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Spring MVC Tutorial](
- [Spring - MVC Framework](
- [Web MVC framework](

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# Annotations
# Annotations
One of the key features of Spring Boot is its use of annotations, which are used to configure various aspects of the application and to enable certain features.
Some of the most commonly used annotations in Spring Boot include:
- `@SpringBootApplication`
- `@RestController`
- `@Autowired`
- `@Value`
- `@Enable`
- `@Configuration`
- `@Bean`
These are just a few examples of the many annotations that are available in Spring Boot. There are many other annotations that you can use to configure various aspects of your application, such as security, caching, and data access.
Visit the following link for more details on annotations in spring boot:
- [Spring Annotations](
- [Spring Boot Annotations](
- [Annotations in Spring](

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# Spring bean scope
# Spring Bean Scope
In the Spring Framework, a bean is an object that is instantiated, assembled, and managed by the Spring IoC container. One of the key features of the Spring container is its ability to manage the lifecycle of beans, which includes creating, configuring, and destroying beans as necessary. One way the container can control the lifecycle of a bean is by specifying its scope.
The scope of a bean determines the lifecycle and visibility of the bean within the container and to other objects in the application. Spring provides several different bean scopes, including:
- **singleton**: This is the default scope for a bean. A singleton bean is instantiated only once by the container and shared by all objects that request it.
- **prototype**: This scope means that the container creates a new instance of the bean every time a request is made for it.
- **request**: This scope is only applicable to web applications and means that the container creates a new instance of the bean for each HTTP request.
- **session**: Similar to the request scope, but the instance of the bean is created for each HTTP session,
- **application**: This scope is for global application-level data, and only valid in a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext.
- **websocket**: This scope is for global WebSocket-level data, and also only valid in a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext.
The scope of a bean can be specified in the configuration file using the scope attribute of the bean element. For example, to configure a bean with the prototype scope, you would use the following XML configuration:
It is very important to choose the right scope for a bean, as it can affect the behavior and performance of the application.
Visit the following links for more resources:
- [Spring - Bean Scopes](
- [Quick Guide to Spring Bean Scopes](
- [Spring Bean Scopes](

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# Spring Core
Spring is an application framework for the Java platform. It provides the infrastructure support for developing Java applications, including dependency injection, data access, transaction management, and more.
Spring is an open-source framework that provides a comprehensive programming and configuration model for modern Java-based enterprise applications. The core module of Spring, also known as the "Spring Core" module, is at the heart of the framework and provides the fundamental functionality for dependency injection (DI) and inversion of control (IoC). In addition to dependency injection, the Spring Core module also provides several other features, such as:
- A flexible and extensible validation framework
- A type conversion system
- A consistent messaging framework
You can learn more about Spring Core from the links below:

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# Authentication
# Authentication
Spring Security is a framework for securing Java-based applications. One of its core features is authentication, which is the process of verifying that a user is who they claim to be. Spring Security provides a wide range of options for implementing authentication, including support for traditional username/password-based authentication as well as more modern alternatives such as OAuth and JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
For more info, visit the following resources:
- [Spring Authentication](
- [Spring Security Basic Authentication](
- [Spring Security Authentication](

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# Authorization
# Authorization
Spring Security supports a variety of authentication mechanisms, such as username and password authentication, OAuth2, and more. Once a user is authenticated, Spring Security can then be used to authorize that user's access to specific resources or functionality. There are several annotations that can be used to control access to specific methods or classes.
Visit the following links for more information:
- [Spring Authorization](
- [Advanced authorization in Spring](
- [Spring Security: Authentication and Authorization In-Depth](

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# Oauth2
# OAuth2
Spring Security OAuth2 library provides support for both the authorization code grant type (for web apps) and the implicit grant type (for single-page apps). You can also use Spring Security to protect your resources, and to configure your application as an OAuth2 resource server. The OAuth2 authentication process can be complex and time-consuming, but the Spring Security OAuth2 library makes it easy to get started by providing a set of convenient configuration classes and annotations.
Learn more about Oauth2 from the following resources:
- [Spring Boot - OAuth2 with JWT](
- [Spring Boot and OAuth2](
- [Spring Security](

