import { Box, Button, Container, Flex, Heading, Link, Text, } from '@chakra-ui/react'; import siteConfig from '../content/site.json'; export function UpdatesBanner() { return ( <Box borderTopWidth={1} pt={['40px', '40px', '70px']} pb={['40px', '45px', '80px']} textAlign="left" bg="brand.footer" > <Container maxW=""> <Heading color={'gray.100'} fontSize={['25px', '25px', '35px']} mb={['5px', '5px', '15px']} > Stay Informed </Heading> <Text color="gray.400" lineHeight="26px" fontSize={['15px', '15px', '16px']} mb="20px" > Subscribe yourself to get updates, new guides, videos and roadmaps in your inbox. </Text> <Flex flexDirection={['column', 'column', 'row']}> <Box mr={['0', '0', '20px']} mb={['15px', '15px', 0]}> <Button as={Link} href="/signup" width={['full', 'auto']} fontSize={['14px', '14px', '16px']} variant="outline" borderWidth={2} colorScheme="green" _hover={{ color: 'green.200', textDecoration: 'none' }} > Subscribe to Updates </Button> <Text color="gray.500" fontSize="13px" mt="5px"> Free subscription for updates </Text> </Box> <Box> <Button as={Link} href={siteConfig.url.sponsor} target="_blank" width={['full', 'auto']} fontSize={['14px', '14px', '16px']} _hover={{ textDecoration: 'none', bg: 'yellow.500' }} colorScheme="yellow" > Updates & Paid Content </Button> <Text color="gray.500" fontSize="13px" mt="5px"> Support the project by paying as little as{' '} <Text as="span" fontWeight={600}> 5$ per month </Text> </Text> </Box> </Flex> </Container> </Box> ); }