### Index
* [Android ](#android )
* [Emacs ](#emacs )
* [Git ](#git )
* [Go ](#go )
* [HTML & CSS ](#html-css )
* [JavaScript ](#javascript )
* [PHP ](#php )
* [Python ](#python )
* [Vue ](#vue )
### Android
* [Android Developers Fundamental Course Concepts and Practicals (Bahasa Indonesia) ](https://yukcoding.id/download-ebook-android-gratis/ )
* [Tutorial Membuat Aplikasi Galeri Foto Android ](https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/533096 )
### Emacs
* [Dokumentasi Emacs Bahasa Indonesia ](https://github.com/kholidfu/emacs_doc )
### Git
* [Belajar Git untuk Pemula ](https://github.com/petanikode/belajar-git )
* [Kontrol Versi dengan Git ](https://leanpub.com/kontrol-versi-git )
* [Pro Git 2nd Edition ](https://git-scm.com/book/id/v2 )
### Go
* [Dasar Pemrograman Golang ](https://dasarpemrogramangolang.novalagung.com ) - Noval Agung Prayogo
* [Belajar HTML dan CSS ](http://www.ariona.net/ebook-belajar-html-dan-css/ )
* [Ebook Belajar HTML Dan CSS Dasar ](https://www.malasngoding.com/download-ebook-belajar-html-dan-css-dasar-gratis/ )
### JavaScript
* [Mengenal JavaScript ](http://masputih.com/2013/01/ebook-gratis-mengenal-javascript )
* [Otomatisasi dengan gulp.js ](https://kristories.gitbooks.io/otomatisasi-dengan-gulp-js/content/ )
### Node.js
* [Belajar Node.js ](http://idjs.github.io/belajar-nodejs/ )
* [Node.js Handbook: Berbahasa Indonesia ](https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Bona_Tua_Node_js_Handbook?id=9WhZDwAAQBAJ ) - Bona Tua, Google Play Books (*account required*)
### NoSQL
* [MongoDB Untuk Indonesia ](https://kristories.gitbooks.io/pengantar-mongodb/content/ )
### PHP
* [Pemrograman Web dengan PHP dan MySQL ](http://achmatim.net/2009/04/15/buku-gratis-pemrograman-web-dengan-php-dan-mysql/ )
* [PHP: The Right Way Bahasa Indonesia ](http://id.phptherightway.com/#site-header/ )
* [Tutorial Ebook PHP ](http://www.ilmuwebsite.com/ebook-php-free-download )
### Python
* [Belajar Python ](http://www.belajarpython.com )
* [Dasar Pemrograman Python ](https://www.pythonindo.com/tutorial-python-dasar/ )
* [Database PostgreSQL, Pemrograman Python, dan SMS Gateway ](http://rab.co.id/files/python/bukupython2.pdf.gz ) - (PDF)
* [Kursus Singkat Machine Learning dengan TensorFlow API ](https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course?hl=id )
* [Tutorial Python ](https://docs.python.org/id/3.8/tutorial/ )
* [Workshop Python 101 ](http://sakti.github.io/python101/ )
### Vue
* [Dokumentasi Vue Bahasa Indonesia ](https://github.com/vuejs-id/docs )