# Polly Polly is an open-source library for .NET that provides a simple and flexible API for handling transient faults and other types of errors that occur during the execution of a service. It allows developers to define a set of policies, such as retry, circuit breaker, and timeout, that can be used to handle specific types of errors and improve the resiliency of the service. It provides a fluent API that makes it easy to define and configure policies, supports advanced features such as async and sync execution, fallback policies, and policy wrapping. Additionally, it allows to specify the exception type that is thrown and it would trigger the policy. To learn more, visit the following resources: - [Using Polly for .NET Resilience](https://www.telerik.com/blogs/using-polly-for-net-resilience-and-transient-fault-handling-with-net-core) - [Build Resilient Microservices Using Polly In ASP.NET](https://procodeguide.com/programming/polly-in-aspnet-core/)