@ -10,3 +10,12 @@ MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program.
< BadgeLink badgeText = 'Official Documentation' colorScheme = 'blue' href = 'https://docs.mongodb.com/' > MongoDB Documentation< / BadgeLink >
< BadgeLink badgeText = 'Official Documentation' colorScheme = 'blue' href = 'https://docs.mongodb.com/' > MongoDB Documentation< / BadgeLink >
< BadgeLink badgeText = 'Official Courses' href = 'https://university.mongodb.com/learning_paths/developer' > Learning Path for MongoDB Developers< / BadgeLink >
< BadgeLink badgeText = 'Official Courses' href = 'https://university.mongodb.com/learning_paths/developer' > Learning Path for MongoDB Developers< / BadgeLink >
< BadgeLink badgeText = 'Sandbox' href = 'https://mongoplayground.net/' > MongoDB Online Sandbox< / BadgeLink >
< BadgeLink badgeText = 'Sandbox' href = 'https://mongoplayground.net/' > MongoDB Online Sandbox< / BadgeLink >
## DynamoDB
DynamoDB is a fully managed proprietary NoSQL database service that supports key–value and document data structures and is offered by Amazon.com as part of the Amazon Web Services portfolio. DynamoDB exposes a similar data model to and derives its name from Dynamo, but has a different underlying implementation.
< ResourceGroupTitle > Free Content< / ResourceGroupTitle >
< BadgeLink badgeText = 'Official Website' colorScheme = 'blue' href = 'https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/index.html' > Dynamo DB Docs< / BadgeLink >
< BadgeLink badgeText = 'Develpers Guide' href = 'https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Introduction.html' > Official Developers Guide< / BadgeLink >