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### Index
* [Algorithms](#algorithms)
* [C](#c)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Data Science](#data-science)
* [Git and Github](#git-and-github)
* [Go](#go)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
* [Misc](#misc)
* [Python](#python)
* [Sql](#sql)
### Algorithms
* [Dynamic Programming Book «ডইনিক পি বই»](https://dp-bn.github.io) - Tasmeem Reza, Mamnoon Siam (PDF, [LaTeX](https://github.com/Bruteforceman/dynamic-progamming-book))
### C
* [ C পিজ শর ক](https://c.howtocode.dev) - Jakir Hossain, et al.
* [Computer Programming «কমিউটর পি ১ম খণড»](http://cpbook.subeen.com) - Tamim Shahriar Subeen (HTML)
* [Computer Programming Part 3](https://archive.org/details/computer-programming-part-3-tamim-shaharier-subin) - Tamim Shahriar Subeen (PDF)
### <a id="cpp"></a>C++
* [িিি পরিগণন Computer Programming](https://www.academia.edu/16658418/c_programming_bangla_book) - Mahmudul Hasan (PDF, HTML)
### Data Science
* [ইনর হখড়ি](https://datasinsightsbd.gitbook.io) - Fazle Rabbi Khan (gitbook)
### Go
* [য় গ (golang) টিউটি](https://golang.howtocode.dev) - Shafquat Mahbub (howtocode.dev)
### Java
* [য় জির ক](http://java.howtocode.dev) - Bazlur Rahman, et al. (howtocode.dev)
### JavaScript
* [িট লর এর বিক, অডভ](https://js.howtocode.dev) - Nuhil Mehdi (howtocode.dev)
* [কলমিট: সমণ বয় হকলমিট শি](https://with.zonayed.me/js-basic/) - Zonayed Ahmed (HTML)
### Machine Learning
* [য় মিন লি](https://ml.howtocode.dev) - Manos Kumar Mondol (howtocode.dev)
* [য থইথন মিন লি: হকলমইকিট-ল](https://raqueeb.gitbook.io/scikit-learn/) - Rakibul Hassan (HTML, [Jupyter Notebook](https://github.com/raqueeb/ml-python)) (gitbook)
* [কলমইথন ডপ লি](https://rakibul-hassan.gitbook.io/deep-learning) - Rakibul Hassan (gitbook)
* [কলমিন লি: পরিিি, পরজট টইটিক, আর এবইথনসহ](https://rakibul-hassan.gitbook.io/mlbook-titanic/) - Rakibul Hassan (HTML, [scripts](https://github.com/raqueeb/mltraining)) (gitbook)
### Misc
* [মন করিম ডিইন?](https://imtiaz-hossain-emu.gitbook.io/system-design/) - Imtiaz Hossain Emu
* [ভসত: বিটশির ভ](https://devsonket.com) - Devsonket Team
* [SL3 Framework - Code For Brain](https://web.archive.org/web/20201024204437/https://sl3.app) - Stack Learners *(:card_file_box: archived)*
### Problem Sets
* [৫২ টিি সমস](http://cpbook.subeen.com/p/blog-page_11.html) - Tamim Shahriar Subeen (HTML)
### Python
* [ইথন পি বই](http://pybook.subeen.com) - Tamim Shahriar Subeen
* [য় পইথন](https://python.howtocode.dev) - Nuhil Mehdy
* [সহজ ভয় পইথন ৩](https://python.maateen.me) - Maksudur Rahman Maateen
* [শ পর পিি](https://hukush-pakush.com) - Ikram Mahmud (HTML)
### Sql
* [এসকিউএল পরিিি(SQL Introduction in Bangla)](https://www.sattacademy.org/sql/index.php) - Satt Academy
* [য় SQL টিউটি](https://sql.howtocode.dev) - Saiful, et al.
### Git and Github
* [এক পলকিট ও গিটহ](https://with.zonayed.me/book/git-n-github-at-glance/) - Zonayed