diff --git a/src/data/projects/basic-dockerfile.md b/src/data/projects/basic-dockerfile.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1f9c5a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/projects/basic-dockerfile.md
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+title: 'Basic Dockerfile'
+description: 'Build a basic Dockerfile to create a Docker image.'
+isNew: false
+sort: 1
+difficulty: 'beginner'
+nature: 'CLI'
+ - 'docker'
+ - 'dockerfile'
+ - 'linux'
+ - 'devops'
+ title: 'Basic Dockerfile'
+ description: 'Write a basic Dockerfile to create a Docker image.'
+ keywords:
+ - 'basic dockerfile'
+ - 'dockerfile'
+ - 'docker'
+ - 'devops'
+ - 'docker'
+In this project, you will write a basic Dockerfile to create a Docker image. When this Docker image is run, it should print "Hello, Captain!" to the console before exiting.
+## Requirements
+- The Dockerfile should be named `Dockerfile`.
+- The Dockerfile should be in the root directory of the project.
+- The base image should be `alpine:latest`.
+- The Dockerfile should contain a single instruction to print "Hello, Captain!" to the console before exiting.
+You can learn more about writing a Dockerfile [here](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/).
+If you are looking to build a more advanced version of this project, you can consider adding the ability to pass your name to the Docker image as an argument, and have the Docker image print "Hello, [your name]!" instead of "Hello, Captain!".
diff --git a/src/data/projects/log-archive-tool.md b/src/data/projects/log-archive-tool.md
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index 000000000..7c9df8cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/projects/log-archive-tool.md
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+title: 'Log Archive Tool'
+description: 'Build a tool to archive logs from the CLI.'
+isNew: false
+sort: 2
+difficulty: 'beginner'
+nature: 'CLI'
+ - 'linux'
+ - 'bash'
+ - 'shell scripting'
+ title: 'Log Archive Tool'
+ description: 'Build a tool to archive logs from the CLI.'
+ keywords:
+ - 'log archive tool'
+ - 'devops project idea'
+ - 'devops'
+ - 'linux'
+In this project, you will build a tool to archive logs on a set schedule by compressing them and storing them in a new directory, this is especcially useful for removing old logs and keeping the system clean while maintaining the logs in a compressed format for future reference. This project will help you practice your programming skills, including working with files and directories, and building a simple cli tool.
+The most common location for logs on a unix based system is `/var/log`.
+## Requirements
+The tool should run from the command line, accept the log directory as an argument, compress the logs, and store them in a new directory. The user should be able to:
+- Provide the log directory as an argument when running the tool.
+ ```bash
+ log-archive
+ ```
+- The tool should compress the logs in a tar.gz file and store them in a new directory.
+- The tool should log the date and time of the archive to a file.
+ ```bash
+ logs_archive_20240816_100648.tar.gz
+ ```
+You can learn more about the `tar` command [here](https://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/tar.html).
+If you are looking to build a more advanced version of this project, you can consider adding functionality to the tool like emailing the user updates on the archive, or sending the archive to a remote server or cloud storage.