Merge branch 'feat/course' of into feat/course

Arik Chakma 3 months ago
commit 9df6404556
  1. 6
  2. 12
  3. 121

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Different databases have different data types, but all the database support some
| Data Type | Description |
| --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| `INT` | Whole numbers without decimal points e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc. |
| `INTEGER` | Whole numbers without decimal points e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc. |
| `FLOAT` | Numbers with decimal points e.g. 1.99, 2.99, 3.99, etc. |
| `DOUBLE` | Like `FLOAT` but with more precision e.g. 1.79769313486231 |
| `VARCHAR` | Max 255 characters long string of text e.g. 'Hello, World!' |
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ Here is the type of data that can be stored in each column:
| Column | Type | Description |
| ----------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `id` | `INT` | Non-decimal numbers e.g. `1`, `2`, `3`, etc. |
| `id` | `INTEGER` | Non-decimal numbers e.g. `1`, `2`, `3`, etc. |
| `name` | `VARCHAR` | Text of varying length (maximum 250 characters) e.g. `John Doe`, `Bob Smith` |
| `age` | `INT` | Non-decimal numbers e.g. `19`, `22`, `30`, etc. |
| `age` | `INTEGER` | Non-decimal numbers e.g. `19`, `22`, `30`, etc. |
| `weight` | `FLOAT` | Decimal numbers e.g. `73.99`, `65`, `92.06`, etc. |
| `is_active` | `BOOLEAN` | Whether the user is active e.g. `True` or `False` |

@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ While SQLite supports standard SQL, it differs from other databases in how it ha
### Dynamic Typing in SQLite
SQLite uses dynamic typing, meaning it doesn’t strictly enforce data types on columns. This allows storing any value, like a string, in an `INT` column which is something not allowed in databases with static typing, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL.
SQLite uses dynamic typing, meaning it doesn’t strictly enforce data types on columns. This allows storing any value, like a string, in an `INTEGER` column which is something not allowed in databases with static typing, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL.
For example, the SQL statement below is perfectly valid in SQLite:
id INT,
name VARCHAR(255),
age INT
-- Although the `age` column is `INT`, it can
-- Although the `age` column is `INTEGER`, it can
-- store a string because of dynamic typing.
INSERT INTO users (id, name, age)
VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 'Twenty Five');
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ For more details, check the [SQLite data types](
### Static Typing in Other Databases
Databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL use static typing, which enforces data types when columns are created. This means a column defined as `INT` can only store numeric values, not strings.
Databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL use static typing, which enforces data types when columns are created. This means a column defined as `INTEGER` can only store numeric values, not strings.
If we run the above example in MySQL we will get an error:
@ -56,6 +56,4 @@ If we run the above example in MySQL we will get an error:
ERROR 1366 (HY000) at line 9: Incorrect integer value: 'Twenty Five' for column 'age' at row 1
Since SQLite has different typing rules compared to other databases, I would recommend using an online service like [SQLFiddle]( or [DB Fiddle]( to test out the examples in the next two lessons about data types.

