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Submitting a new roadmap
First of all thank you for considering to contribute to this project. It wouldn't have been possible for us to keep it live without your contributions 🙏
This process will be automated soon. Follow the steps listed below in order to add a new roadmap for now
- Fork this repository
- If you haven't contributed to this project before then create your author profile
- Open the file authors.json
- Put your preferred
- Put a profile picture in authors directory with the username
- Create a new directory for the roadmap inside the roadmaps directory by following the below steps:
- Directory name must be
and prefixed with the incremental number e.g.6-java-developer
- Create a markdown file
inside this directory and write the article detailing the steps required for this path. It doesn't have to be graphic like the other roadmaps; just focus on writing a detailed but approachable textual guide. - Create a file
inside the roadmap directory with the content below:
{ "title": "Roadmap Name", "description": "Step by step guide to becoming a modern ***", "featuredDescription": "Step by step guide to becoming a modern ** in 2020", "author": { "name": "Your Name", "url": "" }, "featured": false, "detailed": false, "versions": [] }
- Directory name must be
- Once done, run the below command:
yarn meta:roadmaps
- Commit, push and open a pull request