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# Jwt authentication
# JWT Authentication
Spring Security can be used to implement JWT Authentication and Authorization to your APIs. The library provides a JWT-based authentication filter that you can add to your API endpoints. The filter will check the JWT that is included in the request header, and if it is valid, it will set the authentication information in the security context. You can then use the security context to perform authorization checks on the API endpoints.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [JWT Token Authentication in Spring](
- [Spring Security with JWT for REST API](
- [Spring Security - JWT](

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# Spring security
# Spring security
Spring Security is a framework for securing Java-based applications. It is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework that can be easily integrated with a wide variety of applications, including web applications and RESTful web services. Spring Security provides a comprehensive security solution for both authentication and authorization, and it can be used to secure applications at both the web and method level.
Visit the following links for more resources:
- [Spring Security](
- [Spring Security Introduction](
- [What is Spring security](

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# Spring boot starters
# Spring Boot Starters
Spring Boot starters are a set of convenient dependency descriptors that you can include in your application. They provide a variety of functionality, such as security, data access, and web services, and help to minimize the amount of boilerplate code and configuration you need to write.
For more information, visit the following links:
- [Intro to Spring Boot Starters](
- [Spring Boot Starters](
- [Starters in Spring Boot](

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# Autconfiguration
# Autconfiguration
Spring Boot's Autoconfiguration is a powerful and convenient feature that makes it easy to configure beans and other components in your application based on the presence of certain dependencies and properties. It saves developer's time by reducing the need for boilerplate configuration code, and can be fine-tuned through properties and annotations, to provide a fine-grained control over the auto-configurations.
For more information, visit the following links:
- [Auto-configuration using Spring Boot](
- [Spring Boot Auto-configuration](
- [What is Spring Boot Auto-configuration](

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# Spring boot actuators
# Actuators
Spring Boot Actuators are a set of production-ready features in Spring Boot that allow you to monitor and manage your application in various ways. They provide a variety of endpoints that expose information about the health and performance of your application, and allow you to perform various management tasks such as shutting down the application or refreshing its configuration.
Some of the key features of Spring Boot Actuators include:
- Health endpoint: Exposes information about the health of the application, such as whether it is up and running, and any issues it may be experiencing.
- Metrics endpoint: Exposes metrics about the performance of the application, such as CPU and memory usage, and number of requests handled.
- Info endpoint: Exposes arbitrary information about the application, such as version number, and build information.
- Configuration endpoint: Exposes information about the configuration of the application, such as the properties and their values.
- Actuator endpoints can be secured, rate-limited and customized with various options and properties.
Spring Boot Actuators are typically used in production environments to monitor the health and performance of an application and identify any issues that may arise. They can also be used in development and testing environments to gain insight into the internal workings of the application.
For more information, visit the following links:
- [Building a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot Actuator](
- [Spring Boot Starter Actuator](
- [What is Spring Boot Actuator](

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# Embedded server
# Embedded Server
Spring Boot's Embedded Server feature is a convenient and powerful feature that allows you to run a web server directly within your application, without the need to deploy it to a separate standalone web server. This makes it easy to develop, test, and deploy web applications, and it's also lightweight, easy to start and stop, and easy to configure.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Embedded Servers in Spring](
- [What is an Embedded Server? (Spring Boot)](
- [Embedded Web Servers ‘How-to’ guides](

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# Transactions
# Transactions
A transaction simply represents a unit of work. In such case, if one step fails, the whole transaction fails (which is termed as atomicity). A transaction can be described by ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability).
In hibernate framework, we have Transaction interface that defines the unit of work. It maintains abstraction from the transaction implementation (JTA,JDBC).
For more information, visit the following links:
- [Hibernate Transaction Management Example](
- [Hibernate Transaction Management](
- [Hibernate Transaction](

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# Relationships
# Relationships
Using hibernate, if we want to have relationship between two entities, there must exist a foreign key relationship between the tables, we call it as Referential integrity. The main advantage of having relationship between objects is, we can do operation on one object, and the same operation can transfer onto the other object in the database.
Here are the four tyeps of relationships we can have between objects in Hibernate.
- One-To-One
- Many-To-One
- Many-To-Many
- One-To-Many
Visit the following links for more information:
- [Hibernate Relationships In Depth](
- [Guide to JPA with Hibernate - Relationship Mapping](
- [Hibernate Mapping](

