### Índice
* [Agnósticos ](#agnósticos )
* [IDE / Editores ](#ide--editores )
* [Programação ](#programação )
* [Sistemas Operacionais ](#sistemas-operacionais )
* [Android ](#android )
* [Assembly ](#assembly )
* [C ](#c )
* [C# ](#c-sharp )
* [C++ ](#cpp )
* [Docker ](#docker )
* [Engenharia de software ](#engenharia-de-software )
* [Arquitetura de Software ](#arquitetura-de-software )
* [Metodologias de Desenvolvimento de Software ](#metodologias-de-desenvolvimento-de-software )
* [Outros ](#outros )
* [Fundamentos Matemáticos Computacionais ](#fundamentos-matemáticos-computacionais )
* [Git ](#git )
* [Go ](#go )
* [Haskell ](#haskell )
* [HTML / CSS ](#html--css )
* [Java ](#java )
* [JavaScript ](#javascript )
refactor: normalize Angular and Angular.js sections/resources (#5525)
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items, mainly from html.it website.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources to TypeScript
- Well-naming sections
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Well-naming section
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Handle both as anchor. angular and angular.js
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Add http://plnkr.co as valid playground for both
- Add https://stackblitz.com as valid playground for both
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: Angular.js > AngularJS and other pitfails
- Use AngularJS as title/name
- Fix some errors with heading levels in Javascript/Typescript section
- Finish to move some resources accoding their content
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
Mainly for AngularJS/Angular, Javascript/Typescript,
web, databases listing sections
* chore: revert scoping crosslinks only to Angular
4 years ago
* [AngularJS ](#angularjs )
* [Backbone.js ](#backbonejs )
* [Ember.js ](#emberjs )
* [Express.js ](#expressjs )
* [Grunt ](#grunt )
* [Gulp ](#gulp )
* [jQuery ](#jquery )
* [Knockout.js ](#knockoutjs )
* [Meteor ](#meteor )
* [Node.js ](#nodejs )
* [React ](#react )
* [Vue.js ](#vuejs )
* [Kubernetes ](#kubernetes )
* [LaTeX ](#latex )
* [LISP ](#lisp )
* [Lua ](#lua )
* [PHP ](#php )
* [Symfony ](#symfony )
* [Python ](#python )
* [Django ](#django )
* [R ](#r )
* [RegEx ](#regex )
* [Ruby ](#ruby )
* [Shell / Bash Script ](#shell--bash )
refactor: normalize Angular and Angular.js sections/resources (#5525)
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items, mainly from html.it website.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources to TypeScript
- Well-naming sections
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Well-naming section
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Handle both as anchor. angular and angular.js
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Add http://plnkr.co as valid playground for both
- Add https://stackblitz.com as valid playground for both
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: Angular.js > AngularJS and other pitfails
- Use AngularJS as title/name
- Fix some errors with heading levels in Javascript/Typescript section
- Finish to move some resources accoding their content
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
Mainly for AngularJS/Angular, Javascript/Typescript,
web, databases listing sections
* chore: revert scoping crosslinks only to Angular
4 years ago
* [TypeScript ](#typescript )
* [Angular ](#angular )
### Agnósticos
#### IDE / Editores
* [Visual Studio Code: Produtividade infinita ](https://github.com/bylearn/VS-Code-Produtividade-Infinita ) - Felipe Cabrera Ribeiro dos Santos
#### Vim
* [O Editor de Texto Vim ](https://code.google.com/p/vimbook ) - Sérgio Luiz Araújo Silva et al.
