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a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/105-manage-your-testing/106-xray.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -# xRay - -Xray is a complete Test Management tool for Jira. It is a full-featured app that does not require any other software in order to run. -Xray supports the entire testing life cycle: test planning, test design, test execution and test reporting. Xray does this by using special Jira issue types, so you can use all Jira benefits that you are used to. -Jira's aim is to help you improve the quality of your systems through effective and efficient testing. That's why from its first version, Xray already supports both manual and automated tests, including full support for BDD framework (e.g. Cucumber, SpecFlow, Serenity BDD) examples/tests in the native language (i.e., English). - -Visit the following resources to learn more: - -- [@article@xRay - Getting Started](https://docs.getxray.app/display/XRAY/Getting+started) diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/102-qa-manual-testing/103-reporting.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/102-qa-manual-testing/103-reporting.md deleted file mode 100644 index f2b48745c..000000000 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/102-qa-manual-testing/103-reporting.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -# Reporting - -Communicating the QA and testing team outputs can be interpreted in several different ways. Having a solid reporting stream is very essential for all the decisions that a stakeholder/manager can take. - -Visit the following resources to learn more: - -- [@article@Defect Management Process in Software Testing](https://www.guru99.com/defect-management-process.html) -- [@article@Writing clear bug reports](https://automationhacks.io/2020/07/25/writing-clear-bug-reports/) -- [@article@The Art Of The Bug Report](https://www.ministryoftesting.com/articles/11b82aee?s_id=15465627) diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/100-basic-introduction/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/100-basic-introduction/index.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0ef805c75..000000000 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/100-basic-introduction/index.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -# Basic Introduction - -Front End Testing is a testing technique in which Graphical User Interface (GUI), functionality and usability of web applications or a software are tested. The goal of Front end testing is testing overall functionalities to ensure the presentation layer of web applications or a software is defect free with successive updates. - -Visit the following resources to learn more: - -- [@article@What is Front End Testing?](https://www.guru99.com/frontend-testing.html) diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/101-browser-addons.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/101-browser-addons.md deleted file mode 100644 index ed19df517..000000000 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/101-browser-addons.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -# Browser Addons - -With website and app users expecting flawless software, spiffy updates and market-best features that keep getting better, software testers have their hands full, pretty much on a daily basis. Day-to-day QA operations go a lot smoother when testers have appropriate tools at hand. - -Given that Chrome is the undisputed market leader in web browsers, it’s safe to assume that a large number of QAs are using Chrome for their work. Turns out, there are certain Chrome extensions that can actually help QAs work faster and more efficiently. - -Visit the following resources to learn more: - -- [@article@8 Browser Plugins for Testing](https://blog.gurock.com/browser-plugins-for-testing/) -- [@article@15 Best Chrome Extensions for Software Testers](https://www.softwaretestingmaterial.com/chrome-extensions-for-software-testers/) diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/index.md deleted file mode 100644 index bdb255f1d..000000000 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/index.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -# Automation Frameworks - -A Test Automation Framework is a set of guidelines like coding standards, test-data handling, object repository treatment, etc… which when followed during automation scripting produces beneficial outcomes like increased code re-usage, higher portability or reduced script maintenance cost. - -Visit the following resources to learn more: - -- [@article@Test Automation Framework: What is, Architecture & Types](https://www.guru99.com/test-automation-framework.html) -- [@article@Popular Test Automation Frameworks](https://www.browserstack.com/guide/best-test-automation-frameworks) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about Automation](https://app.daily.dev/tags/automation?ref=roadmapsh) diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/103-check-my-links.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/103-check-my-links.md deleted file mode 100644 index b52c94e97..000000000 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/103-check-my-links.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -# Check My Links - -Check My Links is a link checker that crawls through your website and looks for broken links. It's an extension developed primarily for web designers, developers, and content editors. - -Visit the following resource to learn more: - -- [@opensource@Check My Links Official Docs](https://github.com/PageModifiedOfficial/Check-My-Links) diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/index.md deleted file mode 100644 index c20c5272e..000000000 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/index.