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Single Command Database Setup Learn how to run MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB in Docker with single Command [{name Kamran Ahmed} {url} {imageUrl /authors/kamranahmedse.jpeg}] [{title Single Command Database Setup -} {description Learn how to run MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB in Docker with single Command}] true textual 2023-02-27 [{priority 0.7} {changefreq weekly}] [guide guide-sitemap]

When you are working on a backend application, you are likely to need a database. You can either install it on your machine or use a Docker container. I prefer to use Docker containers because it is easier to setup and doesn't pollute my machine with unnecessary dependencies.

This short guide will show you how to spin up a MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB instance on your local machine using docker. Feel free to submit a PR adding more databases.


You can run the following command to run PostgreSQL in a Docker container:

docker run \
  --name pg \
  --detach \
  --publish 5432:5432 \
  --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin \

Now you can connect and run commands against the instance using the following:

docker exec -it pg \
  psql -U postgres


You can run the following command to run MySQL in a Docker container:

docker run \
  --name ms \
  --publish 3306:3306 \
  --detach \
  --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin \

Now, you can use the following to run commands against the MySQL instance:

docker exec -it ms \
  mysql -u root -padmin


You can run the following command to run MongoDB in a Docker container:

docker run \
  --name mdb \
  --publish 27017:27017 \
  --detach \

Now, you can use the following to run commands against the MongoDB instance:

docker exec -it mdb \

Feel free to submit a pull request by adding additional databases to this guide.