* [Vim para Noobs ](https://woliveiras.com.br/vimparanoobs/ ) - William Oliveira Souza (HTML, PDF, EPUB) (*Necessário criar uma conta (gratuita) no Leanpub para baixar o livro completo*)
* [Vimbook ](https://vimbook.gitbook.io/vimbook ) - Cássio Botaro (gitbook)
#### Programação
* [Introdução a Algoritmos e Programação ](http://www.ferrari.pro.br/home/documents/FFerrari-CCechinel-Introducao-a-algoritmos.pdf ) - Fabricio Ferrari e Cristian Cechinel (PDF)
* [Lógica de Programação para iniciantes ](https://dicasdeprogramacao.com.br/download/ebook-logica-de-programacao-para-iniciantes.pdf ) - Gustavo Furtado de Oliveira Alves (PDF)
#### Sistemas Operacionais
* [Guia Foca Linux ](https://www.guiafoca.org/#download ) - Gleydson Maziolli (PDF)
* [Sistemas Operacionais: Conceitos e Mecanismos ](http://wiki.inf.ufpr.br/maziero/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=socm:socm-livro.pdf ) - Carlos A. Maziero (PDF) (:construction: *em contínuo desenvolvimento* )
### Android
* [Google Android: Uma abordagem prática e didática ](https://leanpub.com/google-android ) - Rafael Guimarães Sakurai - (Necessário criar uma conta (gratuita) no Leanpub para baixar o livro completo nos formatos PDF, EPUB, MOBI ou pelo próprio site)
### Assembly
* [Assembly x86 ](https://mentebinaria.gitbook.io/assembly-x86/ ) - Luis Felipe, Mente Binária (gitbook)
### C
* [Apostila Linguagem C ](http://www.ime.usp.br/~slago/slago-C.pdf ) - Silvio Lago (PDF)
* [Curso de Programação em C - UFMG ](http://www2.dcc.ufmg.br/disciplinas/pc/source/introducao_c_renatocm_deeufmg.pdf ) - Renato Cardoso Mesquita (PDF)
* [Guia Beej's Para Programação em Rede - Usando Internet Sockets ](http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/translations/bgnet_ptbr.html ) - B. Hall, Traduzido por cv8minix3 (HTML)
* [Introdução a Programação ](https://github.com/ufpb-computacao/introducao-a-programacao-livro/releases ) - livro adotado na UFPB.
* [Introdução em Computação - C ](http://www.ime.usp.br/~elo/IntroducaoComputacao/ ).
* [O Fantástico Mundo da Linguagem C ](https://fiorix.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/o-fantc3a1stico-mundo-da-linguagem-c.pdf ) (PDF)
* [Projeto de Algoritmos em C ](http://www.ime.usp.br/~pf/algoritmos/ )
### C Sharp
* [C# e Orientação a Objetos ](https://www.caelum.com.br/apostila-csharp-orientacao-objetos/ ) - Caelum
< h3 id = "cpp" > C++< / h3 >
* [Apostila Linguagem C++ ](http://www.ime.usp.br/~slago/slago-C++.pdf ) - Silvio Lago (PDF)
* [Estrutura de Dados ](http://calhau.dca.fee.unicamp.br/wiki/images/0/01/EstruturasDados.pdf ) (PDF)
* [Programação Orientada a Objetos em C++ ](http://webserver2.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~manuel/Download/Programacao%20Orientada%20a%20Objetos%20em%20C++.pdf ) (PDF)
### Docker
* [Descomplicando o Docker ](https://livro.descomplicandodocker.com.br ) - Jeferson Fernando
* [Docker para desenvolvedores ](https://leanpub.com/dockerparadesenvolvedores ) - Rafael Gomes *(necessário conta no Leanpub ou e-mail válido)*
### Engenharia de Software
#### Metodologias de Desenvolvimento de Software
* [Kanban e Scrum - obtendo o melhor de ambos ](http://www.infoq.com/br/minibooks/kanban-scrum-minibook ) *(account required)*
* [Kanban em 10 Passos ](http://www.infoq.com/br/minibooks/priming-kanban-jesper-boeg ) *(account required)*
* [Scrum e XP direto das Trincheiras ](http://www.infoq.com/br/minibooks/scrum-xp-from-the-trenches ) *(account required)*
#### Arquitetura de Software
* [ASP.NET Core architecture ](https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-br/dotnet/architecture/modern-web-apps-azure/ ) (PDF)
* [Microservices architecture ](https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-br/dotnet/architecture/microservices/ ) (PDF)
* [Modernizing existing .NET apps ](https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-br/dotnet/architecture/modernize-with-azure-containers/ ) (PDF)
#### Outros
* [CI - Integração Contínua Sem Desculpa ](https://ci.mrprompt.com.br )
* [Deploy em produção para desenvolvedores ](https://leanpub.com/deployemprodparadevs ) - Rafael Gomes *(necessário conta no Leanpub ou e-mail válido)*
* [Engenharia de Software Moderna ](https://engsoftmoderna.info ) - Marco Tulio Valente (HTML)
