import React from 'react'; import { Box, Container, Heading, Text, SimpleGrid, Input, Button, ListItem, List, ListIcon, Link } from '@chakra-ui/react'; import { GlobalHeader } from '../components/global-header'; import { OpensourceBanner } from '../components/opensource-banner'; import { UpdatesBanner } from '../components/updates-banner'; import { Footer } from '../components/footer'; import { CheckCircleIcon } from '@chakra-ui/icons'; import siteConfig from '../content/site.json'; import Helmet from '../components/helmet'; function FreeSignUp() { return ( <Box p='20px' rounded='5px' borderWidth={2}> <Box textAlign='left'> <Heading mb='10px' fontSize='23px' fontWeight={700}>Monthly Updates</Heading> <Text mb='14px' fontSize='14px' lineHeight='20px'>Enter your email below to get notified about the new roadmaps, guides and updates</Text> <form action='' method='post' target='_blank'> <Input size='sm' fontSize='15px' py='18px' rounded='4px' placeholder='Your email' borderWidth={2} mb={'10px'} name='member[email]' /> <Button type={'submit'} bg='gray.700' _hover={{ bg: 'black' }} fontWeight={500} color={'white'} w='100%'>Subscribe</Button> </form> <Text color='gray.500' fontSize='12px' mt='10px'> <Text as='span'>Once a month email</Text> about the changes to roadmaps, new roadmaps, free guides and videos. </Text> </Box> </Box> ); } function PaidSignUp() { return ( <Box p='20px' rounded='5px' borderWidth={2} bg='yellow.100' borderColor='yellow.200'> <Heading mb='10px' fontSize='23px' fontWeight={700}>Updates and Paid Content</Heading> <Text mb='20px' fontSize='14px' lineHeight='20px'>People sponsoring me on GitHub get access to the updates as well as paid content.</Text> <List spacing={2}> <ListItem fontSize='14px'> <ListIcon as={CheckCircleIcon} color='green.500' /> Get notified about the updates </ListItem> <ListItem fontSize='14px'> <ListIcon as={CheckCircleIcon} color='green.500' /> Access to paid guides and Videos </ListItem> <ListItem fontSize='14px'> <ListIcon as={CheckCircleIcon} color='green.500' /> Support the Project </ListItem> <ListItem fontSize='14px'> <ListIcon as={CheckCircleIcon} color='green.500' /> Get a shoutout on <Link fontWeight={600} textDecoration='underline' href={siteConfig.url.twitter} target='_blank'>Twitter</Link> </ListItem> <ListItem fontSize='14px'> <ListIcon as={CheckCircleIcon} color='green.500' /> Your name will be added to <Link fontWeight={600} textDecoration='underline' href='/thanks'>Thanks</Link> </ListItem> </List> <Button target='_blank' mt='20px' color='white' bg='green.500' _hover={{ textDecoration: 'none', bg: 'green.700' }} w='100%' as={Link} href={siteConfig.url.sponsor}>Sponsor on GitHub</Button> </Box> ); } export default function SignUp() { return ( <Box bg='white' minH='100vh'> <GlobalHeader /> <Helmet title={'Sign Up: Be a part of the community'} /> <Box mb='60px'> <Container maxW={''} position='relative'> <SimpleGrid columns={[1, 1, 2]} spacing='15px' my={['30px', '30px', '80px']}> <FreeSignUp /> <PaidSignUp /> </SimpleGrid> </Container> </Box> <OpensourceBanner /> <UpdatesBanner /> <Footer /> </Box> ); }