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# Entity lifecycle
# Entity lifecycle
In Hibernate, we can either create a new object of an entity and store it into the database, or we can fetch the existing data of an entity from the database. These entity is connected with the lifecycle and each object of entity passes through the various stages of the lifecycle.
There are mainly four states of the Hibernate Lifecycle :
- Transient State
- Persistent State
- Detached State
- Removed State
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Hibernate Lifecycle](
- [Entity Lifecycle in Hibernate](
- [Hibernate Entity Lifecycle & and its state](

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# Hibernate
# Hibernate
Hibernate is a Java framework that provides an object-relational mapping to an object-oriented model to the relational database. It means hibernate provides from Java classes to database tables and also provides data querying and retrieval facility.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Difference Between Spring vs Hibernate](
- [Spring Boot – Integrating Hibernate and JPA](
- [Spring Hibernate Integration Example](

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# Spring data jpa
# Spring Data JPA
Spring Data JPA is a library that makes it easy to implement Java Persistence API (JPA) based repositories (a fancy word for "DAO") for Spring applications. It's an abstraction on top of JPA that allows you to use a simpler and more convenient API for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on databases. Spring Data JPA also provides additional functionality such as pagination, dynamic query generation, and more.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Spring Data JPA](
- [Introduction to Spring Data JPA](
- [Spring Data JPA Tutorial](

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# Spring data mongodb
# Spring Data Mongodb
Spring Data for MongoDB is part of the umbrella Spring Data project which aims to provide a familiar and consistent Spring-based programming model for new datastores while retaining store-specific features and capabilities
The Spring Data MongoDB project provides integration with the MongoDB document database. Key functional areas of Spring Data MongoDB are a POJO centric model for interacting with a MongoDB DBCollection and easily writing a Repository style data access layer.
For more resources on spring data mongodb, visit the following links:
- [Spring Data MongoDB](
- [Introduction to Spring Data MongoDB](
- [Spring Boot Integration with MongoDB Tutorial](

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# Spring data jdbc
# Spring Data JDBC
Spring Data JDBC is a part of the Spring Data project that provides support for using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to interact with relational databases. It is designed to provide a simple and consistent programming model for interacting with databases using JDBC, while still allowing for the full power of JDBC to be used if needed. Spring Data JDBC provides a set of abstraction and utility classes that simplify the task of working with databases, such as a simple template class for executing SQL queries, a repository abstraction for implementing data access objects (DAOs), and support for pagination and sorting of query results. It works with both Java and Kotlin.
Visit the following links for more resources on spring data jdbc:
- [Spring Data JDBC](
- [Spring Data JDBC - Reference Documentation](
- [Introduction to Spring Data JDBC](

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# Spring data
# Spring Data
Spring Data is a collection of projects for data access in Spring-based applications. It provides a common interface for working with various types of data stores, including relational databases, NoSQL data stores, and cloud-based data services. The goal of Spring Data is to simplify data access in Spring applications by providing a consistent, high-level repository programming model across different data stores and data access technologies. This can help developers write less boilerplate code and focus on business logic, while still being able to take advantage of the full power of the underlying data store.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Spring Data](
- [Spring Data – One API To Rule Them All?](
- [What is JPA, Spring Data and Spring Data JPA](

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# Spring cloud gateway
# Spring Cloud Gateway
Spring Cloud Gateway is a Spring Framework library for building API gateways. An API gateway is a service that acts as an intermediary between an application and a set of microservices. The API gateway is responsible for request routing, composition, and protocol translation, among other things. It can also perform tasks such as authentication, rate limiting, and caching.
Spring Cloud Gateway is built on top of the Spring Framework and Spring Boot, and it integrates with other Spring projects such as Spring Cloud Netflix and Spring Security. It provides a simple, yet powerful way to route and manage requests to microservices, allowing developers to focus on business logic instead of writing boilerplate code to handle common API gateway tasks.
Visit the following links for more resources:
- [What is Spring Cloud Gateway?](
- [Spring Cloud Gateway](
- [Exploring the New Spring Cloud Gateway](