* [Primeiros passos com Padrões de Projeto ](https://leanpub.com/primeiros-passos-com-padroes-de-projeto/ )
### Fundamentos Matemáticos Computacionais
* [Matemática Fundacional para Computação - Em progresso ](https://www.tsouanas.org/fmcbook/ ) - Thanos Tsouanas (:construction: *in process* )
### Git
* [Git - guia prático ](http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/index.pt_BR.html )
* [Git Magic ](http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~blynn/gitmagic/intl/pt_br/ )
* [Minicurso - Controle de Versão usando o Git ](https://github.com/ltiaunesp/Git-Minicurso ) - LTIA UNESP
* [Pro Git ](http://git-scm.com/book/pt-br/ )
### GO
* [Aprenda Go com Testes ](https://larien.gitbook.io/aprenda-go-com-testes ) - Lauren Ferreira
* [Go - hands on ](https://github.com/go-br/estudos )
* [Go por Exemplo ](http://goporexemplo.golangbr.org ) - Mark McGranaghan, Jeremy Ashkenas, golangbr, Daniela Tamy Iwassa (HTML)
### Haskell
* [Aprender o Haskell será um grande bem para você (tradução em andamento) ](https://github.com/taylorrf/learnhaskell )
### HTML / CSS
* [Apostila de HTML ](https://www.telecom.uff.br/pet/petws/downloads/apostilas/HTML.pdf ) - Robertha Pereira Pedroso (PDF)
* [Desenvolvimento Web com HTML, CSS e JavaScript ](https://www.caelum.com.br/apostila-html-css-javascript/ ) - Caelum
* [Dive Into HTML5 ](http://diveintohtml5.com.br )
* [Estruturando o HTML com CSS ](http://pt-br.learnlayout.com )
* [Websites Atendendo a Requisitos de Acessibilidade e Usabilidade ](https://leanpub.com/warau ) - Leonelo Dell Anhol Almeida, Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas, Vagner Figueredo de Santana (PDF) *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
### Java
* [Desenvolvimento Distribuído com JavaEE ](https://www.gitbook.com/book/rafaelsakurai/desenvolvimento-distribuido ) - Rafael Guimarães Sakurai
* [Imergindo na JVM ](https://leanpub.com/imergindo-jvm ) - Otavio Santana *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Introdução a Ciência da Computação com Java ](http://ccsl.ime.usp.br/files/publications/files/2008/intro-java-cc.pdf ) (PDF)
* [Java e Orientação a Objetos ](http://www.caelum.com.br/apostila-java-orientacao-objetos/ ) - Caelum
* [Java para Desenvolvimento Web ](http://www.caelum.com.br/apostila-java-web/ ) - Caelum
* [Programação para iniciantes ](https://s3.amazonaws.com/algaworks-assets/ebooks/algaworks-livro-programacao-para-iniciantes-v1.1.pdf ) (PDF)
### JavaScript
* [Eloquente JavaScript ](https://github.com/braziljs/eloquente-javascript )
* [EXPERT JS Stack ](http://stack.desenvolvedor.expert )
* [Guia JavaScript ](https://developer.mozilla.org/pt-BR/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide )
* [Guia Rápido de Desenvolvimento para Firefox OS ](https://leanpub.com/guiarapidofirefoxos )
* [JS: A forma certa ](http://jstherightway.org/pt-br/ )
* [You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance ](https://github.com/cezaraugusto/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/portuguese-translation/async%20&%20performance/README.md )
* [You Don't Know JS: ES6 & Além ](https://github.com/cezaraugusto/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/portuguese-translation/es6%20&%20beyond/README.md )
* [You Don't Know JS: Escopos & Closures ](https://github.com/cezaraugusto/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/portuguese-translation/scope%20&%20closures/README.md )
* [You Don't Know JS: Iniciando ](https://github.com/cezaraugusto/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/portuguese-translation/up%20&%20going/README.md )
* [You Don't Know JS: this & Prototipagem de Objetos ](https://github.com/cezaraugusto/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/portuguese-translation/this%20&%20object%20prototypes/README.md )
* [You Don't Know JS: Tipos & Gramática ](https://github.com/cezaraugusto/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/portuguese-translation/types%20&%20grammar/README.md )
refactor: normalize Angular and Angular.js sections/resources (#5525)
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items, mainly from html.it website.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources to TypeScript
- Well-naming sections
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Well-naming section
