\n \n \n\nVisit the following resources to learn more:", "links": [ { "title": "v-html documentation", "url": "https://vuejs.org/api/built-in-directives.html#v-html", "type": "article" } ] }, "_TlbGTKFCMO0wdLbC6xHX": { "title": "v-show", "description": "`v-show` is similar to `v-if` in that it allows you to conditionally render components. However, it does not remove the component from the DOM and merely toggles its `display` CSS property to be `hidden`. It also does not work with `v-else-if` oe `v-else`.\n\nPrefer `v-show` over `v-if` if the component's visibility needs to change often, and `v-if` if not.\n\nVisit the following resources to learn more:", "links": [ { "title": "Vue Conditional Rendering Docs", "url": "https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/conditional.html#v-show", "type": "article" } ] }, "xHj3W9Ig3MVuVlGyXchaP": { "title": "v-if", "description": "Conditionally render an element or a template fragment based on the truthy-ness of the expression value.\n\nWhen a `v-if` element is toggled, the element and its contained directives / components are destroyed and re-constructed. If the initial condition is falsy, then the inner content won't be rendered at all.\n\nVisit the following resources to learn more:", "links": [ { "title": "v-if Documentation", "url": "https://vuejs.org/api/built-in-directives.html#v-if", "type": "article" } ] }, "0CtAZQcFJexMiJfZ-mofv": { "title": "v-else", "description": "The `v-else` conditionally renders an element or a template fragment as a function in case the `v-if` does not fulfil the condition.\n\nVisit the following resources for more information:", "links": [ { "title": "v-else documentation", "url": "https://vuejs.org/api/built-in-directives.html#v-else", "type": "article" } ] }, "a9caVhderJaVo0v14w8WB": { "title": "v-else-if", "description": "This directive is used to add additional conditions to a v-if and v-else block.\n\nVisit the following resources to learn more:", "links": [ { "title": "v-else-if Documentation", "url": "https://vuejs.org/api/built-in-directives.html#v-else-if", "type": "article" } ] }, "3ftwRjQ9e1-qDT9BV53zr": { "title": "v-for", "description": "The `v-for` directive is used to render an HTML element, a block of elements, or even a component based on an array, an object, or a set number of times. When using this directive it is important to assign a unique key to each item to avoid issues and improve perfomance. This directive follows the `item in items` syntax.\n\nExample:\n\n \n \n \n{{ food.name }}
\n \n \n\nVisit the following resources to learn more:", "links": [ { "title": "v-for documentation", "url": "https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/list#v-for", "type": "article" } ] }, "hVuRmhXVP65IPtuHTORjJ": { "title": "v-on", "description": "", "links": [] }, "cuM9q9vYy8JpZPGeBffd1": { "title": "v-bind", "description": "The `v-bind` directive dynamically binds an HTML attribute to data.\n\nThe shorthand for this directive is `:`\n\nExample:\n\n \n \n \n