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# Cloud config
# Cloud Config
Spring Cloud Config is a library for managing configuration properties for distributed applications. It allows developers to externalize configuration properties for an application, so that they can be easily changed without modifying the application's code. It also provides a centralized server for storing and managing configuration properties for multiple applications, making it easy to update and rollback configurations across different environments.
By using Spring Cloud Config, developers can have a centralized and consistent approach for managing the configuration properties of their microservices or distributed applications, making it easy to modify the properties without having to change the code, also it helps in maintaining different environment configuration easily.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Spring Cloud Config](
- [Quick Intro to Spring Cloud Configuration](
- [Spring Boot - Cloud Configuration Server](

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# Spring cloud circuit breaker
# Circuit Breaker
Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker is a library for managing the fault tolerance of microservices-based applications using the Circuit Breaker pattern. The Circuit Breaker pattern is a design pattern that helps to prevent cascading failures and improve the resilience of distributed systems. It does this by introducing a "circuit breaker" proxy in front of a service that can detect when the service is unresponsive or has failed, and stop routing traffic to it temporarily, in order to allow the service to recover.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker](
- [Quick Guide to Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker](
- [Spring Cloud - Circuit Breaker using Hystrix](

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# Spring cloud openfeign
# Spring Cloud OpenFeign
Spring Cloud OpenFeign is a library for creating declarative REST clients in Spring applications. It allows developers to easily make HTTP requests to other microservices or remote services, without having to manually write the low-level code to handle the requests and responses. OpenFeign is built on top of the OpenFeign declarative HTTP client, which is a simple, lightweight library for creating HTTP clients in Java.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Introduction to Spring Cloud OpenFeign](
- [Spring Cloud OpenFeign](
- [Simple Implementation of Spring Cloud OpenFeign](

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# Hystrix
# Hystrix
Spring Cloud Hystrix is a library for managing the fault tolerance of microservices-based applications using the Circuit Breaker pattern. It is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is inevitable. You can use it to easily instrument your code and monitor the health of your microservices using Spring Boot Actuator and Micrometer. It also provides a consistent programming model across different libraries, and allows developers to use annotations to enable circuit breaker functionality.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Spring Boot - Hystrix](
- [Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Clients](
- [Hystrix: Spring Cloud](

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# Sleuth
# Sleuth
Spring Cloud Sleuth is a library for distributed tracing in Spring-based applications. Distributed tracing is a technique that allows developers to track the flow of a request as it travels through a microservices-based application, in order to understand how the different components of the system are interacting and to identify and troubleshoot performance bottlenecks.
Spring Cloud Sleuth provides a simple, consistent way to add trace information to the requests flowing through a Spring-based application. It automatically adds trace information, such as trace and span IDs, to requests and responses, so that developers can easily correlate requests as they travel through the different services and components of their application.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Spring Cloud Sleuth](
- [Spring Cloud Sleuth in a Monolith Application](
- [Spring Cloud Tutorial](

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# Eureka
# Eureka
Spring Cloud Eureka is a library for service discovery in a microservices-based architecture. Service discovery is a technique that allows services to find and communicate with each other, without having to hardcode their addresses.
Eureka is a service registry that allows service instances to register themselves and to discover other services by name. It provides a simple, consistent way for services to find and communicate with each other, and it integrates with other Spring Cloud libraries such as Ribbon and Feign to provide load balancing and declarative REST clients.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Introduction to Spring Cloud Netflix – Eureka](
- [Spring Boot - Eureka Server](
- [Introducing Spring Cloud EUREKA](