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Handle both as anchor. angular and angular.js
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Add http://plnkr.co as valid playground for both
- Add https://stackblitz.com as valid playground for both
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: Angular.js > AngularJS and other pitfails
- Use AngularJS as title/name
- Fix some errors with heading levels in Javascript/Typescript section
- Finish to move some resources accoding their content
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
Mainly for AngularJS/Angular, Javascript/Typescript,
web, databases listing sections
* chore: revert scoping crosslinks only to Angular
4 years ago
#### AngularJS
refactor: normalize Angular and Angular.js sections/resources (#5525)
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items, mainly from html.it website.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources to TypeScript
- Well-naming sections
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Well-naming section
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Handle both as anchor. angular and angular.js
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Add http://plnkr.co as valid playground for both
- Add https://stackblitz.com as valid playground for both
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: Angular.js > AngularJS and other pitfails
- Use AngularJS as title/name
- Fix some errors with heading levels in Javascript/Typescript section
- Finish to move some resources accoding their content
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
Mainly for AngularJS/Angular, Javascript/Typescript,
web, databases listing sections
* chore: revert scoping crosslinks only to Angular
4 years ago
> :information_source: Veja também … [Angular](#angular)
refactor: normalize Angular and Angular.js sections/resources (#5525)
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items, mainly from html.it website.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources to TypeScript
- Well-naming sections
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Well-naming section
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Handle both as anchor. angular and angular.js
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Add http://plnkr.co as valid playground for both
- Add https://stackblitz.com as valid playground for both
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: Angular.js > AngularJS and other pitfails
- Use AngularJS as title/name
- Fix some errors with heading levels in Javascript/Typescript section
- Finish to move some resources accoding their content
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
Mainly for AngularJS/Angular, Javascript/Typescript,
web, databases listing sections
* chore: revert scoping crosslinks only to Angular
4 years ago
* [Criando uma aplicação simples com AngularJS ](http://tableless.com.br/criando-uma-aplicacao-simples-com-angularjs/ ) - Davi Ferreira
* [Criando uma aplicação Single Page com AngularJS ](http://tableless.com.br/criando-uma-aplicacao-single-page-com-angularjs/ ) - Lucas Caprio
* [Entendendo as diretivas e fazendo abas com AngularJS ](http://tableless.com.br/diretivas-angularjs-abas/ ) - Diego Eis
#### Backbone.js
* [Série Backbone.js (blog.fernandomantoan.com) ](http://blog.fernandomantoan.com/serie-backbone-js-parte-1-introducao/ )
* [Série Backbone.js (devfuria.com.br) ](http://www.devfuria.com.br/javascript/backbone/ )
#### Ember.js
* [Conceitos basicos do Ember.js ](http://fabriciotav.org/blog/2013/02/20/conceitos-basicos-do-emberjs.html )
* [Handlebars Helpers com Ember.js ](http://fabriciotav.org/blog/2013/02/20/handlebars-helpers-com-emberjs.html )
#### Express.js
* [Primeiros passos com Express em Node.js ](http://nodebr.com/primeiros-passos-com-express-em-node-js/ )
#### Grunt
* [Grunt - Voce deveria estar usando ](http://tableless.com.br/grunt-voce-deveria-estar-usando/ )
* [Grunt \| Automatizando tarefas ](http://woliveiras.com.br/posts/grunt-automatizando-tarefas/ )
#### Gulp
* [Gulp - O novo automatizador ](http://tableless.com.br/gulp-o-novo-automatizador/ )
#### jQuery
* [Artigos sobre jQuery ](https://tableless.com.br/categories/jquery/ )
#### Knockout.js
* [Documentação ](https://github.com/alexhiroshi/knockoutjs-brasil )
