const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const OPEN_AI_API_KEY = process.env.OPEN_AI_API_KEY; const ALL_ROADMAPS_DIR = path.join(__dirname, '../src/data/roadmaps'); const roadmapId = process.argv[2]; const allowedRoadmapIds = fs.readdirSync(ALL_ROADMAPS_DIR); if (!roadmapId) { console.error('roadmapId is required'); process.exit(1); } if (!allowedRoadmapIds.includes(roadmapId)) { console.error(`Invalid roadmap key ${roadmapId}`); console.error(`Allowed keys are ${allowedRoadmapIds.join(', ')}`); process.exit(1); } const ROADMAP_CONTENT_DIR = path.join(ALL_ROADMAPS_DIR, roadmapId, 'content'); const OpenAI = require('openai'); const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: OPEN_AI_API_KEY, }); function getFilesInFolder(folderPath, fileList = {}) { const files = fs.readdirSync(folderPath); files.forEach((file) => { const filePath = path.join(folderPath, file); const stats = fs.statSync(filePath); if (stats.isDirectory()) { getFilesInFolder(filePath, fileList); } else if (stats.isFile()) { const fileUrl = filePath .replace(ROADMAP_CONTENT_DIR, '') // Remove the content folder .replace(/\/\d+-/g, '/') // Remove ordering info `/101-ecosystem` .replace(/\/index\.md$/, '') // Make the `/` to become the parent folder only .replace(/\.md$/, ''); // Remove `.md` from the end of file fileList[fileUrl] = filePath; } }); return fileList; } function writeTopicContent(currTopicUrl) { const [parentTopic, childTopic] = currTopicUrl .replace(/^\d+-/g, '/') .replace(/:/g, '/') .replace(/^\//, '') .split('/') .slice(-2) .map((topic) => topic.replace(/-/g, ' ')); const roadmapTitle = roadmapId.replace(/-/g, ' '); let prompt = `I am reading a guide about "${roadmapTitle}". I am on the topic "${parentTopic}". I want to know more about "${childTopic}". Write me a brief paragraph for that. Your output should be strictly markdown. Do not include anything other than the description in your output. I already know the benefits of each so do not add benefits in the output.`; if (!childTopic) { prompt = `I am reading a guide about "${roadmapTitle}". I am on the topic "${parentTopic}". I want to know more about "${parentTopic}". Write me a brief paragraph for that. Your output should be strictly markdown. Do not include anything other than the description in your output. I already know the benefits of each so do not add benefits in the output.`; } console.log(`Generating '${childTopic || parentTopic}'...`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { .create({ model: 'gpt-4', messages: [ { role: 'user', content: prompt, }, ], }) .then((response) => { const article = response.choices[0].message.content; resolve(article); }) .catch((err) => { reject(err); }); }); } async function writeFileForGroup(group, topicUrlToPathMapping) { const topicId = group?.properties?.controlName; const topicTitle = group?.children?.controls?.control?.find( (control) => control?.typeID === 'Label', )?.properties?.text; const currTopicUrl = topicId?.replace(/^\d+-/g, '/')?.replace(/:/g, '/'); if (!currTopicUrl) { return; } const contentFilePath = topicUrlToPathMapping[currTopicUrl]; if (!contentFilePath) { console.log(`Missing file for: ${currTopicUrl}`); return; } const currentFileContent = fs.readFileSync(contentFilePath, 'utf8'); const isFileEmpty = currentFileContent.replace(/^#.+/, ``).trim() === ''; if (!isFileEmpty) { console.log(`Ignoring ${topicId}. Not empty.`); return; } let newFileContent = `# ${topicTitle}`; if (!OPEN_AI_API_KEY) { console.log(`Writing ${topicId}..`); fs.writeFileSync(contentFilePath, newFileContent, 'utf8'); return; } const topicContent = await writeTopicContent(currTopicUrl); newFileContent += `\n\n${topicContent}`; console.log(`Writing ${topicId}..`); fs.writeFileSync(contentFilePath, newFileContent, 'utf8'); // console.log(currentFileContent); // console.log(currTopicUrl); // console.log(topicTitle); // console.log(topicUrlToPathMapping[currTopicUrl]); } async function run() { const topicUrlToPathMapping = getFilesInFolder(ROADMAP_CONTENT_DIR); const roadmapJson = require( path.join(ALL_ROADMAPS_DIR, `${roadmapId}/${roadmapId}`), ); const groups = roadmapJson?.mockup?.controls?.control?.filter( (control) => control.typeID === '__group__' && !'ext_link'), ); if (!OPEN_AI_API_KEY) { console.log('----------------------------------------'); console.log('OPEN_AI_API_KEY not found. Skipping openai api calls...'); console.log('----------------------------------------'); } const writePromises = []; for (let group of groups) { writePromises.push(writeFileForGroup(group, topicUrlToPathMapping)); } console.log('Waiting for all files to be written...'); await Promise.all(writePromises); } run() .then(() => { console.log('Done'); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); });