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# Spring cloud
# Spring cloud
Spring Cloud is a collection of libraries and tools for building cloud-native applications using the Spring Framework. It provides a set of abstractions and implementations for common patterns and best practices used in cloud-based applications, such as service discovery, configuration management, and circuit breaker patterns, among others.
Spring Cloud is built on top of Spring Boot and Spring Framework, and it integrates with other Spring projects, as well as with popular open-source libraries and cloud-native technologies, such as Netflix Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix, and OpenFeign.
Spring Cloud provides several libraries and tools that developers can use to build cloud-native applications with microservices architecture, like :
- Spring Cloud Config, for managing configuration properties
- Spring Cloud Netflix, for integration with Netflix OSS libraries
- Spring Cloud Sleuth, for distributed tracing
- Spring Cloud OpenFeign, for declarative REST clients
- Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker, for implementing the Circuit Breaker pattern
- Spring Cloud Eureka, for service discovery
- Spring Cloud Zuul for API Gateway implementation.
By using Spring Cloud, developers can take advantage of the features and capabilities provided by the cloud-native technologies, while still being able to use the familiar Spring programming model and development tools. It helps developers to use cloud-native patterns and best practices in a consistent and easy-to-use way, allowing them to focus on business logic, while the Spring Cloud libraries handle the infrastructure-related aspects of building cloud-native applications.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Spring Cloud](
- [Spring Cloud Tutorial](
- [Spring Cloud – Bootstrapping](

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# Microservices
# Microservices
Spring Microservices is a framework that makes it easier to build and manage microservices-based applications using the Spring Framework. Microservices is an architectural style in which a large application is built as a collection of small, independently deployable services. Each service has a narrowly defined responsibility and communicates with other services through APIs.
For more resources, visit the following links:
- [Microservices with Spring](
- [Microservices Tutorial](
- [Microservices with Spring Boot ](

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# Servlet
# Servlet
A Spring servlet is a Java class that serves as the central point for handling requests and managing the lifecycle of the Spring IoC container. The Spring Framework provides a class called DispatcherServlet, which acts as the front controller in a Spring-based web application. When a user makes a request to a Spring web application, the DispatcherServlet is responsible for handling the request, delegating responsibility to other components, and ultimately returning a response to the user. The DispatcherServlet also manages the lifecycle of the Spring IoC container, including creating and initializing the container and making its beans available for use by other components in the application.
For more information, visit the following links:
- [DispatcherServlet and web.xml in Spring Boot](
- [The DispatcherServlet](
- [What is Dispatcher Servlet in Spring?](

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# Jsp files
# JSP Files
JSP (JavaServer Pages) is a technology for building dynamic web pages using Java.
In a Spring MVC application that uses JSPs, the view component of the MVC pattern is implemented using JSP files. The JSP files contain the presentation logic for the application and are responsible for generating the HTML that is sent to the client's web browser. When a user makes a request to a Spring MVC application, the DispatcherServlet, which acts as the front controller, handles the request and delegates responsibility for generating the response to the appropriate JSP file.
Visit the following links for more resources:
- [Spring MVC with JSP View](
- [Spring Boot With JavaServer Pages (JSP)](
- [Spring MVC: from JSP and Tiles to Thymeleaf](

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# Architecture
# Architecture
The Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a web application framework that is part of the Spring Framework. It is designed to make it easy to build web applications using the MVC design pattern.
For more resources, visit the following resources:
- [Spring MVC Tutorial](
- [Spring – MVC Framework](
- [Overview of Spring MVC Architecture](

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# Components
# Components
The Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework has several key components that work together to handle the requests and generate the appropriate responses in a web application. These components include:
- `DispatcherServlet`: This is the front controller of the Spring MVC architecture. It is responsible for handling incoming requests, delegating responsibility to other components, and ultimately returning a response to the user.
- `Controller`: Controllers handle the incoming requests, perform any necessary business logic on the Model, and then forward or redirect the request to the appropriate view.
- `Model`: The Model represents the data and the business logic of the application. It can be implemented using JavaBeans, POJOs, or other Java objects.
- `View`: The View is responsible for generating the HTML that is sent to the client's web browser. In Spring MVC, views are typically implemented using JSPs, but other view technologies such as Thymeleaf, FreeMarker, Velocity can also be used.
- `ViewResolver`: This is responsible for resolving views based on the request and configured view resolvers. It maps logical view names to actual views, such as JSPs or Thymeleaf templates.
- `Form Controllers`: These are special type of controllers that handle form submissions, and are responsible for data binding, validation and error handling.
- `HandlerMapping`: This maps requests to appropriate controllers, responsible for handling the requests.
- `HandlerAdapter`: This is used to handle the request and generate the response.
There are other supporting components that are used to manage the lifecycle of the application's objects, such as the Spring IoC container and different interceptors that provides additional functionality, such as caching and security.
For more information, visit the following links:
- [Spring Boot vs Spring MVC: How do They Compare?](
- [Spring MVC components](