#### Meteor
* [Tudo sobre Meteor ](http://udgwebdev.com/meteor/ )
#### Node.js
* [Aplicações web real-time com Node.js ](https://github.com/caio-ribeiro-pereira/livro-nodejs ) - Caio Ribeiro Pereira
* [Construindo APIs testáveis com Node.js ](https://leanpub.com/construindo-apis-testaveis-com-nodejs/ ) - Waldemar Neto *(necessário conta no Leanpub ou e-mail válido)*
* [Node.js para Leigos ](http://udgwebdev.com/nodejs/ )
* [Raspagem de dados com Node.js ](http://tableless.com.br/raspagem-de-dados-com-node-js/ )
#### React
* [React: JavaScript reativo ](http://tableless.com.br/react-javascript-reativo/ )
* [The Road to Learn React ](https://leanpub.com/the-road-to-learn-react-portuguese ) *(necessário conta no Leanpub ou e-mail válido)*
#### Vue.js
* [Adicionar Bootstrap e Font-awesome no projeto criado com o Vue Cli ](https://web.archive.org/web/20180613054310/http://www.vedovelli.com.br/frontend/adicionar-bootstrap-e-font-awesome-no-projeto-criado-com-o-vue-cli/ )
* [Documentação pt-BR ](https://br.vuejs.org/v2/guide/ )
* [Vue.js Brasil - Artigos em Português sobre Vue.js ](http://www.vuejs-brasil.com.br )
* [Vue.js na prática ](https://leanpub.com/livro-vue ) - Daniel Schmitz and Daniel Pedrinha Georgii (Necessário criar uma conta (gratuita) no Leanpub para baixar o livro completo nos formatos PDF, EPUB, MOBI ou pelo próprio site)
* [VueJS: Filtro para criar URL’s amigáveis ](http://web.archive.org/web/20160331162636/http://carlosgartner.com.br/vuejs-filtro-para-criar-urls-amigaveis/ )
### Kubernetes
* [Descomplicando Kubernetes ](https://livro.descomplicandokubernetes.com.br ) - Jeferson Fernando
* [Introdução ao Kubernetes no Azure ](https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-br/learn/paths/intro-to-kubernetes-on-azure/ )
### LaTeX
* [Breve Introdução ao LaTeX2e ](http://www.if.ufrj.br/~sandra/MetComp/doc/latex.pdf ) - Lenimar Nunes de Andrade (PDF)
* [Introdução ao LaTeX 2 - Ou LaTeX 2 em 105 minutos ](http://ctan.org/pkg/lshort-portuguese-br )
* [Latexação ](https://www.ime.usp.br/~tassio/arquivo/latex/apostila.pdf ) - Tássio Naia dos Santos (PDF)
### LISP
* [Introdução a linguagem LISP ](http://www.dca.fee.unicamp.br/courses/EA072/lisp9596/Lisp9596.html ) (HTML)
### Lua
* [Manual de Referência de Lua 5.2 ](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/pt/ )
### PHP
* [A semana PHP ](http://asemanaphp.com.br )
* [Api REST Com Silex no GAE ](http://bit.ly/ebook-silex ) - Nanderson Castro (PDF, EPUB, MOBI)
* [CakePHP ](http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/pt/index.html )
* [Curso Linguagem PHP 2000 ](http://www.etelg.com.br/paginaete/downloads/informatica/php.pdf ) (PDF)
* [PHP Do jeito certo ](http://br.phptherightway.com )
* [PHPUnit ](https://phpunit.de/manual/current/pt_br/index.html ) (PDF, EPUB, MOBI)
#### Symfony
* [Symfony 5: A Trilha Rápida ](https://symfony.com/doc/5.0/the-fast-track/pt_BR/index.html )
### Python
* [Aprenda computação com Python ](https://aprendendo-computacao-com-python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html )
* [Aprenda Python Básico - Rápido e Fácil de entender ](http://felipegalvao.com.br/livros ) (PDF / Epub)
* [Curso de Python e Django ](https://osantana.me/curso-de-python-e-django )
* [Django 101 - Introdução ao Django ](http://turing.com.br/material/acpython/mod3/django/index.html )
* [Introdução a Visão Computacional com Python e OpenCV ](http://professor.luzerna.ifc.edu.br/ricardo-antonello/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2017/02/Livro-Introdu%C3%A7%C3%A3o-a-Vis%C3%A3o-Computacional-com-Python-e-OpenCV-3.pdf ) (PDF)
* [O Guia do Mochileiro para Python! ](https://python-guide-pt-br.readthedocs.io/pt_BR/latest/ )
* [O tutorial de Python ](http://turing.com.br/pydoc/2.7/tutorial/ )
* [Pense em Python ](https://penseallen.github.io/PensePython2e )
* [Python e Orientação a Objetos ](https://www.caelum.com.br/apostila-python-orientacao-a-objetos/ )
* [Python Funcional ](https://dunossauro.github.io/python-funcional/ ) - Eduardo Mendes
* [Python Orientado a Objetos ](https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxyYWZhZWx1ZnR8Z3g6NTJlM2UzYzY1ZTgzMDEwMw ) (PDF)
* [Python para Desenvolvedores ](https://ark4n.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/python_para_desenvolvedores_2ed.pdf ) (PDF)
