Add content for API security best practices

Kamran Ahmed 2 years ago
parent 6303e31c0e
commit f58a77010b
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# Avoid logging sensitive data # Avoid Logging Sensitive Data
> Ensure that you aren't logging any sensitive data.
Make sure that you are not logging any sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers, or personal information. This is because logging sensitive data can expose it to attackers, allowing them to gain unauthorized access to your system or data. Additionally, logging sensitive data can violate data privacy laws and regulations, exposing you to legal liability.

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# Centralized logins # Centralized Logins
> Use centralized logins for all services and components.
Using centralized logins for all services and components is important for several reasons:
- Centralized logins enable you to manage authentication and authorization in one place, reducing the risk of security gaps or inconsistencies across different services.
- Centralized logins provide a single point of entry, allowing you to control access and monitor activity more easily.
- Centralized logins make it easier to enforce security policies across different services and components, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive data or perform certain actions.
To use centralized logins, you need to set up a single sign-on (SSO) system that enables users to authenticate once and then access multiple services without having to provide credentials again. This can be done using protocols like OAuth or SAML, which enable secure authentication and authorization across different applications and services. Once set up, you can use centralized logging tools like ELK stack, Splunk, or Graylog to collect logs from different services and components and analyze them in one place. This enables you to quickly identify and respond to security threats or anomalies.

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# Check dependencies # Dependencies
> Check your dependencies for known vulnerabilities and keep them up to date.
Vulnerabilities in third-party libraries and components can be exploited by attackers to gain access to your system or data. These vulnerabilities can be introduced through outdated or insecure dependencies that have not been updated with the latest security patches.
By regularly checking for vulnerabilities and keeping your dependencies up to date, you can ensure that your API is not susceptible to known security risks. This can be done by using automated tools or services that scan your codebase and provide reports on any vulnerabilities found in your dependencies. By addressing these vulnerabilities promptly, you can reduce the risk of your API being compromised by attackers.

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# Code review process # Code Review Process
> Use a code review process and disregard self-approval.
Having a good code review process allows for additional sets of eyes to review the code and identify potential security issues or vulnerabilities. A code review process involves other team members reviewing the code to ensure it follows best practices and is secure. Disregarding self-approval means that the developer who wrote the code should not be the only one responsible for approving it for release. This helps to catch potential mistakes or oversights before the code is deployed, reducing the risk of security breaches or other issues.

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# Monitor everything # Monitor Everything
> Use agents to monitor all requests, responses and errors.
Using agents to monitor all requests, responses, and errors allows for real-time monitoring and detection of any abnormal activity or potential attacks. These agents can be configured to track metrics such as response times, error rates, and usage patterns, which can help identify any anomalies that could be indicative of an attack. By monitoring all requests and responses, the agents can provide visibility into the behavior of the API, which can help identify any potential security vulnerabilities or weaknesses. Additionally, agents can be used to log and analyze all data flowing through the API, which can be useful for debugging and auditing purposes.
To use agents for monitoring, a dedicated monitoring solution can be deployed alongside the API. This solution can be configured to capture data from all requests and responses, and analyze the data for any anomalies or issues. Agents can be implemented using various monitoring tools and technologies such as agents for application performance monitoring (APM), log monitoring, and network monitoring. The agents should be configured to provide real-time alerts to security teams if any suspicious activity is detected, allowing for immediate action to be taken.

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# Recommended resources # Recommended Resources
Have a look at the following resources for more information on API security:
- [Collection of Resources for Building APIs](
- [CS253: Web Security](
- [Securing Web Applications](
- [MIT 6.858: Computer Systems Security](

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# Rollback deployments # Rollback Solution
> Design a rollback solution for deployments.
Sometimes deploying a new version of the API can introduce unexpected bugs or issues that were not caught during testing. In such cases, rolling back to the previous version of the API can help to mitigate the impact of the issue and restore the service to a functional state. A well-designed rollback solution can help reduce downtime and minimize the impact on users.

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# Run security analysis # Run Security Analysis
> Continuously run security analysis on your code.
Continuous security analysis helps identify and address security vulnerabilities in the codebase before they can be exploited by attackers. It involves using automated tools and manual techniques to scan code for potential weaknesses, such as insecure coding practices, configuration errors, and outdated dependencies. By identifying and fixing vulnerabilities early in the development cycle, the risk of a security breach or data loss can be significantly reduced, improving the overall security posture of the system.

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# Set alerts # Setup Alerts
> Use alerts for SMS, Slack, Email, Kibana, Cloudwatch, etc.
Using alerts for various communication channels such as SMS, Slack, Email, Kibana, Cloudwatch, etc. can help you quickly respond to any issues or anomalies in your system. These alerts can be set up to notify you in real-time if a particular event or condition occurs, allowing you to take proactive measures to prevent downtime, data loss, or security breaches. Additionally, alerts can provide valuable insights into system performance and user behavior, allowing you to make informed decisions about your API's design and implementation.

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# Unit integration tests # Unit/Integration Tests
> Audit your design and implementation with unit/integration tests coverage.
Unit and integration testing can help identify vulnerabilities in the API code and design, such as input validation errors, authentication and authorization flaws, and other security-related issues. By performing comprehensive testing, developers can ensure that the API works as intended and that it is secure against common attacks such as injection attacks, cross-site scripting, and other exploits. Adequate testing can also help identify and resolve performance bottlenecks, improve scalability and reliability, and ensure the overall quality of the API.

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# Use ids ips system # Use IDS/IPS Systems
> Use IDS and/or IPS systems to detect and block attacks.
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) can be used to detect and block attacks. These systems can be configured to monitor all incoming and outgoing traffic, and detect any suspicious activity. If any suspicious activity is detected, the systems can be configured to block the traffic, preventing the attack from succeeding. IDS and IPS systems can be implemented using various tools and technologies such as network intrusion detection systems (NIDS), host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDS), and network intrusion prevention systems (NIPS). These systems can be deployed alongside the API, and configured to monitor all incoming and outgoing traffic. The systems can be configured to provide real-time alerts to security teams if any suspicious activity is detected, allowing for immediate action to be taken.