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# Spring mvc
# Spring MVC
Spring MVC is a web application framework that is part of the Spring Framework. It is designed to make it easy to build web applications using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.
In Spring MVC, the application is divided into three main components: the Model, the View, and the Controller. The Model represents the data and the business logic of the application, the View is responsible for generating the HTML that is sent to the client's web browser, and the Controller acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View, handling incoming HTTP requests and generating the appropriate response.
For more information, visit the following links:
- [Spring MVC Tutorial](
- [Spring - MVC Framework](
- [Spring MVC Tutorial – Everything You Need To Know](

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# Jpa test
# JPA Test
Spring JPA (Java Persistence API) is a library that makes it easy to work with databases and other data stores in a Spring application. Spring JPA uses the Java Persistence API (JPA) to interact with databases and provides an abstraction layer to work with different data stores.
Testing in Spring JPA involves testing the application's persistence layer, which includes the entities, repositories and data access objects (DAOs) that interact with the database. Testing these components separately from the rest of the application helps ensure that the persistence layer is working correctly and that any issues can be identified and addressed without affecting the rest of the application.
There are several ways to test the persistence layer using Spring JPA. One way is to use in-memory databases, such as H2 or Derby, which can be used during testing to mimic the production database. This allows the tests to run quickly and eliminates the need to set up a separate test database. Another way is to use real databases and to use TestContainers to spin up a real instance of the database for testing purpose.
Spring Test module provides different annotations such as @DataJpaTest and @AutoConfigureTestDatabase that facilitates the testing of JPA specific functionality.
Additionally, Spring provides the JPA Testing Utilities, which provides a set of utility classes and annotations to test JPA-based persistence layer easily, such as `@DataJpaTest`, `@AutoConfigureTestDatabase`, and TestEntityManager classes. These utilities can be used to create, read, update, and delete entities, perform JPA queries, and interact with the database during the test.
Testing the persistence layer separately from the rest of the application allows to catch any issues early in the development process, making it easy to identify and fix bugs and improve the quality of the application.
Visit the following links for more information on JPA testing:
- [Testing JPA Queries with Spring Boot and @DataJpaTest](
- [@DataJpaTest example for Spring Data Repository Unit Test](
- [Testing in Spring Boot](

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# Mock mvc
# Mock MVC
Spring's MockMvc is a class that allows you to test Spring MVC controllers without the need for an actual web server. It is part of the Spring Test module, which provides a set of testing utilities for Spring applications.
For more information, visit the following link:
- [Spring MockMVC tutorial](
- [Spring Boot MockMVC Example](
- [Integration Testing in Spring](

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# Spring boot test annotation
# Spring boot test annotation
`@SpringBootTest` This annotation is used to create a fully-configured instance of the Spring ApplicationContext for testing. It can be used to test the application's components, including controllers, services, and repositories, in a real application environment.
For more information, visit the following links:
- [Testing with Spring Boot and @SpringBootTest](
- [Annotation Interface SpringBootTest](
- [Testing in Spring Boot](

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# Mockbean annotation
# Mockbean Annotation
`MockBean` is a Spring annotation that can be used to create a mock implementation of a bean in the Spring application context. When a test is annotated with MockBean, Spring creates a mock implementation of the specified bean and adds it to the application context. The mock bean can then be used to replace the real bean during testing.
For more information, visit the following links:
- [Mockito.mock() vs @Mock vs @MockBean](
- [Spring Boot @MockBean Example](
- [Annotation Interface MockBean](

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# Testing
# Testing
Spring provides a set of testing utilities that make it easy to test the various components of a Spring application, including controllers, services, repositories, and other components. It has a rich set of testing annotations, utility classes and other features to aid in unit testing, integration testing and more.
For more information, visit the following links:
- [Spring Testing](
- [What Is Spring Testing?](
- [Complete Guide To Spring Testing](