2 changed files with 110 additions and 12 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ |
import { Box, Button, Container, Flex, Heading, Input, Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'; |
import { GlobalHeader } from '../components/global-header'; |
import { OpensourceBanner } from '../components/opensource-banner'; |
import { Footer } from '../components/footer'; |
import { PageHeader } from '../components/page-header'; |
import Helmet from '../components/helmet'; |
import { NewAlertBanner } from '../components/roadmap/new-alert-banner'; |
import { BellIcon, EmailIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons'; |
import { SIGNUP_EMAIL_INPUT_NAME, SIGNUP_FORM_ACTION } from './signup'; |
import React from 'react'; |
import { upcomingRoadmaps } from '../components/home/featured-roadmaps-list'; |
function getParameterByName(name: string, url: string = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {} as any)?.location?.href) { |
name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&'); |
let regex = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)'); |
let results = regex.exec(url); |
if (!results) return null; |
if (!results[2]) return ''; |
return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); |
} |
export default function Upcoming() { |
const roadmapId = getParameterByName('id'); |
const foundRoadmap = upcomingRoadmaps.find(roadmap => === roadmapId) || {} as any; |
const title = foundRoadmap?.title || 'Upcoming Roadmap'; |
const description = foundRoadmap.description || 'Roadmap is not yet ready. Subscribe yourself below to get notified.'; |
return ( |
<Box bg='white' minH='100vh'> |
<GlobalHeader /> |
<Helmet |
title={title} |
description={description} |
/> |
<Box mb='60px'> |
<PageHeader |
beforeTitle={<NewAlertBanner />} |
title={title} |
subtitle={description} |
/> |
<Container maxW='' position='relative'> |
<Flex flexDir='column' alignItems='center' borderWidth={1} rounded='lg' py={10} boxShadow='inner' px={5}> |
<BellIcon w='90px' h='90px' color='gray.200' mb={5} /> |
<Heading mb={2} fontSize='2xl' >Upcoming Roadmap</Heading> |
<Text fontSize='sm' mb={4}>Please check back later or subscribe below.</Text> |
<form action={SIGNUP_FORM_ACTION} method='post'> |
<Input type='email' bg={'white'} size='lg' placeholder='Enter your email' mb={2} name={SIGNUP_EMAIL_INPUT_NAME} required /> |
<Button size='lg' isFullWidth colorScheme='teal' leftIcon={<EmailIcon />} type='submit'>Get Notified</Button> |
</form> |
</Flex> |
</Container> |
</Box> |
<OpensourceBanner /> |
<Footer /> |
</Box> |
); |
} |
Reference in new issue