import { Box, Flex, Heading, Image, Link } from '@chakra-ui/react'; import { event } from '../lib/gtag'; function getPageSlug() { const pathname = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {} as any)?.location?.pathname || ''; return pathname?.replace(/\//g, ''); } export const CustomAd = () => { const slug = getPageSlug(); if (slug !== 'devops') { return null; } return ( <Link href='' id='custom-ad' pos='fixed' bottom='15px' right='20px' zIndex={999} display='flex' maxWidth='330px' bg='white' boxShadow='0 1px 4px 1px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .1)' _hover={{ textDecoration: 'none' }} rel="noopener sponsored" target={'_blank'} onClick={() => { event({ category: 'SponsorClick', action: `StormForge EBook Redirect`, label: `Clicked StormForge EBook Link` }); }} > <Image src='' alt='Custom Logo' height={['100px', '100px', '100px', 'auto']} width='130' style={{ maxWidth: '130px', border: 'none' }} /> <Flex as='span' flexDirection='column' justifyContent='space-between'> <Box as='span' p='10px'> <Heading as='span' fontSize='14px' mb='5px' display='block'>Free Kubernetes eBook</Heading> <Box display='block' as='span' fontSize='13px' lineHeight={1.5} fontWeight={500} color='gray.500'> Learn how to manage and optimize Kubernetes resources with this free eBook. </Box> </Box> <Box as='span' textAlign='center' fontWeight={600} fontSize='9px' letterSpacing='0.5px' textTransform='uppercase' padding='5px 10px' display={'block'} background='repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent, transparent 5px, hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .025) 5px, hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .025) 10px) hsla(203, 11%, 95%, .4)' > Partner Content </Box> </Flex> </Link> ); };