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -# Automated Testing - -Automation Testing is a software testing technique that performs using special automated testing software tools to execute a test case suite. On the contrary, Manual Testing is performed by a human sitting in front of a computer carefully executing the test steps. - -Automated testing is the application of software tools to automate a human-driven manual process of reviewing and validating a software product. Most modern agile and DevOps software projects now include automated testing from inception. To fully appreciate the value of automated testing, however, it helps to understand what life was like before it was widely adopted. - -Visit the following resources to learn more: - -- [@article@What is Automated Testing?](https://www.atlassian.com/continuous-delivery/software-testing/automated-testing) -- [@article@Testing Pyramid](https://www.browserstack.com/guide/testing-pyramid-for-test-automation) -- [@article@Learning Path with different programming language](https://testautomationu.applitools.com/learningpaths.html) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about QA](https://app.daily.dev/tags/qa?ref=roadmapsh) diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/index.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4a9c199a2..000000000 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/index.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -# Non Functional Testing - -In the process of Software testing, testing and analyzing only software’s functions doesn't complete the testing process. There are some other attributes which will demonstrate the entire software quality, they are known as quality characteristics. These characteristics include performance, security, usability, and reliability. Also not testing and analyzing the report of these characteristics will not affect the function of software, it will work to a degree of extent, but testing of these quality characteristics are referred to as QA non-functional testing. diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/101-non-functional-testing/accessibility-testing.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/accessibility-testing@zGzpjxz3nvVH9Eu3NOPbk.md similarity index 94% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/101-non-functional-testing/accessibility-testing.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/accessibility-testing@zGzpjxz3nvVH9Eu3NOPbk.md index 69a9fbd6e..f77262809 100644 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/101-non-functional-testing/accessibility-testing.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/accessibility-testing@zGzpjxz3nvVH9Eu3NOPbk.md @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ Visit the following resources to learn more: - [@article@What is Accessibility Testing? (Examples)](https://www.guru99.com/accessibility-testing.html) - [@article@Accessibility Testing Tutorial (Step By Step Guide)](https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/what-is-web-accessibility-testing/) - [@article@IBM Accessibility Toolkit](https://www.ibm.com/able/) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about Accessibility](https://app.daily.dev/tags/accessibility?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about Accessibility](https://app.daily.dev/tags/accessibility?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/101-accessibility-testing/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/accessibility-tests@mmDIqSD6MU3ZhWREGI5E2.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/101-accessibility-testing/index.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/accessibility-tests@mmDIqSD6MU3ZhWREGI5E2.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/101-qa-sdlc/102-agile-model/index.md 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SSG](https://medium.com/@prashantramnyc/server-side-rendering-ssr-vs-client-side-rendering-csr-vs-pre-rendering-using-static-site-89f2d05182ef) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about Web Development](https://app.daily.dev/tags/webdev?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about Web Development](https://app.daily.dev/tags/webdev?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/102-backend-automation/101-cypress.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/cypress@5cMhZ-7YMQ6ccs-AaIi-0.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/102-backend-automation/101-cypress.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/cypress@5cMhZ-7YMQ6ccs-AaIi-0.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/111-qa-headless-testing/103-cypress.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/cypress@D7zGshmgwqWluF-W7OTWe.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/111-qa-headless-testing/103-cypress.md rename to 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learn more: - [@article@W3Schools: Learn HTML](https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro.asp) - [@article@W3Schools — Learn CSS](https://www.w3schools.com/css/) - [@article@W3Schools – JavaScript Tutorial](https://www.w3schools.com/js/) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about CSS](https://app.daily.dev/tags/css?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about CSS](https://app.daily.dev/tags/css?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/111-qa-headless-testing/106-html-unit.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/html-unit@-Sf7DLr8Ywoorrmsx3bfd.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/111-qa-headless-testing/106-html-unit.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/html-unit@-Sf7DLr8Ywoorrmsx3bfd.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/100-functional-testing/integration-testing.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/integration-testing@a_vwz-onn6QEoc27N6oBc.md similarity index 95% rename from 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a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/jasmine.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/jasmine@HP55XWH18THmCNjCq-gBl.md similarity index 91% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/jasmine.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/jasmine@HP55XWH18THmCNjCq-gBl.md index 56bfd0b84..24ba9f676 100644 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/jasmine.