Merge branch 'master' of

Kamran Ahmed 3 years ago
commit 8d5e331053
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  3. 6
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  5. 13
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  11. 17

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# Learn a Language # Learn a Language
It doesn't matter what language you pick, but it is important to learn at least one. You will be able to use that language write automation scripts. It doesn't matter what language you pick, but it is important to learn at least one. You will be able to use that language to write automation scripts.

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# Observable pattern # Observable Pattern
The observer pattern is a software design pattern in which an object, named the subject, maintains a list of its dependents, called observers, and notifies them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods.
Angular uses the Observer pattern which simply means — Observable objects are registered, and other objects observe (in Angular using the subscribe method) them and take action when the observable object is acted on in some way.
<ResourceGroupTitle>Free Content</ResourceGroupTitle>
<BadgeLink badgeText='Read' colorScheme='yellow' href=''>Angular and Observable</BadgeLink>

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# Rxjs basics # RxJS Basics
Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, or RxJS, is a reactive library used to implement reactive programming to deal with async implementation, callbacks, and event-based programs.
The reactive paradigm can be used in many different languages through the use of reactive libraries. These libraries are downloaded APIs that provide functionalities for reactive tools like observers and operators. It can be used in your browser or with Node.js.

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# Templates # Templates
A template is a form of HTML that tells Angular how to render the component.
<BadgeLink href="" colorScheme="yellow" badgeText="Read">Introduction to Components and Templates</BadgeLink>

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# Guards # Route Guards
Angular route guards are interfaces provided by Angular which, when implemented, allow us to control the accessibility of a route based on conditions provided in class implementation of that interface.
Some types of angular guards are `CanActivate`, `CanActivateChild`, `CanLoad`, `CanDeactivate` and `Resolve`.
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Angular Official Website</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Can Activate Guard</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Can Activate Child</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Can Deactivate</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Angular Can Load</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Can Match</BadgeLink>

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# Nodejs working with files # Working with Files
You can programmatically manipulate files in Node.js with the built-in `fs` module. The name is short for “file system,” and the module contains all the functions you need to read, write, and delete files on the local machine.
<ResourceGroupTitle>Free Content</ResourceGroupTitle>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='yellow' badgeText='Read' href=''>How To Work with Files using the fs Module in Node.js</BadgeLink>

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# Process stdin # Process stdin
The process.stdin is a standard Readable stream which listens for user input and is accessible via the process module. It uses on() function to listen for input events.
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<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Official Documentation</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='yellow' badgeText='Read' href=''>Node.js process.stdin Property</BadgeLink>

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# Prompts # Prompts
Prompts is a higher level and user friendly interface built on top of Node.js's inbuilt `Readline` module. It supports different type of prompts such as text, password, autocomplete, date, etc. It is an interactive module and comes with inbuilt validation support.
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<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Official Documentation</BadgeLink>

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# Inquirer # Inquirer
Inquirer.js is a collection of common interactive command line interfaces for taking inputs from user. It is promise based and supports chaining series of prompt questions together.
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<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Official Documentation</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink badgeText='Watch' href=''>How to make a CLI in Node.js with Inquirer</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='yellow' badgeText='Read' href=''>How To Create Interactive Command-line Prompts with Inquirer.js</BadgeLink>

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# Express.js # Express.js
Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features to build web applications and APIs. Express is a node js web application framework that provides broad features for building web and mobile applications. It is used to build a single page, multipage, and hybrid web application.
<ResourceGroupTitle>Free Content</ResourceGroupTitle> <ResourceGroupTitle>Free Content</ResourceGroupTitle>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Express.js Official Website</BadgeLink> <BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Express.js Official Website</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Getting Started' href=''>Official Getting Started Guide</BadgeLink> <BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Getting Started' href=''>Official Getting Started Guide</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Full Guide' href=''>Express Full Guide</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Project' href=''>Sample Project</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Explanation' href=''>Express Explained with Examples</BadgeLink>

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# Nodejs streams # Nodejs streams
Streams are a type of data handling methods and are used to read, write or transform chunks of data piece by piece without keeping it in memory all at once. There are four types of streams in Node.js.
- **Readable**: streams from which data can be read.
- **Writable**: streams to which we can write data.
- **Duplex**: streams that are both Readable and Writable.
- **Transform**: streams that can modify or transform the data as it is written and read.
Multiple streams can be chained together using `pipe()` method.
<ResourceGroupTitle>Free Content</ResourceGroupTitle>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='blue' badgeText='Official Website' href=''>Stream API Official Documentation</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink badgeText='Watch' href=''>Node.js Streams tutorial</BadgeLink>
<BadgeLink colorScheme='yellow' badgeText='Read' href=''>Understanding Streams in Node.js</BadgeLink>
