# Recursion Recursion, as it applies to PHP, refers to a function that calls itself to solve a problem. A recursive function distinguishes itself by solving small parts of the problem until it resolves the main issue. Think of it as breaking down a task into smaller tasks that are easier to solve. However, careful design is needed to ensure the recursive function has a clear stopping point, or else it can result in an infinite loop. Here's a quick example of a simple recursive function in PHP: ```php function countDown($count) { echo $count; if($count > 0) { countDown($count - 1); } } countDown(5); ``` In this example, the function `countDown` calls itself until the count hits zero, displaying numbers from 5 to 0. Visit the following resources to learn more: - [@official@Functions - Recursion](https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.functions.php)