# Retry Storm Retry Storm in system design refers to a situation in which a large number of retries are triggered in a short period of time, leading to a significant increase in traffic and resource usage. This can occur when a system is not properly designed to handle failures or when a component is behaving unexpectedly. This can lead to Performance degradation, Increased resource utilization, Increased network traffic, and Poor user experience. To address retry storms, a number of approaches can be taken such as Exponential backoff, Circuit breaking, and Monitoring and alerting. To learn more, visit the following links: - [Retry Storm antipattern](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/antipatterns/retry-storm/s) - [How To Avoid Retry Storms In Distributed Systems](https://faun.pub/how-to-avoid-retry-storms-in-distributed-systems-91bf34f43c7f)