import { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { useKeydown } from '../../hooks/use-keydown'; import { useLoadTopic } from '../../hooks/use-load-topic'; import { useOutsideClick } from '../../hooks/use-outside-click'; import { useToggleTopic } from '../../hooks/use-toggle-topic'; import { httpGet } from '../../lib/http'; import { isLoggedIn } from '../../lib/jwt'; import type { ResourceType } from '../../lib/resource-progress'; import { isTopicDone, refreshProgressCounters, renderTopicProgress, updateResourceProgress as updateResourceProgressApi, } from '../../lib/resource-progress'; import { pageProgressMessage, sponsorHidden } from '../../stores/page'; import { TopicProgressButton } from './TopicProgressButton'; import { showLoginPopup } from '../../lib/popup'; import { useToast } from '../../hooks/use-toast'; import type { AllowedLinkTypes, RoadmapContentDocument, } from '../CustomRoadmap/CustomRoadmap'; import { markdownToHtml, sanitizeMarkdown } from '../../lib/markdown'; import { Ban, Coins, FileText, HeartHandshake, Star, X } from 'lucide-react'; import { getUrlParams, parseUrl } from '../../lib/browser'; import { Spinner } from '../ReactIcons/Spinner'; import { GitHubIcon } from '../ReactIcons/GitHubIcon.tsx'; import { GoogleIcon } from '../ReactIcons/GoogleIcon.tsx'; import { YouTubeIcon } from '../ReactIcons/YouTubeIcon.tsx'; import { resourceTitleFromId } from '../../lib/roadmap.ts'; import { lockBodyScroll } from '../../lib/dom.ts'; import { TopicDetailLink } from './TopicDetailLink.tsx'; import { ResourceListSeparator } from './ResourceListSeparator.tsx'; import { PaidResourceDisclaimer } from './PaidResourceDisclaimer.tsx'; type TopicDetailProps = { resourceId?: string; resourceTitle?: string; resourceType?: ResourceType; isEmbed?: boolean; canSubmitContribution: boolean; }; type PaidResourceType = { _id?: string; title: string; type: 'course' | 'book' | 'other'; url: string; topicIds: string[]; }; const paidResourcesCache: Record = {}; async function fetchRoadmapPaidResources(roadmapId: string) { if (paidResourcesCache[roadmapId]) { return paidResourcesCache[roadmapId]; } const { response, error } = await httpGet( `${import.meta.env.PUBLIC_API_URL}/v1-list-roadmap-paid-resources/${roadmapId}`, ); if (!response || error) { console.error(error); return []; } paidResourcesCache[roadmapId] = response; return response; } const PAID_RESOURCE_DISCLAIMER_HIDDEN = 'paid-resource-disclaimer-hidden'; export function TopicDetail(props: TopicDetailProps) { const { canSubmitContribution, resourceId: defaultResourceId, isEmbed = false, resourceTitle, } = props; const [hasEnoughLinks, setHasEnoughLinks] = useState(false); const [contributionUrl, setContributionUrl] = useState(''); const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const [isContributing, setIsContributing] = useState(false); const [error, setError] = useState(''); const [topicHtml, setTopicHtml] = useState(''); const [hasContent, setHasContent] = useState(false); const [topicTitle, setTopicTitle] = useState(''); const [topicHtmlTitle, setTopicHtmlTitle] = useState(''); const [links, setLinks] = useState([]); const toast = useToast(); const [showPaidResourceDisclaimer, setShowPaidResourceDisclaimer] = useState(false); const { secret } = getUrlParams() as { secret: string }; const isGuest = useMemo(() => !isLoggedIn(), []); const topicRef = useRef(null); // Details of the currently loaded topic const [topicId, setTopicId] = useState(''); const [resourceId, setResourceId] = useState(''); const [resourceType, setResourceType] = useState('roadmap'); const [paidResources, setPaidResources] = useState([]); // Close the topic detail when user clicks outside the topic detail useOutsideClick(topicRef, () => { setIsActive(false); }); useKeydown('Escape', () => { setIsActive(false); }); useEffect(() => { if (resourceType !== 'roadmap' || !defaultResourceId) { return; } setShowPaidResourceDisclaimer( localStorage.getItem(PAID_RESOURCE_DISCLAIMER_HIDDEN) !== 'true', ); fetchRoadmapPaidResources(defaultResourceId).then((resources) => { setPaidResources(resources); }); }, [defaultResourceId]); // Toggle topic is available even if the component UI is not active // This is used on the best practice screen where we have the checkboxes // to mark the topic as done/undone. useToggleTopic(({ topicId, resourceType, resourceId }) => { if (isGuest) { showLoginPopup(); return; } pageProgressMessage.set('Updating'); // Toggle the topic status isTopicDone({ topicId, resourceId, resourceType }) .then((oldIsDone) => updateResourceProgressApi( { topicId, resourceId, resourceType, }, oldIsDone ? 'pending' : 'done', ), ) .then(({ done = [] }) => { renderTopicProgress( topicId, done.includes(topicId) ? 'done' : 'pending', ); refreshProgressCounters(); }) .catch((err) => { toast.error(err.message); console.error(err); }) .finally(() => { pageProgressMessage.set(''); }); }); // Load the topic detail when the topic detail is active useLoadTopic(({ topicId, resourceType, resourceId, isCustomResource }) => { setError(''); setIsLoading(true); setIsActive(true); setTopicId(topicId); setResourceType(resourceType); setResourceId(resourceId); const topicPartial = topicId.replaceAll(':', '/'); let topicUrl = resourceType === 'roadmap' ? `/${resourceId}/${topicPartial}` : `/best-practices/${resourceId}/${topicPartial}`; if (isCustomResource) { topicUrl = `${ import.meta.env.PUBLIC_API_URL }/v1-get-node-content/${resourceId}/${topicId}${ secret ? `?secret=${secret}` : '' }`; } httpGet( topicUrl, {}, { ...(!isCustomResource && { headers: { Accept: 'text/html', }, }), }, ) .then(({ response }) => { if (!response) { setError('Topic not found.'); setIsLoading(false); return; } let topicHtml = ''; if (!isCustomResource) { const topicDom = new DOMParser().parseFromString( response as string, 'text/html', ); const links = topicDom.querySelectorAll('a'); const urlElem: HTMLElement = topicDom.querySelector('[data-github-url]')!; const contributionUrl = urlElem?.dataset?.githubUrl || ''; const titleElem: HTMLElement = topicDom.querySelector('h1')!; const otherElems = topicDom.querySelectorAll('body > *:not(h1, div)'); let ulWithLinks: HTMLUListElement = document.createElement('ul'); // we need to remove the `ul` with just links (i.e. resource links) // and show them separately. topicDom.querySelectorAll('ul').forEach((ul) => { const lisWithJustLinks = Array.from( ul.querySelectorAll('li'), ).filter((li) => { return ( li.children.length === 1 && li.children[0].tagName === 'A' && li.children[0].textContent === li.textContent ); }); if (lisWithJustLinks.length > 0) { ulWithLinks = ul; } }); const listLinks = Array.from(ulWithLinks.querySelectorAll('li > a')) .map((link, counter) => { const typePattern = /@([a-z.]+)@/; let linkText = link.textContent || ''; const linkHref = link.getAttribute('href') || ''; const linkType = linkText.match(typePattern)?.[1] || 'article'; linkText = linkText.replace(typePattern, ''); return { id: `link-${linkHref}-${counter}`, title: linkText, url: linkHref, type: linkType as AllowedLinkTypes, }; }) .sort((a, b) => { // official at the top // opensource at second // article at third // videos at fourth // rest at last const order = [ 'official', 'opensource', 'article', 'video', 'feed', ]; return order.indexOf(a.type) - order.indexOf(b.type); }); if (ulWithLinks) { ulWithLinks.remove(); } topicHtml = topicDom.body.innerHTML; setLinks(listLinks); setHasContent(otherElems.length > 0); setContributionUrl(contributionUrl); setHasEnoughLinks(links.length >= 3); setTopicHtmlTitle(titleElem?.textContent || ''); } else { setLinks((response as RoadmapContentDocument)?.links || []); setTopicTitle((response as RoadmapContentDocument)?.title || ''); const sanitizedMarkdown = sanitizeMarkdown( (response as RoadmapContentDocument).description || '', ); setHasContent(sanitizedMarkdown?.length > 0); topicHtml = markdownToHtml(sanitizedMarkdown, false); } setIsLoading(false); setTopicHtml(topicHtml); }) .catch((err) => { setError('Something went wrong. Please try again later.'); setIsLoading(false); }); }); useEffect(() => { if (isActive) topicRef?.current?.focus(); lockBodyScroll(isActive); }, [isActive]); if (!isActive) { return null; } const resourceTitleForSearch = resourceTitle ?.toLowerCase() ?.replace(/\s+?roadmap/gi, ''); const googleSearchUrl = `${topicHtmlTitle?.toLowerCase()} guide for ${resourceTitleForSearch}`; const youtubeSearchUrl = `${topicHtmlTitle?.toLowerCase()} for ${resourceTitleForSearch}`; const tnsLink = ''; const paidResourcesForTopic = paidResources.filter((resource) => { const normalizedTopicId = topicId.indexOf('@') !== -1 ? topicId.split('@')[1] : topicId; return resource.topicIds.includes(normalizedTopicId); }); const hasPaidScrimbaLinks = paidResourcesForTopic.some( (resource) => resource?.url?.toLowerCase().indexOf('scrimba') !== -1, ); return (
{isLoading && (
)} {!isContributing && !isLoading && !error && ( <>
{/* Actions for the topic */}
{!isEmbed && ( { setIsActive(false); }} /> )}
{/* Topic Content */} {hasContent ? ( <>
{topicTitle &&