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/jasmine@HP55XWH18THmCNjCq-gBl.md @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ Visit the following resources to learn more: - [@article@Jasmines Official Website](https://jasmine.github.io/) - [@article@Easy and Practical example of Angular testing with Jasmine](https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/testing-components-in-angular-2-with-jasmine) -- [@article@Starting with Jasmine from Scratch](https://www.testim.io/blog/jasmine-js-a-from-scratch-tutorial-to-start-testing) +- [@article@Starting with Jasmine from Scratch](https://www.testim.io/blog/jasmine-js-a-from-scratch-tutorial-to-start-testing) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/110-qa-ci-cd/100-jenkins.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/jenkins@3l2dkN1vBy9johFhAgZhT.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/110-qa-ci-cd/100-jenkins.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/jenkins@3l2dkN1vBy9johFhAgZhT.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/jest.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/jest@ZeJSeYs8fkZLQ-Pc3TqEM.md similarity index 95% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/jest.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/jest@ZeJSeYs8fkZLQ-Pc3TqEM.md index 13ea49246..956972d66 100644 --- 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Testing](https://app.daily.dev/tags/load-testing?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/100-load-and-performance-testing/102-locust.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/locust@QjAJIfSQe7WjbyYdGWSP8.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/100-load-and-performance-testing/102-locust.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/locust@QjAJIfSQe7WjbyYdGWSP8.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/105-qa-email-testing/100-mailinator.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/mailinator@rFjtp3-cnaUmHiKfjPZBn.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/105-qa-email-testing/100-mailinator.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/mailinator@rFjtp3-cnaUmHiKfjPZBn.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/105-manage-your-testing/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/manage-your-testing@pH9h2tjO6raO_g4W8EgKq.md similarity index 100% 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index 917377b5f..228462158 100644 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/nightwatch.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/nightwatch@Ta1leBdu-Y9LryB-0U-CT.md @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Nightwatch.js is an open-source automated testing framework that is powered by N Visit the following resources to learn more: - [@article@Nightwatch.js Website](https://nightwatchjs.org/) -- [@article@NightwatchJS Tutorial: Get Started with Automation Testing](https://www.browserstack.com/guide/nightwatch-framework-tutorial) +- [@article@NightwatchJS Tutorial: Get Started with Automation Testing](https://www.browserstack.com/guide/nightwatch-framework-tutorial) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/101-non-functional-testing/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/non-functional-testing@vYIEsjTKoO1ciypGIDlil.md similarity index 100% rename from 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Performance](https://app.daily.dev/tags/performance?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about Performance](https://app.daily.dev/tags/performance?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/111-qa-headless-testing/101-playwright.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/playwright@0TUq4KRbWTLsLuYI9sgi0.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/111-qa-headless-testing/101-playwright.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/playwright@0TUq4KRbWTLsLuYI9sgi0.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/playwright.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/playwright@CHqfXjRRdS_c6XMnfVVx-.md similarity index 94% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/playwright.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/playwright@CHqfXjRRdS_c6XMnfVVx-.md index a397ca93b..a034aa1bc 100644 --- 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library for automating web browsers built by Microsoft, similar to Selenium, it's commonly used for testing web applications. It's built on top of the .NET Core runtime and it provides bindings for C#, it allows developers to write tests for web applications in C# or other .NET languages. Playwright is designed to be fast and reliable and allows developers to run tests in multiple browsers. + +To learn more, visit the following: + +- [@opensource@Playwright for .NET](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright-dotnet) +- [@article@How to test Apps with Playwright and .NETs](https://www.twilio.com/blog/test-web-apps-with-playwright-and-csharp-dotnet) +- [@article@End-to-End Tests With ASP.NET and Playwright](https://khalidabuhakmeh.com/end-to-end-test-with-aspnet-core-xunit-and-playwright) diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/102-backend-automation/103-postman-newman.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/postman--newman@X_nLwzc1QmShivEjfy6v9.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/102-backend-automation/103-postman-newman.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/postman--newman@X_nLwzc1QmShivEjfy6v9.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/106-project-management/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/project-management@ZqgeqqZTGA-y7jVNyPCt4.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/106-project-management/index.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/project-management@ZqgeqqZTGA-y7jVNyPCt4.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/puppeteer.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/puppeteer@YKHlLKIlL-Y4ZtHTLfApu.md similarity index 94% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/puppeteer.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/puppeteer@YKHlLKIlL-Y4ZtHTLfApu.md index 97bd6e328..3453aef55 100644 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/puppeteer.