* [Android Developers Backstage](http://androidbackstage.blogspot.com) - Chet Haase, Tor Norbye, Romain Guy, Nick Butcher, et al. Android Developers team (podcast)
* [Now in Android](https://nowinandroid.libsyn.com) - Chet Haase, Dan Galpin, Manuel Vivo, Meghan Mehta, et al. Android Developers team (podcast)
* [The complete Android Application Development Course - Work Great in 2020](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLknSwrodgQ72X4sKpzf5vT8kY80HKcUSe) - Android Developer (screencast)
* [Beginning C# with Unity](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFgjYYTq6xyhtVK6VzLiFe3pmBu-XSNlX) - Brian Douglas Moakley, VegetarianZombie (screencast)
* [How to program in C# - Beginner Course \| Brackeys](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPV2KyIb3jR6ZkG8gZwJYSjnXxmfPAl51) - Asbjørn Thirslund (screencast)
* [C++ Complete Course](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlrATfBNZ98dudnM48yfGUldqGD0S4FFb) - Yan Chernikov (screencast)
* [C++ Programming Video Lectures](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTZbNwgO5ebo64D1k0DJQGX30X6iSTmRr) - Saurabh School of Computing (screencast)
* [Data Futurology - Leadership And Strategy in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science](https://www.datafuturology.com/podcasts) - Felipe Flores (podcast)
* [Go Time](https://changelog.com/gotime) - Mat Ryer, John Calhoun, Natalie Pistunovich, Johnny Boursiquot, Angelica Hill, Kris Brandow, Mark Bates, Carmen Andoh, et al. The Changelog team (podcast)
* [GolangShow](https://golangshow.com) - Elena Grahovac, Alexey Palazhchenko, Andrew Pogrebnoy, Alexander Morozov, Artem Andreenko (podcast)
* [Hacking with Andrew and Brad: an HTTP/2 client](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG-UaBJXZ80) - Andrew Gerrand, Brad Fitzpatrick (screencast)
* [Hacking with Andrew and Brad: tip.golang.org](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rZ-JorHJEY) - Andrew Gerrand, Brad Fitzpatrick (screencast)
* [Building a Java & Spring Boot app: Kid-Bank development](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBHctPrH7Z29W8XtVDyc_mMvD2GO7GIF2) - Ted M. Young (screencast)
* [devMode.fm](https://devmode.fm) - Andrew Welch, Ryan Irelan, Patrick Harrington, Jonathan Melville, Michael Rog, Earl Johnston, Marion Newlevant, Lauren Dorman, Matt Stein, Jennifer Blumberg (podcast)
* [JavaScript Air](https://javascriptair.com) - Kent C. Dodds, Dan Abramov, Matt Zabriskie, Pam Selle, Lin Clark, Brian Lonsdorf, Iheanyi Ekechukwu, Tyler McGinnis, Kyle Simpson, et al. (podcast)
* [JavaScript Jabber](https://javascriptjabber.com) - Aimee Knight, AJ O'Neal, Charles Wood, Dan Shappir, Steve Edwards, et al. (podcast)
* [JS Party](https://changelog.com/jsparty) - Jerod Santo, Nick Nisi, Amelia Wattenberger, Kevin Ball, Divya, Feross Aboukhadijeh, Amal Hussein, Christopher Hiller, Ali Spittel, et al. (podcast)
* [Modern Web](https://www.thisdot.co/modern-web) - This Dot Labs (podcast)
* [Node Tuts - Node.JS Video Tutorials](http://nodetuts.com) - YLD Ltd. (screencast)
* [Real Talk JavaScript](https://realtalkjavascript.simplecast.fm) - John Papa, Ward Bell, Craig Shoemaker, Dan Wahlin (podcast)
* [Syntax](https://syntax.fm) - Wes Bos, Scott Tolinski (podcast)
* [The JavaScript Show](http://javascriptshow.com) - Peter Cooper, Jason Seifer (podcast)
* [Adventures in Angular](https://topenddevs.com/podcasts/adventures-in-angular) - Charles Max Wood, Subrat Mishra, Richard Sithole, Armen Vardanyan, Sani Yusuf, Shai Reznik, Alyssa Nicoll, Brooks Forsyth, Brad McAlister, Chris Ford, Eddie Hinkle, Younes Jaaidi, Brian Love, Jennifer Wadella, Aaron Frost, Joe Eames (podcast)
* [Chats with Kent C. Dodds](https://kentcdodds.com/chats) - Kent C. Dodds (podcast)