* [Tutorial Django Girls ](http://tutorial.djangogirls.org/pt/ )
#### Django
* [Desenvolvimento Web com Python e Django ](https://pythonacademy.com.br/ebooks/desenvolvimento-web-com-python-e-django ) - Vinícius Ramos (endereço de e-mail *solicitado* , não obrigatório)
* [Documentação do Django ](https://docs.djangoproject.com/pt-br )
* [Tutorial Django Girls ](https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/pt/ )
### R
* [Análise Exploratória de Dados usando o R ](http://www.uesc.br/editora/livrosdigitais2/analiseexploratoria_r.pdf ) - Enio Jelihovschi (PDF)
* [Ciência de Dados com R ](https://www.ibpad.com.br/o-que-fazemos/publicacoes/introducao-ciencia-de-dados-com-r/ ) - Paulo Oliveira, Saulo Guerra, and Robert McDonnell (email address *requested* , not required)
* [Fundamentos Estatísticos de Ciência dos Dados ](https://homepages.dcc.ufmg.br/~assuncao/EstatCC/FECD.pdf ) - Renato Assunção (PDF)
* [R para cientistas sociais ](http://www.uesc.br/editora/livrosdigitais_20140513/r_cientistas.pdf ) - Jakson Alves de Aquino (PDF)
### RegEx
* [Expressões Regulares - Guia de Consulta Rápida ](http://aurelio.net/regex/guia/ )
### Ruby
* [Aprenda a Programar ](http://www.jmonteiro.com/aprendaaprogramar/ )
* [Conhecendo Ruby - Eustaquio Rangel ](https://leanpub.com/conhecendo-ruby/read )
* [O (comovente) guia de Ruby do Why ](http://why.carlosbrando.com )
### Shell / Bash
* [Bash Scripting ](https://meleu.gitbooks.io/bashscripting/content/ ) - Meleu (gitbook)
* [Introdução ao Shell Script ](http://aurelio.net/shell/apostila-introducao-shell.pdf ) - Aurelio Marinho Jargas (PDF)
* [Pequena introdução ao linux e ao Shell Script ](https://www.telecom.uff.br/pet/petws/downloads/apostilas/LINUX.pdf ) (PDF)
* [Shell Script do Zero ](http://metamorphoselinux.net/Shell_Script_do_Zero.pdf ) (PDF)
refactor: normalize Angular and Angular.js sections/resources (#5525)
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming section
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file
via EbookFoundation#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Wellnaming sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items, mainly from html.it website.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs)
- Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items.
- fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources to TypeScript
- Well-naming sections
- fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in files
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript
- Add more resources to avoid single sections
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Well-naming section
- Complete notes, titles, format, authors
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Handle both as anchor. angular and angular.js
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: improve angular / angular.js listings
- Add http://plnkr.co as valid playground for both
- Add https://stackblitz.com as valid playground for both
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* chore: Angular.js > AngularJS and other pitfails
- Use AngularJS as title/name
- Fix some errors with heading levels in Javascript/Typescript section
- Finish to move some resources accoding their content
via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
* feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes
Mainly for AngularJS/Angular, Javascript/Typescript,
web, databases listing sections
* chore: revert scoping crosslinks only to Angular
4 years ago
### TypeScript
* [Iniciando no TypeScript - Guia prático para os primeiros passos da linguagem ](https://www.maiconsilva.com/starting-typescript/ ) - Maicon Silva (HTML)
* [TypeScript Documentação ](https://www.typescriptlang.org/pt/docs/ )
* [TypeScript: O guia definitivo ](https://oieduardorabelo.medium.com/typescript-o-guia-definitivo-1a63b04259cc ) - Eduardo Rabelo (HTML)
#### Angular
> :information_source: Veja também … [AngularJS](#angularjs)
* [Angular 2 - Criando sua primeira aplicação no Visual Studio Code ](http://www.macoratti.net/17/02/net_ang2vsc1.htm ) - José Carlos Macoratti (HTML)
* [Implemente um aplicativo de página única com o Angular 2 ](https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/br/library/implemente-aplicativo-pagina-unica-angular-2/ ) - IBM, Babu Suresh (HTML)