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/puppeteer@YKHlLKIlL-Y4ZtHTLfApu.md @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ Visit the following resources to learn more: - [@article@Puppetter](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/puppeteer/) - [@article@Puppetter Tutorial](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-use-puppeteer-with-nodejs/) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about Crawling](https://app.daily.dev/tags/crawling?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about Crawling](https://app.daily.dev/tags/crawling?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/111-qa-headless-testing/102-puppeteer.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/puppeteer@sHyFCf7XQKxGxchaYxp2B.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/111-qa-headless-testing/102-puppeteer.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/puppeteer@sHyFCf7XQKxGxchaYxp2B.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/qa-wolf.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/qa-wolf@414xO4PX9rU0f39aC7awu.md similarity index 96% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/qa-wolf.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/qa-wolf@414xO4PX9rU0f39aC7awu.md index ccf2844de..8cb5b0d53 100644 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/qa-wolf.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/qa-wolf@414xO4PX9rU0f39aC7awu.md @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Visit the following resources to learn more: - [@article@QA Wolf Official Docs](https://app.qawolf.com/docs/why-qa-wolf) - [@article@Getting started with QA Wolf](https://app.qawolf.com/docs/create-a-test) - [@video@QA Wolf Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRxVu0De-4k\&list=PL33T95M59Kkg1zKCU5NHc2g2XYXOs3-DU) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about QA](https://app.daily.dev/tags/qa?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about QA](https://app.daily.dev/tags/qa?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/105-manage-your-testing/100-qtest.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/qtest@FE_Wp2RPWFDHNaQIBLqH6.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/105-manage-your-testing/100-qtest.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/qtest@FE_Wp2RPWFDHNaQIBLqH6.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/100-functional-testing/regression-testing.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/regression-testing@XCeXiKvBblmDArfbWjDvw.md similarity index 95% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/100-functional-testing/regression-testing.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/regression-testing@XCeXiKvBblmDArfbWjDvw.md index fa2374134..935a4c199 100644 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/100-functional-testing/regression-testing.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/regression-testing@XCeXiKvBblmDArfbWjDvw.md @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ Visit the following resources to learn more: - [@article@Regression Testing](https://www.javatpoint.com/regression-testing) - [@article@What is Regression Testing with Test Cases](https://www.guru99.com/regression-testing.html) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about Testing](https://app.daily.dev/tags/testing?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about Testing](https://app.daily.dev/tags/testing?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/109-qa-repo-hosting-services/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/repo-hosting-services@XoYsStVqfMeCHkGBlbRhD.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/109-qa-repo-hosting-services/index.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/repo-hosting-services@XoYsStVqfMeCHkGBlbRhD.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/106-qa-reporting/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/reporting@MyAAsHteSr4JCPEpqjsy9.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/106-qa-reporting/index.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/reporting@MyAAsHteSr4JCPEpqjsy9.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/100-basic-introduction/responsive-vs-adaptive.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/responsive-vs-adaptive@6cGPxfJ9ipij40hnmckxV.md similarity index 98% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/100-basic-introduction/responsive-vs-adaptive.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/responsive-vs-adaptive@6cGPxfJ9ipij40hnmckxV.md index c73124f41..324cb3251 100644 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/100-basic-introduction/responsive-vs-adaptive.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/responsive-vs-adaptive@6cGPxfJ9ipij40hnmckxV.md @@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ Responsive design does not offer as much control as adaptive, but takes much les In adaptive design, a different website layout is created for each device's screen. As it loads, the site recognizes the size of the screen and serves up the layout that was made for that viewport. In fact, you can create a different user experience for each of six common screen sizes from very small to very large: 320px, 480px, 760px, 960px, 1200px and 1600px. -Adaptive is useful for retrofitting an existing site in order to make it more suitable for mobile phones. This allows you to take control of the design and web development for specific, multiple viewports. The number of viewports that you choose to design for is entirely up to you, your company, and your overall budget. It does, however, afford you a certain amount of control (for example over content and layout) that you will not necessarily have using responsive design. +Adaptive is useful for retrofitting an existing site in order to make it more suitable for mobile phones. This allows you to take control of the design and web development for specific, multiple viewports. The number of viewports that you choose to design for is entirely up to you, your company, and your overall budget. It does, however, afford you a certain amount of control (for example over content and layout) that you will not necessarily have using responsive design. