Roadmap to becoming a developer in 2022
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

66 lines
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import type { MarkdownFileType } from './file';
import type { BestPracticeFrontmatter } from './best-pratice';
// Generates URL from the topic file path e.g.
// -> /src/data/best-practices/frontend-performance/content/100-use-https-everywhere
// /best-practices/frontend-performance/use-https-everywhere
// -> /src/data/best-practices/frontend-performance/content/102-use-cdn-for-static-assets
// /best-practices/use-cdn-for-static-assets
function generateTopicUrl(filePath: string) {
return filePath
.replace('/src/data/best-practices/', '/') // Remove the base `/src/data/best-practices` from path
.replace('/content', '') // Remove the `/[bestPracticeId]/content`
.replace(/\/\d+-/g, '/') // Remove ordering info `/101-ecosystem`
.replace(/\/index\.md$/, '') // Make the `/` to become the parent folder only
.replace(/\.md$/, ''); // Remove `.md` from the end of file
export interface BestPracticeTopicFileType {
url: string;
heading: string;
file: MarkdownFileType;
bestPractice: BestPracticeFrontmatter;
bestPracticeId: string;
* Gets all the topic files available for all the best practices
* @returns Hashmap containing the topic slug and the topic file content
export async function getAllBestPracticeTopicFiles(): Promise<
Record<string, BestPracticeTopicFileType>
> {
const contentFiles = await import.meta.glob<string>(
eager: true,
const mapping: Record<string, BestPracticeTopicFileType> = {};
for (let filePath of Object.keys(contentFiles)) {
const fileContent: MarkdownFileType = contentFiles[filePath] as any;
const fileHeadings = fileContent.getHeadings();
const firstHeading = fileHeadings[0];
const [, bestPracticeId] =
filePath.match(/^\/src\/data\/best-practices\/(.+)?\/content\/(.+)?$/) ||
const topicUrl = generateTopicUrl(filePath);
const currentBestPractice = await import(
mapping[topicUrl] = {
url: topicUrl,
heading: firstHeading?.text,
file: fileContent,
bestPractice: currentBestPractice?.frontmatter,
bestPracticeId: bestPracticeId,
return mapping;