* Added content to data structure readme.md
Added basic understanding of data structures with a free-read content
* Update readme.md
* Update content/roadmaps/106-javascript/content/104-javascript-data-structures/readme.md
* Update content/roadmaps/106-javascript/content/104-javascript-data-structures/readme.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Added content to readme.md file of 103-qa-automated-testing folder
An error occurred
](https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap/issues/1840) I contributed to this issue by adding the readme.md file for the 103-qa-automated-testing folder.
* Update content/roadmaps/113-qa/content/103-qa-automated-testing/readme.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Added content for debugging in node.js and how to debug.
added tutorial links for the same to learn more about debugging in node.js
* Update content/roadmaps/107-nodejs/content/116-nodejs-more-debugging/readme.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Added content on memory leaks, its causes and its detectors
also added some free blog links for more information
* Update content/roadmaps/107-nodejs/content/116-nodejs-more-debugging/100-memory-leaks/readme.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Added content to readme.md file of 104-qa-non-functional-testing
An error occurred
](https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap/issues/1840) I contributed to this issue by adding content to the readme.md file of 104-qa-non-functional-testing folder.
* Update content/roadmaps/113-qa/content/104-qa-non-functional-testing/readme.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Added content to the readme.md file of 115-testing-angular-apps
An error occurred
](https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap/issues/1847) I contributed to this issue by adding the content to the readme.md file of 115-testing-angular-apps folder.
* Update content/roadmaps/104-angular/content/115-testing-angular-apps/readme.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Added node inspect content and useful links for reading and official documentation in node --inspect file
* Update content/roadmaps/107-nodejs/content/116-nodejs-more-debugging/101-node-inspect.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Added content for Debugging using APM and added blog link for complete information
* Update content/roadmaps/107-nodejs/content/116-nodejs-more-debugging/102-using-apm.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Added content about Migration strategies and added blog link for the same
* Update content/roadmaps/101-backend/content/123-scalability/102-migration-strategies.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
Include the recent addition (from Python 3.10 upwards) of the match-case statement under the conditionals node of the Python roadmap. Also, correct some grammar mistakes.
* add Go building clis introduction
* Update content/roadmaps/109-golang/content/102-go-building-clis/readme.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Updated and Added the content to 100-junit.md file
An error occurred
](https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap/issues/1840) I added the content to 100-junit.md file of the 106-qa-reporting folder to resolve this issue. Please check into this PR!
* Update content/roadmaps/113-qa/content/106-qa-reporting/100-junit.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Updated and Added content to readme.md file of 100-qa-basics folder
An error occurred
](https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap/issues/1840) I added content to readme.md file of 100-qa-basics folder to resolve this issue! Please check this PR
* Update content/roadmaps/113-qa/content/100-qa-basics/readme.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Adding information on QA SDLC Delivery Model node
* Update content/roadmaps/113-qa/content/101-qa-sdlc/readme.md
* Tweaking files in the Chrome Dev Tools section - JS roadmap
* Tweaking format on files from Memory Management - JS roadmap
* Fixed issue with one of the Free Contents - CommonJS readme
* Format tweak on Callback nodes - JS Roadmap
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Update 103-figlet.md
adding a description for figlet and a link to the github repo
* Update content/roadmaps/107-nodejs/content/106-nodejs-command-line-apps/101-printing-output/103-figlet.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Update 102-chalk.md
adding a description to the chalk package and adding a link to its github repository
* Update content/roadmaps/107-nodejs/content/106-nodejs-command-line-apps/101-printing-output/102-chalk.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Update 101-process-stderr.md
Adding a description to the process.stderr and adding the link to the official documentation
* Update content/roadmaps/107-nodejs/content/106-nodejs-command-line-apps/101-printing-output/101-process-stderr.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>
* Added information about df command
* Update content/roadmaps/102-devops/content/102-managing-servers/101-live-in-terminal/138-df.md
Co-authored-by: Kamran Ahmed <kamranahmed.se@gmail.com>