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/102-backend-automation/104-rest-assured.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/rest-assured@gECIgOii7C5MzilSbQP9t.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/102-backend-automation/104-rest-assured.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/rest-assured@gECIgOii7C5MzilSbQP9t.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/robot-framework.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/robot@nf76o_NYm0-pSIVBFm7IH.md similarity index 92% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/robot-framework.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/robot@nf76o_NYm0-pSIVBFm7IH.md index 51104fee6..4cc871f96 100644 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/102-automation-frameworks/robot-framework.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/robot@nf76o_NYm0-pSIVBFm7IH.md @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Visit the following resources to learn more: - [@official@Robot Framework Official Website](https://robotframework.org/) - [@official@Robot Framework Official User Guide](https://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html) -- [@article@Basic Step-by-step Robot Framework tutorial](https://medium.com/swlh/robot-framework-the-basics-dfeadc025bea) +- [@article@Basic Step-by-step Robot Framework tutorial](https://medium.com/swlh/robot-framework-the-basics-dfeadc025bea) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/107-qa-monitoring-logs/102-run-scope.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/runscope@iceaqeXRYXoGtagWn_B7b.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/107-qa-monitoring-logs/102-run-scope.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/runscope@iceaqeXRYXoGtagWn_B7b.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/101-qa-sdlc/102-agile-model/102-safe.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/safe@Tdj051ANlwwpo03X1hjbF.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/101-qa-sdlc/102-agile-model/102-safe.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/safe@Tdj051ANlwwpo03X1hjbF.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/100-functional-testing/sanity-testing.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/sanity-testing@Lve3xpC1FU91TQqoDOYv7.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/100-functional-testing/sanity-testing.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/sanity-testing@Lve3xpC1FU91TQqoDOYv7.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/101-qa-sdlc/102-agile-model/101-scrum.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/scrum@k3xPwDzA1WUEAwJ6-Q8PW.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/101-qa-sdlc/102-agile-model/101-scrum.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/scrum@k3xPwDzA1WUEAwJ6-Q8PW.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/101-qa-sdlc/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/sdlc-delivery-model@Pb3QkhSCgRByJHuPxVAlU.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/101-qa-sdlc/index.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/sdlc-delivery-model@Pb3QkhSCgRByJHuPxVAlU.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/102-security-testing/104-secrets-management.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/secrets-management@YV6ST78AH4J0i2Rw9zhZj.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/102-security-testing/104-secrets-management.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/secrets-management@YV6ST78AH4J0i2Rw9zhZj.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/101-non-functional-testing/security-testing.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/security-testing@MahtxMJD3ETHfgk_PQabQ.md similarity index 96% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/101-non-functional-testing/security-testing.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/security-testing@MahtxMJD3ETHfgk_PQabQ.md index 7a46665c2..3a477e109 100644 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/101-non-functional-testing/security-testing.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/security-testing@MahtxMJD3ETHfgk_PQabQ.md @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ Visit the following resources to learn more: - [@article@What is Security Testing? Types with Example](https://www.guru99.com/what-is-security-testing.html) - [@article@Security Testing: Types, Tools, and Best Practices](https://brightsec.com/blog/security-testing/) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about Security](https://app.daily.dev/tags/security?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about Security](https://app.daily.dev/tags/security?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/102-security-testing/index.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/security-testing@wsJXMvRbOTh_VXKhmhPmQ.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/102-security-testing/index.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/security-testing@wsJXMvRbOTh_VXKhmhPmQ.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/100-selenium-ide.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/selenium-ide@_3HfVT8IDlcgvUM4h6A0_.md similarity index 100% rename from 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Tutorial](https://www.browserstack.com/selenium) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about Selenium](https://app.daily.dev/tags/selenium?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about Selenium](https://app.daily.dev/tags/selenium?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/107-qa-monitoring-logs/103-sentry.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/sentry@H-2wWlKxD_Q1xVv99GlBj.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/107-qa-monitoring-logs/103-sentry.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/sentry@H-2wWlKxD_Q1xVv99GlBj.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/100-functional-testing/smoke-testing.