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feat: Add `docs/readme.md` + update crosslinks (#6700) * complete translate list with the new languages appeared since hacktoberfest * Create docs/README.md with the translations section using root README.md as source. Links are adapted to this folder Address EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#6698 * fix remaining url + translation items - Portuguese (Portugal) - Slovak / slovenčina - Slovenian / slovenščina Address EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#6698 * fix remaining url + translation items - Portuguese (Portugal) - Slovak / slovenčina - Slovenian / slovenščina Address EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#6698 * Add inclusiveness `dare to translate...` paragraph * Add inclusiveness `dare to translate...` paragraph * Move translations link target url to docs * move translation links `bs` * move translations link `en` * move translations crosslink `es` * move translations crosslink `fr` * move translations crosslink `de` * move translations crosslink `el` * move translations crosslink `fa_IR` * move translations crosslink `fil` * move translations crosslink `it` * move translations crosslink `pt_BR` * move translations crosslink `ko` * move translations crosslink `ru` * move translations crosslink `id` * move translations crosslink `zh` * move translations crosslink `hi` * move translations crosslink `pl` * move translations crosslink `uk` * move translations crosslink `vi` * move translations crosslink remaining `HOW-To's` * revert feature moved to #6688 * Remove the list from the top level. Leave `en` links * use `previous languages` in root README * Add more languages lists in root `readme.md` * fix typo * fix typo * Update docs/README.md after translations paragraph Less text is more Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net> * Update README.md after translations paragraph Less text is more Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net> * Update README.md preface translations paragraph Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net> * fix CONTRIBUTING target url commited at fd2b39151c7d61c4b4b0bd99a96ed231614b9a15 * Update docs/README.md preface translations paragraph Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net> * read me! said the boss ^^, less text is more. Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net> * remove "The inclusiveness is one of our targets, so " Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net>
3 years ago
*[Доступно на других языках](README.md#translations)*
Добро пожаловать в Free-Programming-Books! Мы приветствуем новых участников; даже тех, кто делает свой самый первый пулреквест на Github. Если вы один из них, вот несколько ресурсов, которые могут вам помочь:
* [:us: Про пулреквесты](https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/about-pull-requests)
* [:us: Создание пулреквеста](https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request)
* [:us: Github Hello World](https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/)
* [:us: Youtube - обучающий ролик по Github для новичков](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fKg7e37bQE)
* [:us: Youtube - Как форкнуть GitHub репозиторий и отправить пулл реквест](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1I3HF4YWEw)
* [:us: Youtube - курс погружения в Markdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUBNt18RFbo)
* [:ru: Pull request'ы на GitHub или Как мне внести изменения в чужой проект](https://habr.com/ru/post/125999/)
* [:ru: Github Hello World](http://bi0morph.github.io/hello-world/)
* [:ru: Youtube - Изучение GitHub в одном видео уроке за 15 минут](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfpCicDUMKc)
* [:ru: Youtube - Markdown - пиши README без боли](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFBTGdEMrQ4)
Не стесняйтесь задавать вопросы; каждый участник начал с первого PR. Вы могли бы стать нашим тысячным!
Даже если вы опытный участник проекта с открытым исходным кодом, есть вещи, которые могут вас сбить с толку. После того как вы отправите свой PR, GitHub Actions запустит линтер который часто находит небольшие проблемы с пробелами или алфавитным порядком. Если у вас появляется зеленая кнопка, все готово к проверке, а если нет, нажмите "Details" под проверкой, которая не смогла выяснить, что не понравилось линтеру. Устраните проблему и добавьте коммит в свой пулреквест.
feat: Add `docs/readme.md` + update crosslinks (#6700) * complete translate list with the new languages appeared since hacktoberfest * Create docs/README.md with the translations section using root README.md as source. Links are adapted to this folder Address EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#6698 * fix remaining url + translation items - Portuguese (Portugal) - Slovak / slovenčina - Slovenian / slovenščina Address EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#6698 * fix remaining url + translation items - Portuguese (Portugal) - Slovak / slovenčina - Slovenian / slovenščina Address EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#6698 * Add inclusiveness `dare to translate...` paragraph * Add inclusiveness `dare to translate...` paragraph * Move translations link target url to docs * move translation links `bs` * move translations link `en` * move translations crosslink `es` * move translations crosslink `fr` * move translations crosslink `de` * move translations crosslink `el` * move translations crosslink `fa_IR` * move translations crosslink `fil` * move translations crosslink `it` * move translations crosslink `pt_BR` * move translations crosslink `ko` * move translations crosslink `ru` * move translations crosslink `id` * move translations crosslink `zh` * move translations crosslink `hi` * move translations crosslink `pl` * move translations crosslink `uk` * move translations crosslink `vi` * move translations crosslink remaining `HOW-To's` * revert feature moved to #6688 * Remove the list from the top level. Leave `en` links * use `previous languages` in root README * Add more languages lists in root `readme.md` * fix typo * fix typo * Update docs/README.md after translations paragraph Less text is more Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net> * Update README.md after translations paragraph Less text is more Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net> * Update README.md preface translations paragraph Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net> * fix CONTRIBUTING target url commited at fd2b39151c7d61c4b4b0bd99a96ed231614b9a15 * Update docs/README.md preface translations paragraph Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net> * read me! said the boss ^^, less text is more. Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net> * remove "The inclusiveness is one of our targets, so " Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net>
3 years ago
Наконец, если вы не уверены, что ресурс, который вы хотите добавить, подходит для Free-Programming-Books, прочтите рекомендации в [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING-ru.md). ([translations](README.md#translations))