📚 Freely available programming books

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### Index
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#c-sharp)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Git](#git)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [NodeJS](#nodejs)
* [React](#react)
* [Vue.js](#vuejs)
* [Python](#python)
* [Ruby](#Ruby)
refactor: normalize Angular and Angular.js sections/resources (#5525) * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Wellnaming section - fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Wellnaming section - fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file via EbookFoundation#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Wellnaming sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs) - Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items, mainly from html.it website. - fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript - Add more resources to avoid single sections via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs) - Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items. - fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Move Angular resources to TypeScript - Well-naming sections - fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in files via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript - Add more resources to avoid single sections - Complete notes, titles, format, authors via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Well-naming section - Complete notes, titles, format, authors via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Handle both as anchor. angular and angular.js via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Add http://plnkr.co as valid playground for both - Add https://stackblitz.com as valid playground for both via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: Angular.js > AngularJS and other pitfails - Use AngularJS as title/name - Fix some errors with heading levels in Javascript/Typescript section - Finish to move some resources accoding their content via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes * feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes Mainly for AngularJS/Angular, Javascript/Typescript, web, databases listing sections * chore: revert scoping crosslinks only to Angular
4 years ago
* [TypeScript](#typescript)
* [Angular](#angular)
### C
* [ภาษา C](http://marcuscode.com/lang/c) - MarcusCode
### C-Sharp
* [ภาษา C#](http://marcuscode.com/lang/csharp) - MarcusCode
<h3 id="cpp">C++</h3>
* [ภาษา C++](http://marcuscode.com/lang/cpp) - MarcusCode
### Git
* [มาเรยนร Git แบบงายๆกนเถอะ](https://blog.nextzy.me/มาเรยนร-git-แบบงายๆกนเถอะ-427398e62f82) - Ake Exorcist
* [สอนใช Git - Version Control System](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjPfp4Ph3gBrgVPZySWHZwxXSxdgOKhQ-) - CMDev
* [สอน git และ github เบองต](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoTScYm9O0GGsV1ZAyP4m_iyAbflQrKrX) - prasertcbs
### JavaScript
* [จาวาสครปตเบองต](https://phyblas.hinaboshi.com/saraban/javascript) - Phyblas
* [ภาษา JavaScript](http://marcuscode.com/lang/javascript) - MarcusCode
* [สอน JavaScript](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xSQKvnccplgKmdtqizMGRh11witheTM) - Zinglecode
#### NodeJS
* [สอน Node.js เบองต](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoTScYm9O0GERtEdsPHK5Q-cdor5ADnyM) - pracertcbs
* [สอน Nodejs เบองตน สำหรบผเรมตนศกษา Nodejs](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEE74DyIkwEkWkVWy3TbjrTICVF_eUdyc) - Kong Ruksiam
#### React
* [สอน React.JS Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjPfp4Ph3gBo5SmWJXwv4oKDfeTXA7xgw) - CMDev
#### Vue.js
* [เมอไดบภารกจสรางระบบเขารวม Event ผาน Line Liff](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSy2hExy-WZN_fJSBbX7bsrAWsm3sbQg-) - CodeTraveler
* [สอนเขยน VueJS](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjPfp4Ph3gBry3sJDNrbqor5ikjwGDJ_7) - CMDev
* [สอน VueJS + NuxtJS ตงแต 0~99](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXm-UJjVcJCMd24NIQTPcqHhfnK-QbPmD) - Geekstart
### Python
* [ตคนชางแสนสน เราไมหวนใช python](https://phyblas.hinaboshi.com/saraban/python) - Phyblas
* [ภาษา Python](http://marcuscode.com/lang/python) - MarcusCode
* [สอน Python](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xSQKvnccpk1xciZgtt6xEstU7A6fcAp) - Zinglecode
### Ruby
* [สอน Ruby on Rails ตงแต 0~99](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXm-UJjVcJCPxawSeVSYP1bsP_0_iMpQJ) - Geekstart
refactor: normalize Angular and Angular.js sections/resources (#5525) * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Wellnaming section - fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Wellnaming section - fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in file via EbookFoundation#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Wellnaming sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs) - Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items, mainly from html.it website. - fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript - Add more resources to avoid single sections via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Sections (typescript>angular, javascript>angularjs) - Add free resources to complete listing with at least 2 items. - fix titles, add format, add creators as is seen in linked files via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Move Angular resources to TypeScript - Well-naming sections - fix book title, add format, add creators as is seen in files via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Move Angular resources from Angular.js to TypeScript - Add more resources to avoid single sections - Complete notes, titles, format, authors via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Well-naming section - Complete notes, titles, format, authors via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Handle both as anchor. angular and angular.js via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: improve angular / angular.js listings - Add http://plnkr.co as valid playground for both - Add https://stackblitz.com as valid playground for both via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * chore: Angular.js > AngularJS and other pitfails - Use AngularJS as title/name - Fix some errors with heading levels in Javascript/Typescript section - Finish to move some resources accoding their content via EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#4940 * feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes * feature: sections crosslinks as blockquotes Mainly for AngularJS/Angular, Javascript/Typescript, web, databases listing sections * chore: revert scoping crosslinks only to Angular
4 years ago
### TypeScript
* [สอน TypeScript Basic to Advance](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEE74DyIkwEn4NOiqo43uxvSzyE0eyUQj) - Kong Ruksiam (YouTube)
#### Angular
* [อใหมดใช Angular](https://priefydev.wordpress.com/tag/angular/) - Priefy Dev.