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/smoke-testing@MVShii4LZiWW_gPTJzkty.md similarity index 94% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/100-functional-testing/smoke-testing.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/smoke-testing@MVShii4LZiWW_gPTJzkty.md index 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Testing](https://app.daily.dev/tags/testing?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about Testing](https://app.daily.dev/tags/testing?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/100-basic-introduction/swas-pwas-jamstack.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/swas-pwas-jamstack@_2IwBNhB5SqbPRxGhZyhq.md similarity index 96% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/100-basic-introduction/swas-pwas-jamstack.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/swas-pwas-jamstack@_2IwBNhB5SqbPRxGhZyhq.md index 1411a5442..8846f98c3 100644 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/100-frontend-automation/100-basic-introduction/swas-pwas-jamstack.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/swas-pwas-jamstack@_2IwBNhB5SqbPRxGhZyhq.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# SWAs, PWAs and Jamstack +# SWAs, PWAs and JAMstack ## SWAs @@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ Visit the following resources to learn more: - [@article@SWA](https://www.staticapps.org/) - [@article@PWA](https://web.dev/progressive-web-apps/) - [@official@Jamstack](https://jamstack.org/) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about JAMstack](https://app.daily.dev/tags/jamstack?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about JAMstack](https://app.daily.dev/tags/jamstack?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/102-qa-manual-testing/100-tdd.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/tdd@M78baCVYpsk7C6j-VPvPZ.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/102-qa-manual-testing/100-tdd.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/tdd@M78baCVYpsk7C6j-VPvPZ.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/110-qa-ci-cd/106-team-city.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/teamcity@k3TBVtepeQEGzKGceDkPJ.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/110-qa-ci-cd/106-team-city.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/teamcity@k3TBVtepeQEGzKGceDkPJ.md diff --git 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(UAT)?](https://www.guru99.com/user-acceptance-testing.html) -- [@video@How to plan your UAT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU8SV7091-s) +- [@video@How to plan your UAT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU8SV7091-s) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/100-functional-testing/unit-testing.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/unit-testing@PMO3M33U6RuvNdINvqIAA.md similarity index 95% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/100-functional-testing/unit-testing.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/unit-testing@PMO3M33U6RuvNdINvqIAA.md index 557661546..5b395b83a 100644 --- a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/100-qa-basics/107-testing-techniques/100-functional-testing/unit-testing.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/unit-testing@PMO3M33U6RuvNdINvqIAA.md @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ Visit the following resources to learn more: - [@article@Unit Testing Tutorial](https://www.guru99.com/unit-testing-guide.html) - [@video@What is Unit Testing?](https://youtu.be/3kzHmaeozDI) -- [@feed@Explore top posts about Testing](https://app.daily.dev/tags/testing?ref=roadmapsh) +- [@feed@Explore top posts about Testing](https://app.daily.dev/tags/testing?ref=roadmapsh) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/101-qa-sdlc/101-v-model.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/v-model@zELjfWwfEYSc1YO8JLoJn.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/101-qa-sdlc/101-v-model.md rename to src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/v-model@zELjfWwfEYSc1YO8JLoJn.md diff --git a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/100-load-and-performance-testing/100-vegeta.md b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/vegeta@LGZlOPNYQp0O_vapnciEI.md similarity index 100% rename from src/data/roadmaps/qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/100-load-and-performance-testing/100-vegeta.md rename to 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a/src/data/roadmaps/qa/qa.md +++ b/src/data/roadmaps/qa/qa.md @@ -8,9 +8,10 @@ title: 'QA Engineer' description: 'Steps to follow in order to become a modern QA Engineer in 2024' isNew: false hasTopics: true +renderer: 'editor' dimensions: width: 968 - height: 2107.75 + height: 2450 schema: headline: 'QA Engineer Roadmap' description: 'Learn to become a QA Engineer with this interactive step by step guide in 2024. We also have resources and short descriptions attached to the roadmap items so you can get everything you want to learn in one place.' diff --git a/src/lib/resource-progress.ts b/src/lib/resource-progress.ts index bae45aae7..e30c742cf 100644 --- a/src/lib/resource-progress.ts +++ b/src/lib/resource-progress.ts @@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ export function clearMigratedRoadmapProgress( 'ai-data-scientist', 'postgresql-dba', 'blockchain', + 'qa', ]; if (!migratedRoadmaps.includes(resourceId)) { @@ -391,7 +392,7 @@ export function refreshProgressCounters() { '[data-group-id^="check:"].done', ).length; const totalCheckBoxes2Done = document.querySelectorAll( - '[data-type="todo-checkbox"].done', + '[data-type="todo-checkbox"].done', ).length; const totalCheckBoxesLearning = document.querySelectorAll( '[data-group-id^="check:"].learning', @@ -417,7 +418,9 @@ export function refreshProgressCounters() { '.clickable-group.done:not([data-group-id^="ext_link:"])', '[data-node-id].done', // All data-node-id=*.done elements are custom roadmap nodes '[data-id].done', // All data-id=*.done elements are custom roadmap nodes - ]).length - totalCheckBoxesDone - totalCheckBoxes2Done; + ]).length - + totalCheckBoxesDone - + totalCheckBoxes2Done; const totalLearning = getMatchingElements([ '.clickable-group.learning',