# Event Driven Event-driven architecture (EDA) is a design pattern that focuses on the flow of events through a system, rather than the flow of data or control. It is based on the idea that a system should respond to external events and trigger the appropriate actions. In an event-driven system, events are generated by external sources, such as user input, sensors, or other systems, and are passed through the system to be handled by the appropriate components. These events can trigger various actions, such as updating the state of the system, sending a message to another system, or triggering a computation. Learn more from the following links: - [What is an Event-Driven Architecture?](https://aws.amazon.com/event-driven-architecture/) - [Event-Driven Architecture - Everything You Need to Know](https://blog.hubspot.com/website/event-driven-architecture) - [System Design: Event-Driven Architecture (EDA)](https://dev.to/karanpratapsingh/system-design-event-driven-architecture-eda-3m72)