184 lines
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184 lines
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import fs from 'node:fs/promises'; |
import path from 'node:path'; |
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; |
import type { Node } from 'reactflow'; |
import matter from 'gray-matter'; |
import type { RoadmapFrontmatter } from '../src/lib/roadmap'; |
import { slugify } from '../src/lib/slugger'; |
import { markdownToHtml } from '../src/lib/markdown'; |
import { HTMLElement, parse } from 'node-html-parser'; |
import { htmlToMarkdown } from '../src/lib/html'; |
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); |
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename); |
export const allowedLinkTypes = [ |
'video', |
'article', |
'opensource', |
'course', |
'website', |
'podcast', |
] as const; |
// Directory containing the roadmaps |
const ROADMAP_CONTENT_DIR = path.join(__dirname, '../src/data/roadmaps'); |
const allRoadmaps = await fs.readdir(ROADMAP_CONTENT_DIR); |
const editorRoadmapIds = new Set<string>(); |
for (const roadmapId of allRoadmaps) { |
const roadmapFrontmatterDir = path.join( |
roadmapId, |
`${roadmapId}.md`, |
); |
const roadmapFrontmatterRaw = await fs.readFile( |
roadmapFrontmatterDir, |
'utf-8', |
); |
const { data } = matter(roadmapFrontmatterRaw); |
const roadmapFrontmatter = data as RoadmapFrontmatter; |
if (roadmapFrontmatter.renderer === 'editor') { |
editorRoadmapIds.add(roadmapId); |
} |
} |
const publicRoadmapsContentDir = path.join('./public', 'roadmap-content'); |
const stats = await fs.stat(publicRoadmapsContentDir).catch(() => null); |
if (!stats || !stats.isDirectory()) { |
await fs.mkdir(publicRoadmapsContentDir, { recursive: true }); |
} |
for (const roadmapId of editorRoadmapIds) { |
console.log(`🚀 Starting ${roadmapId}`); |
const roadmapDir = path.join( |
roadmapId, |
`${roadmapId}.json`, |
); |
const roadmapContent = await fs.readFile(roadmapDir, 'utf-8'); |
let { nodes } = JSON.parse(roadmapContent) as { |
nodes: Node[]; |
}; |
nodes = nodes.filter( |
(node) => |
node?.type && |
['topic', 'subtopic', 'todo'].includes(node.type) && |
|, |
); |
const roadmapContentDir = path.join( |
roadmapId, |
'content', |
); |
const stats = await fs.stat(roadmapContentDir).catch(() => null); |
if (!stats || !stats.isDirectory()) { |
await fs.mkdir(roadmapContentDir, { recursive: true }); |
} |
const roadmapContentFiles = await fs.readdir(roadmapContentDir, { |
recursive: true, |
}); |
const contentMap: Record< |
string, |
{ |
title: string; |
description: string; |
links: { |
title: string; |
url: string; |
type: string; |
}[]; |
} |
> = {}; |
for (const node of nodes) { |
const ndoeDirPatterWithoutExt = `${slugify(}@${}`; |
const nodeDirPattern = `${ndoeDirPatterWithoutExt}.md`; |
if (!roadmapContentFiles.includes(nodeDirPattern)) { |
contentMap[nodeDirPattern] = { |
title:, |
description: '', |
links: [], |
}; |
continue; |
} |
const content = await fs.readFile( |
path.join(roadmapContentDir, nodeDirPattern), |
'utf-8', |
); |
const html = markdownToHtml(content, false); |
const rootHtml = parse(html); |
let ulWithLinks: HTMLElement | undefined; |
rootHtml.querySelectorAll('ul').forEach((ul) => { |
const listWithJustLinks = Array.from(ul.querySelectorAll('li')).filter( |
(li) => { |
const link = li.querySelector('a'); |
return link && link.textContent?.trim() === li.textContent?.trim(); |
}, |
); |
if (listWithJustLinks.length > 0) { |
ulWithLinks = ul; |
} |
}); |
const listLinks = |
ulWithLinks !== undefined |
? Array.from(ulWithLinks.querySelectorAll('li > a')) |
.map((link) => { |
const typePattern = /@([a-z.]+)@/; |
let linkText = link.textContent || ''; |
const linkHref = link.getAttribute('href') || ''; |
let linkType = linkText.match(typePattern)?.[1] || 'article'; |
linkType = allowedLinkTypes.includes(linkType as any) |
? linkType |
: 'article'; |
linkText = linkText.replace(typePattern, ''); |
return { |
title: linkText, |
url: linkHref, |
type: linkType, |
}; |
}) |
.sort((a, b) => { |
const order = [ |
'official', |
'opensource', |
'article', |
'video', |
'feed', |
]; |
return order.indexOf(a.type) - order.indexOf(b.type); |
}) |
: []; |
const title = rootHtml.querySelector('h1'); |
ulWithLinks?.remove(); |
title?.remove(); |
const htmlStringWithoutLinks = rootHtml.toString(); |
const description = htmlToMarkdown(htmlStringWithoutLinks); |
contentMap[] = { |
title:, |
description, |
links: listLinks, |
}; |
} |
await fs.writeFile( |
path.join(publicRoadmapsContentDir, `${roadmapId}.json`), |
JSON.stringify(contentMap, null, 2), |
); |
console.log(`✅ Finished ${roadmapId}`); |
console.log('-'.repeat(20)); |