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Pre-training provides a good starting point, reducing the amount of data and computation required to train a new model from scratch.\n\nVisit the following resources to learn more:", "links": [ { "title": "Pre-trained models: Past, present and future", "url": "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666651021000231", "type": "article" } ] }, "1Ga6DbOPc6Crz7ilsZMYy": { "title": "Benefits of Pre-trained Models", "description": "", "links": [] }, "MXqbQGhNM3xpXlMC2ib_6": { "title": "Limitations and Considerations", "description": "", "links": [] }, "2WbVpRLqwi3Oeqk1JPui4": { "title": "Open AI Models", "description": "", "links": [] }, "vvpYkmycH0_W030E-L12f": { "title": "Capabilities / Context Length", "description": "", "links": [] }, "LbB2PeytxRSuU07Bk0KlJ": { "title": "Cut-off Dates / Knowledge", "description": "", "links": [] }, "hy6EyKiNxk1x84J63dhez": { "title": "Anthropic's Claude", "description": "", "links": [] }, "oe8E6ZIQWuYvHVbYJHUc1": { "title": "Google's Gemini", "description": "", "links": [] }, "3PQVZbcr4neNMRr6CuNzS": { "title": "Azure AI", "description": "", "links": [] }, "OkYO-aSPiuVYuLXHswBCn": { "title": "AWS Sagemaker", "description": "", "links": [] }, "8XjkRqHOdyH-DbXHYiBEt": { "title": "Hugging Face Models", "description": "", "links": [] }, "n-Ud2dXkqIzK37jlKItN4": { "title": "Mistral AI", "description": "", "links": [] }, "a7qsvoauFe5u953I699ps": { "title": "Cohere", "description": "", "links": [] }, "5ShWZl1QUqPwO-NRGN85V": { "title": "OpenAI Models", "description": "", "links": [] }, "zdeuA4GbdBl2DwKgiOA4G": { "title": "OpenAI API", "description": "", "links": [] }, "_bPTciEA1GT1JwfXim19z": { "title": "Chat Completions API", "description": "", "links": [] }, "9-5DYeOnKJq9XvEMWP45A": { "title": "Writing Prompts", "description": "", "links": [] }, "nyBgEHvUhwF-NANMwkRJW": { "title": "Open AI Playground", "description": "", "links": [] }, "15XOFdVp0IC-kLYPXUJWh": { "title": "Fine-tuning", "description": "", "links": [] }, "qzvp6YxWDiGakA2mtspfh": { "title": "Maximum Tokens", "description": "", "links": [] }, "FjV3oD7G2Ocq5HhUC17iH": { "title": "Token Counting", "description": "", "links": [] }, "DZPM9zjCbYYWBPLmQImxQ": { "title": "Pricing Considerations", "description": "", "links": [] }, "8ndKHDJgL_gYwaXC7XMer": { "title": "AI Safety and Ethics", "description": "", "links": [] }, "cUyLT6ctYQ1pgmodCKREq": { "title": "Prompt Injection Attacks", "description": "", "links": [] }, "lhIU0ulpvDAn1Xc3ooYz_": { "title": "Bias and Fareness", "description": "", "links": [] }, "sWBT-j2cRuFqRFYtV_5TK": { "title": "Security and Privacy Concerns", "description": "", "links": [] }, "Pt-AJmSJrOxKvolb5_HEv": { "title": "Conducting adversarial testing", "description": "", "links": [] }, "ljZLa3yjQpegiZWwtnn_q": { "title": "OpenAI Moderation API", "description": "", "links": [] }, "4Q5x2VCXedAWISBXUIyin": { "title": "Adding end-user IDs in prompts", "description": "Sending end-user IDs in your requests can be a useful tool to help OpenAI monitor and detect abuse. This allows OpenAI to provide your team with more actionable feedback in the event that we detect any policy violations in your application.