* [React Native Radio](https://www.reactnativeradio.com/episodes) - Jamon Holmgren, Robin Heinze, Mazen Chami, Jon Major (podcast)
* [React Podcast](https://reactpodcast.simplecast.fm) - Michael Chan (podcast)
* [React Round Up](https://reactroundup.com/episodes) - Carl Mungazi, Charles Max Wood, TJ VanToll, Paige Niedringhaus, Jack Herrington, et al. (podcast)
* [ReactCasts](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZkjWyyLvzWeoVWEpRemrDQ) - Cassio Zen (screencast, [:package: code sources](https://github.com/cassiozen/ReactCasts)
* [The React Native Show](https://www.callstack.com/podcast-react-native-show) - Mike Grabowski, Mike Chudziak, Satyajit Sahoo, Michał Pierzchała, et al. (screencast)
* [Array Cast](https://arraycast.com) - Conor Hoekstra, Adám Brudzewsky, Richard Park, Rodrigo Girão Serrão, Stephen Taylor, Nick Psaris, Bob Therriault (podcast)
* [Arrested DevOps](https://www.arresteddevops.com) - Bridget Kromhout, Jeff Smith, Jessica Kerr, Joe Laha, Matt Stratton, Trevor Hess (podcast)
* [baseCS](https://www.codenewbie.org/basecs) - Vaidehi Joshi, Saron Yitbarek (podcast based on [a series of posts on medium](https://medium.com/basecs))
* [Between \| Screens Podcast](https://soundcloud.com/between-screens) - Ed Wassermann (podcast)
* [BSDTalk](https://bsdtalk.blogspot.com) - Will Backman (podcast)
* [CodeNewbie](https://www.codenewbie.org/podcast) - CodeNewbie Team (podcast)
* [CodePen Radio](https://blog.codepen.io/radio/) - CodePen Team (podcast)
* [Coding Blocks](https://www.codingblocks.net) - Michael Outlaw, Joe Zack, Allen Underwood (podcast)
* [Command Line Heroes](https://www.redhat.com/en/command-line-heroes) - Saron Yitbarek, Red Hat (podcast)
* [.NET Rocks!](https://www.dotnetrocks.com) - Carl Franklin, Richard Campbell (podcast)
* [Open Source System Podcast](https://opensourcesystempodcast.vf.io) - Vlad Filippov, Kyle Robinson Young, Tim Branyen, Darcy Clarke, Mike Taylor, Alex Sexton, Jason Etcovitch (podcast)
* [Programming Throwdown](https://www.programmingthrowdown.com) - Jason Gauci, Patrick Wheeler (podcast)
* [Software Engineering Daily](https://softwareengineeringdaily.com) - Jeff Meyerson, Alex DeBrie, Lee Atchison, Jocelyn Byrne Houle, Mike Bifulco, Sean Falconer, et al. (podcast)
* [Software Engineering Radio](https://www.se-radio.net) - Robert Blumen, Jeff Doolittle, Felienne Hermans, Gavin Henry, Jeremy Jung, Nikhil Krishna, Priyanka Raghavan, Kanchan Shringi, Philip Winston (podcast)
* [Laravel News Podcast](https://podcast.laravel-news.com) - Jacob Bennett, Michael Dyrynda, Eric L. Barnes (podcast)
* [MageTalk - A Magento Podcast](https://magetalk.com) - Phillip Jackson, Kalen Jordan (podcast)
* [PHP Podcasts](https://www.phppodcasts.com) - Jacob Bennett, Michael Dyrynda, Joel Clermont, Aaron Saray, Eric Van Johnson, John Congdon, Tom Rideout, Derick Rethans (podcast)
* [Practical Flask Web Development Tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQVvvaa0QuDc_owjTbIY4rbgXOFkUYOUB) - Harrison Kinsley (screencast)
* [Python Bytes](https://pythonbytes.fm) - Michael Kennedy, Brian Okken (podcast)
* [Python Tips](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP8GkvaIxJP3ignHY_Dq7bFsvwzAcqZ1i) - Christopher Bailey (screencast)
* [Talk Python To Me - A podcast on Python and related technologies](https://talkpython.fm) - Michael Kennedy (podcast)
* [Teaching Python](https://www.teachingpython.fm) - Kelly Paredes, Sean Tibor (podcast)
* [Test \& Code in Python](https://testandcode.com) - Brian Okken (podcast)
* [Ruby Rogues](https://topenddevs.com/podcasts/ruby-rogues/) - Charles Max Wood, Dave Kimura, Valentino Stoll, Luke Stutters, John Epperson, Sam Livingston-Gray, Avdi Grimm, Aaron Patterson, James Edward Gray, Katrina Owen (podcast)