@ -7,13 +7,38 @@ type Review = {
name : string ;
role : string ;
rating : number ;
text : string ;
text : string | string [ ] ;
avatarUrl? : string ;
isProminent? : boolean ;
isSecondaryProminent? : boolean ;
} ;
export function ReviewsSection() {
const [ isExpanded , setIsExpanded ] = useState ( false ) ;
const reviews : Review [ ] = [
name : 'Robin Wieruch' ,
role : 'Author - Multiple best-selling books' ,
rating : 5 ,
text : [
'Kamran has been in the **educative space for a long time**, and it shows in the way he teaches SQL: clear, structured, and straight to the point.' ,
"He breaks down SQL fundamentals in a way that's both **intuitive and practical**, helping you not just write queries, but truly understand how databases work." ,
"Even if you've used SQL before, this **course will fill in gaps you didn't even realize you had**. Get ready to level up your database skills!" ,
] ,
avatarUrl : 'https://assets.roadmap.sh/guest/robin.jpeg' ,
isProminent : true ,
} ,
name : 'William Imoh' ,
role : 'Founder and Data Enthusiast' ,
rating : 5 ,
text : [
'I found this course to be **really well thought out**. I bought this course for the advanced chapters, but I ended up learning a bunch of new things even from the beginner lessons.' ,
'No matter your SQL experience, this course is **a must-have** if you want to level up your SQL and data analysis skills.' ,
] ,
avatarUrl : 'https://assets.roadmap.sh/guest/william-imoh-sd2dk.jpg' ,
isProminent : true ,
} ,
name : 'Tomáš Janků' ,
role : 'Software Engineer' ,
@ -79,6 +104,9 @@ export function ReviewsSection() {
} ,
] ;
const prominentReviews = reviews . filter ( ( r ) = > r . isProminent ) ;
const regularReviews = reviews . filter ( ( r ) = > ! r . isProminent ) ;
return (
< div className = "relative max-w-5xl" >
< div
@ -86,16 +114,79 @@ export function ReviewsSection() {
'pb-8' : isExpanded ,
} ) }
{ /* Prominent Reviews */ }
< div className = "mb-4 md:mb-6" >
< div className = "grid grid-cols-1 gap-4 md:gap-6 md:grid-cols-2" >
{ prominentReviews . map ( ( review , index ) = > (
< div
key = { index }
className = "review-testimonial relative overflow-hidden rounded-2xl bg-gradient-to-br from-yellow-500/10 via-yellow-500/5 to-transparent p-8 backdrop-blur [&_strong]:font-normal [&_strong]:text-yellow-300/70"
< div className = "absolute -right-8 -top-8 h-32 w-32 rounded-full bg-yellow-500/5" / >
< div className = "flex items-center gap-4" >
{ review . avatarUrl && (
< img
src = { review . avatarUrl }
alt = { review . name }
className = "h-16 w-16 rounded-full border-2 border-yellow-500/20 object-cover"
/ >
) }
{ ! review . avatarUrl && (
< div className = "flex h-16 w-16 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-zinc-800" >
< User2Icon className = "h-8 w-8 text-zinc-400" / >
< / div >
) }
< div >
< h3 className = "text-lg font-semibold text-zinc-100" >
{ review . name }
< / h3 >
< p className = "text-sm text-yellow-500/70" > { review . role } < / p >
< div className = "mt-1 flex" >
{ Array . from ( { length : review.rating } ) . map ( ( _ , i ) = > (
< StarIcon
key = { i }
className = "h-4 w-4 fill-yellow-500 text-yellow-500"
/ >
) ) }
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = "mt-4 flex flex-col gap-3" >
{ ( typeof review . text === 'string'
? [ review . text ]
: review . text
) . map ( ( text , index ) = > (
< p
key = { index }
className = "text-zinc-300"
dangerouslySetInnerHTML = { {
__html : markdownToHtml ( text ) ,
} }
/ >
) ) }
< / div >
< / div >
) ) }
< / div >
< / div >
< div
className = { cn (
'relative grid grid-cols-1 gap-4 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3' ,
isExpanded ? '' : 'max-h-[400px] overflow-hidden' ,
) }
{ reviews . map ( ( review , index ) = > (
{ regularRe views . map ( ( review , index ) = > (
< div
key = { index }
className = "review-testimonial flex-shrink-0 break-inside-avoid-column rounded-xl bg-zinc-800/30 p-6 backdrop-blur [&_strong]:font-normal [&_strong]:text-yellow-300/70"
className = { cn (
'review-testimonial flex-shrink-0 break-inside-avoid-column rounded-xl p-6 backdrop-blur [&_strong]:font-normal [&_strong]:text-yellow-300/70' ,
'bg-gradient-to-br from-yellow-500/10 via-yellow-500/5 to-transparent' :
review . isSecondaryProminent ,
'bg-zinc-800/30' : ! review . isSecondaryProminent ,
} ,
) }
< div className = "flex items-center gap-4" >
{ review . avatarUrl && (