* Update conceptual-design@r6D07cN0Mg4YXsiRSrl1_.md
I have added an article by Dan Nessler on How to apply a design thinking, HCD, UX or any creative process from scratch which is a how-to article aims at providing designers, creative thinkers or even project managers with a tool to set up, frame, organise, structure, run or manage design challenges, and projects: The Double Diamond revamped.
* Update conceptual-design@r6D07cN0Mg4YXsiRSrl1_.md
I have added an article by Dan Nessler on How to apply a design thinking, HCD, UX or any creative process from scratch which is a how-to article aims at providing designers, creative thinkers or even project managers with a tool to set up, frame, organise, structure, run or manage design challenges, and projects: The Double Diamond revamped.
## Content
I’ve added a beginner-friendly article, A Guide to REST-assured, from Baeldung to the REST Assured section. If there’s anything that doesn’t meet the format, please feel free to comment. Thanks😊.
## Issue
* Update container-orchestration@Yq8kVoRf20aL_o4VZU5--.md
Simplified content and added working links to resources for better clarity and learning.
* Update container-orchestration@Yq8kVoRf20aL_o4VZU5--.md
Replace content and added working links to resources for better clarity and learning.
* Update container-orchestration@Yq8kVoRf20aL_o4VZU5--.md
* Update src/data/roadmaps/devops/content/container-orchestration@Yq8kVoRf20aL_o4VZU5--.md
Co-authored-by: Arik Chakma <arikchangma@gmail.com>
I encountered a bug today while attempting to select the 'virtualenv' panel in the Python Roadmap. After investigating, it appears that the generated ID, virutalenv@_IXXTSwQOgYzYIUuKVWNE, is incorrect. The correct ID should be virtualenv@_IXXTSwQOgYzYIUuKVWNE.