import { Box, Container, Heading, Link, Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'; export function OpensourceBanner() { return ( <Box bg='white' borderTopWidth={1} py={['45px', '45px', '70px']} textAlign='center'> <Container maxW=''> <Heading fontSize={['25px', '25px', '35px']} mb={['10px', '10px', '20px']}>Open Source</Heading> <Text lineHeight='26px' fontSize={['15px', '15px', '16px']} mb='20px'>The project is OpenSource, <Link _hover={{ textDecoration: 'none' }} href='' target='_blank' borderBottomWidth={1} fontWeight={600} >6th most starred project on GitHub</Link> and is visited by hundreds of thousands of developers every month.</Text> <iframe src='' frameBorder='0' scrolling='0' width='170' height='30' style={{ margin: 'auto' }} title='GitHub' /> </Container> </Box> ); }