\n\nVisit the following resources to learn more:\n\n\\-[@official@Sending end-user IDs - OpenAi](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/safety-best-practices/end-user-ids)", "links": [] }, "qmx6OHqx4_0JXVIv8dASp": { "title": "Robust prompt engineering", "description": "", "links": [] }, "t1SObMWkDZ1cKqNNlcd9L": { "title": "Know your Customers / Usecases", "description": "", "links": [] }, "ONLDyczNacGVZGojYyJrU": { "title": "Constraining outputs and inputs", "description": "", "links": [] }, "a_3SabylVqzzOyw3tZN5f": { "title": "OpenSource AI", "description": "", "links": [] }, "RBwGsq9DngUsl8PrrCbqx": { "title": "Open vs Closed Source Models", "description": "", "links": [] }, "97eu-XxYUH9pYbD_KjAtA": { "title": "Popular Open Source Models", "description": "", "links": [] }, "v99C5Bml2a6148LCJ9gy9": { "title": "Hugging Face", "description": "", "links": [] }, "YLOdOvLXa5Fa7_mmuvKEi": { "title": "Hugging Face Hub", "description": "", "links": [] }, "YKIPOiSj_FNtg0h8uaSMq": { "title": "Hugging Face Tasks", "description": "", "links": [] }, "3kRTzlLNBnXdTsAEXVu_M": { "title": "Inference SDK", "description": "", "links": [] }, "bGLrbpxKgENe2xS1eQtdh": { "title": "Transformers.js", "description": "", "links": [] }, "rTT2UnvqFO3GH6ThPLEjO": { "title": "Ollama", "description": "", "links": [] }, "ro3vY_sp6xMQ-hfzO-rc1": { "title": "Ollama Models", "description": "", "links": [] }, "TsG_I7FL-cOCSw8gvZH3r": { "title": "Ollama SDK", "description": "", "links": [] }, "--ig0Ume_BnXb9K2U7HJN": { "title": "What are Embeddings", "description": "", "links": [] }, "eMfcyBxnMY_l_5-8eg6sD": { "title": "Semantic Search", "description": "", "links": [] }, "HQe9GKy3p0kTUPxojIfSF": { "title": "Recommendation Systems", "description": "", "links": [] }, "AglWJ7gb9rTT2rMkstxtk": { "title": "Anomaly Detection", "description": "", "links": [] }, "06Xta-OqSci05nV2QMFdF": { "title": "Data Classification", "description": "", "links": [] }, "l6priWeJhbdUD5tJ7uHyG": { "title": "Open AI Embeddings API", "description": "", "links": [] }, "y0qD5Kb4Pf-ymIwW-tvhX": { "title": "Open AI Embedding Models", "description": "", "links": [] }, "4GArjDYipit4SLqKZAWDf": { "title": "Pricing Considerations", "description": "", "links": [] }, "apVYIV4EyejPft25oAvdI": { "title": "Open-Source Embeddings", "description": "", "links": [] }, "ZV_V6sqOnRodgaw4mzokC": { "title": "Sentence Transformers", "description": "", "links": [] }, "dLEg4IA3F5jgc44Bst9if": { "title": "Models on Hugging Face", "description": "", "links": [] }, "tt9u3oFlsjEMfPyojuqpc": { "title": "Vector Databases", "description": "", "links": [] }, "WcjX6p-V-Rdd77EL8Ega9": { "title": "Purpose and Functionality", "description": "", "links": [] }, "dSd2C9lNl-ymmCRT9_ZC3": { "title": "Chroma", "description": "Chroma is an open-source vector database and AI-native embedding database designed to handle and store large-scale embeddings and semantic vectors. 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Cases](https://www.codica.com/blog/brief-guide-on-ai-agents/) -[@video@The Complete Guide to Building AI Agents for Beginners](https://youtu.be/MOyl58VF2ak?si=-QjRD_5y3iViprJX)", "links": [] }, "voDKcKvXtyLzeZdx2g3Qn": { "title": "ReAct Prompting", "description": "", "links": [] }, "6xaRB34_g0HGt-y1dGYXR": { "title": "Manual Implementation", "description": "", "links": [] }, "Sm0Ne5Nx72hcZCdAcC0C2": { "title": "OpenAI Functions / Tools", "description": "", "links": [] }, "mbp2NoL-VZ5hZIIblNBXt": { "title": "OpenAI Assistant API", "description": "", "links": [] }, "W7cKPt_UxcUgwp8J6hS4p": { "title": "Multimodal AI", "description": "", "links": [] }, "sGR9qcro68KrzM8qWxcH8": { "title": "Multimodal AI Usecases", "description": "", "links": [] }, "fzVq4hGoa2gdbIzoyY1Zp": { "title": "Image Understanding", "description": "", "links": [] }, "49BWxYVFpIgZCCqsikH7l": { "title": "Image Generation", "description": "", "links": [] }, "TxaZCtTCTUfwCxAJ2pmND": { "title": "Video Understanding", 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