--- import GridItem from '../components/GridItem.astro'; import SimplePageHeader from '../components/SimplePageHeader.astro'; import BaseLayout from '../layouts/BaseLayout.astro'; import { RoadmapCard } from '../components/GetStarted/RoadmapCard'; import { getRoadmapsByTag } from '../lib/roadmap'; import { RoadmapMultiCard } from '../components/GetStarted/RoadmapMultiCard'; import { RoleRoadmaps } from '../components/GetStarted/RoleRoadmaps'; import { Blocks, Code, ExternalLink, Globe2, GraduationCap, MousePointerSquare, ServerCog, ServerCogIcon, ArrowRight, Server, Cloud, Smartphone, Bot, MessageCircleCode, Shield, ShieldHalf, Workflow, Gamepad2, PenSquare, Component, Waypoints, CheckSquare, Braces, } from 'lucide-react'; import { SectionBadge } from '../components/GetStarted/SectionBadge'; import { TipItem } from '../components/GetStarted/TipItem'; ---

Are you an Absolute beginner?

Here are some beginner friendly roadmaps you should start with.

There is also a beginner DevOps roadmap which requires you to have some backend knowledge and entails a lot of operations work i.e. deploying, scaling, monitoring, and maintaining applications.

Tips for Beginners

Learning to code can be overwhelming, here are some tips to help you get started:

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