# WC - Text Processing The `wc` command is a commonly used tool in Unix or Linux that allows users to count the number of bytes, characters, words, and lines in a file or in data piped from standard input. The name `wc` stands for 'word count', but it can do much more than just count words. Common usage of `wc` includes tracking program output, counting code lines, and more. It's an invaluable tool for analyzing text at both granular and larger scales. Below is a basic usage example for `wc` in Linux: ```bash wc myfile.txt ``` This command would output the number of lines, words, and characters in `myfile.txt`. The output is displayed in the following order: line count, word count, character count, followed by the filename. Learn more from the following resources: - [@article@Linux wc Command: Text Counting](https://labex.io/tutorials/linux-linux-wc-command-text-counting-219200)