# Brute Force "Brute Force" is a straightforward method to solve problems. It involves trying every possible solution until the right one is found. This technique does not require any specific skills or knowledge and the approach is directly applied to the problem at hand. However, while it can be effective, it is not always efficient since it often requires a significant amount of time and resources to go through all potential solutions. In terms of computational problems, a brute force algorithm examines all possibilities one by one until a satisfactory solution is found. With growing complexity, the processing time of brute force solutions dramatically increases leading to combinatorial explosion. Brute force is a base for complex problem-solving algorithms which improve the time and space complexity by adding heuristics or rules of thumb. Learn more from the following links: - [@article@Brute Force Technique in Algorithms](https://medium.com/@shraddharao_/brute-force-technique-in-algorithms-34bac04bde8a) - [@video@Brute Force Algorithm Explained With C++ Examples](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYWf6-tpQ4k)