) : ( <> {!canSubmitContribution && (

Empty Content

)} {canSubmitContribution && (

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Write a brief introduction to this topic and submit a link to a good article, podcast, video, or any other self-vetted resource that helped you understand this topic better.

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)} )} {links.length > 0 && ( <>
    { => { return (
  • { // if it is one of our roadmaps, we want to track the click if (canSubmitContribution) { const parsedUrl = parseUrl(link.url); window.fireEvent({ category: 'TopicResourceClick', action: `Click: ${parsedUrl.hostname}`, label: `${resourceType} / ${resourceId} / ${topicId} / ${link.url}`, }); } }} />
  • ); })}
)} {paidResourcesForTopic.length > 0 && ( <>
    { => { return (
  • ); })}
{hasPaidScrimbaLinks && (
Scrimba is offering{' '} 20% off on all courses for users.
)} {showPaidResourceDisclaimer && ( { localStorage.setItem( PAID_RESOURCE_DISCLAIMER_HIDDEN, 'true', ); setShowPaidResourceDisclaimer(false); }} /> )} )} {/* Contribution */} {canSubmitContribution && !hasEnoughLinks && contributionUrl && hasContent && (

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This popup should be a brief introductory paragraph for the topic and a few links to good articles, videos, or any other self-vetted resources. Please consider submitting a PR to improve this content.

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{resourceId === 'devops' && ( )} )} {/* Error */} {!isContributing && !isLoading && error && ( <>


); }