@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
![Lisp Hacker Roadmap ](./project- files/banner.png )
![Lisp Hacker Roadmap ](./files/banner.png )
@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ lisp-hacker-roadmap
Below are charts that show possible paths to be a practical yet bleeding edge Lisp hacker.
The specified technologies were carefully chosen to be as minimal as possible yet able to work completely harmonious with each other; from front to back.
The polyglot aspect can be optional but the rewards will be great and surely will make you a better hacker, not just in Lisp, for the rest of your days.
The specified technologies were carefully chosen to be as minimal as possible yet able to work completely harmonious with one another; from front to back.
The polyglot offers vast amounts of enlightenment. The experience will make you a better hacker for the rest of your days.
Suggestions are always welcome.
@ -24,27 +25,90 @@ Suggestions are always welcome.
🚀 Introduction
| Categories | Technologies |
| :--------------------------------- | :-------------------------- |
| Para(digm) | Functional (Programming) |
| Lang(uage) | Lisp |
| Dial(ect) | Clojure |
| (Text) Editor | Emacs |
| Dist(ribution) | Spacemacs |
| Integrated Development Environment | CIDER |
| Distributed Version Control System | Git |
| I(nter)face | Magit |
| Repo(sitory) | GitHub |
| Operating System | Linux |
| Dist(ribution) | Arch (Linux) |
| Desktop Environment | GNOME |
| Sh(ell) | BASH |
| Design | Information Architecture |
| Security | Social Engineering |
🎨 Front-end Roadmap
🎨 Front-end
### HTML ###
| Categories | Technologies |
| :--------------------------------- | :-------------------------- |
| Markup (Writing) | Markdown |
| Preprocessor (React, Publishing) | Reagent |
### CSS ###
| Categories | Technologies |
| :--------------------------------- | :-------------------------- |
| Preprocessor | Garden |
| Framework | re-com |
👽 Back-end Roadmap
### JavaScript ###
| Categories | Technologies |
| :--------------------------------- | :-------------------------- |
| Compiler | ClojureScript |
| Management | Leiningen |
| Framework (SPA) | re-frame |
| Testing | clojure.spec |
## 👷 Polyglot Roadmap
👽 Back-end
| Categories | Technologies |
| :--------------------------------- | :-------------------------- |
| Language | Clojure |
| Management | Leiningen |
| Testing | clojure.spec |
| Framework (GraphQL) | Lacinia |
| Web Server | Nginx |
| Transactor (Datalog) | Datomic |
| Database (SQL) | PostgreSQL |
👷 Polyglot
| Categories | Technologies |
| :--------------------------------- | :-------------------------- |
| Functional (Impure) | Scheme (CHICKEN) |
| Functional (Pure) | Haskell |
| Object-oriented (Class) | Smalltalk |
| Object-oriented (Prototype) | Self |
| Regular Expression | Perl |
| Multi-paradigm | Oz |
| Procedural | C |
| Machine Code | ASM |