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: More on Data Types
description: Learn about common data types in SQL.
order: 130
type: lesson-challenge
type: lesson
As we discussed in the previous lesson, there are following four basic categories of data types in SQL:
@ -14,13 +14,116 @@ As we discussed in the previous lesson, there are following four basic categorie
| Character | Used for storing text values |
| Boolean | Used for storing boolean values |
We only covered some basic data types for each i.e.
In our previous lesson we only covered some basic data types for each category. We also did not go into the details of how much space each data type takes up in the database.
| Category | Data Types |
| --------- | ------------------------ |
| Numeric | `INT`, `FLOAT`, `DOUBLE` |
| Character | `CHAR`, `VARCHAR` |
| Temporal | `DATE` |
| Boolean | `BOOLEAN` |
In this lesson we will go into more details about each data type and look at some other standard SQL data types.
In this lesson we will dive a bit deeper into each of these data types and cover some more advanced data types supported by MySQL (all of which have their equivalents in other databases as well).
## Numeric Data Types
Numeric data types are used to store numerical values. They can be further categorized into two types:
| Category | Description |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Exact | Numbers that can be represented and retrieved exactly from the database |
| Approximate | Numbers that are not exact and can be represented approximately in the database |
It might be confusing to understand the difference between exact and approximate numbers at first. I will try to explain it in a simple way and hopefully make it clear by the end of this lesson.
> As a developer, you will mostly be dealing with exact numbers, so don't worry too much about approximate numbers for now.
### Exact Numerics
Exact numbers that can be represented exactly in the database i.e. what you store in the database is exactly what you get back when you retrieve it.
They can be further categorized into two types:
| Category | Description |
| -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| Integer | Numbers without any fractional part e.g. `112`, `283`, etc. |
| Decimal | Numbers with fractional parts e.g. `112.34`, `283.01` etc. |
Let's look at the data types in each category.
### Integers
Integers are whole numbers without any fractional part e.g. `112`, `283`, `118`, etc. In standard SQL, there are three integer data types each with different storage space and range of values it can store.
| Type | Storage | Min and Max Values it can store |
| ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `INTEGER` | 4 bytes | From `-2,147,483,648` to `2,147,483,647` |
| `BIGINT` | 8 bytes | From `-9,223,372,036,854,775,808` to `9,223,372,036,854,775,807` |
| `SMALLINT` | 2 bytes | From `-32,768` to `32,767` |
Some databases have implemented some additional non-standard datatypes. Here are some examples:
| Type | Storage | Min and Max Values it can store |
| ----------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `TINYINT` | 1 byte | From `-128` to `127` |
| `MEDIUMINT` | 3 bytes | From `-8,388,608` to `8,388,607` |
| `BIGINT` | 8 bytes | From `-9,223,372,036,854,775,808` to `9,223,372,036,854,775,807` |
Have a look at this [PostgreSQL documentation]( and [MySQL documentation]( for all the numeric data types supported by PostgreSQL and MySQL.
### Decimals
Decimal numbers have two parts:
- The total number of digits
- The number of digits to the right of the decimal point
For example, the number `112.34` has 5 digits in total and 2 digits after the decimal point. There are two decimal data types in standard SQL. Both have the same name and behave the same way. Here is how they are used in SQL statements:
DECIMAL(total_digits, digits_after_decimal)
NUMERIC(total_digits, digits_after_decimal)
The `total_digits` parameter specifies the total number of digits in the number. The `digits_after_decimal` parameter is optional and specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If not specified, the number of digits after the decimal point is `0`.
> Note that I have used the terms `total_digits` and `digits_after_decimal` to make it easier to understand. But a proper term for `total_digits` is `precision` and for `digits_after_decimal` is `scale`.
For example, the following SQL statement creates a table with a column `price` that can store decimal numbers with up to 4 digits in total and 2 digits after the decimal point:
CREATE TABLE products (
id INT,
price DECIMAL(4, 2)
If you try to insert a number with more than 4 digits in total or more than 2 digits after the decimal point, you will get an error or unexpected results depending on the database you are using.
-- 23.123 will be rounded to 23.12 because it can't
-- store more than 2 digits after the decimal point
INSERT INTO products (id, price)
VALUES (1, 23.123);
Regarding the error or rounding, it depends on the database you are using. I would recommend you to check the documentation of the database you are using to understand how it handles errors and rounding. Alternatively, write some queries to test how it works.
## Approximate Numerics
Approximate numbers are numbers that are either very very large or very very small to be represented exactly. These numbers are mostly used in scientific calculations where absolute accuracy is not important and the numbers are rounded to a certain precision.
For example, the mass of earth is approximately `5972000000000000000000000` kilograms. This is a very large number and well beyond the range of the largest data type we have covered so far i.e. `BIGINT`. Even scientists use the scientific notation to represent this number as `5.972 x 10^24 KG` which tells us that the important part of the number is `5.972` and absolute accuracy is not important.
Instead of storing numbers like this exactly, we can store them in a way that is more space efficient and allows us to store more numbers in the database. These numbers are stored as **floating point numbers** in the database and are compatible with the scientific notation.
For example, the scientific notation for the mass of earth is:
Scientific Notation: 5.972 x 10^24
--^--- --^---
Mantissa Exponent
We are more interested in the mantissa part of the number because it tells us the important part of the number. Floating point numbers are similar to `DECIMAL` type numbers in that they have precision but this precision only applies to the mantissa part of the number.
Here is the list of data types used to store approximate numbers:
- `REAL`
`FLOAT` and `REAL` are mostly the same and have the same precision. `DOUBLE PRECISION` have higher precision than `FLOAT` and `REAL`. You should look at the documentation of the database you are using (e.g. [PostgreSQL](, [MySQL]( to understand the precision of floating point numbers.
