# Flutter Inspector It is a tool in the Flutter SDK that provides a visual representation of the widget tree in a Flutter app. It allows developers to inspect the widgets in their app, see the properties and styles applied to each widget, and interact with the app in real-time. With the Flutter Inspector, developers can: 1. Debug the widget tree and see how the widgets are laid out. 2. Modify properties of widgets in real-time to see the impact on the app. 3. Inspect the properties and styles of individual widgets, and view any errors or warnings. 4. Measure the performance of the app, including the frame rate and number of widgets. Visit the following resources to learn more: - [Using the Flutter inspector](https://docs.flutter.dev/development/tools/devtools/inspector) - [How to Use the Flutter Inspector](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcLfGJZS8ns)