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11 years ago
### Index
9 years ago
* [0 - Niezależne od języka programowania](#0---niezale%C5%BCne-od-j%C4%99zyka-programowania)
* [Version Control Systems](#version-control-systems)
* [Android](#android)
refactor(books): Split RE4B - Reverse Engineering For Beginners (#5603) * refactor(books): add re4b - french Reverse Engineering for Beginners - https://beginners.re/RE4B-FR.pdf Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 Translators: Florent Besnard @besnardf, Marc Remy @mremy, Baudouin Landais, Téo Dacquet @T30rix, @BlueSkeye Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 (cherry picked from commit 14c32afe2cce6015009647445ddef620284634fe) * refactor(books): remove due to not free in english & russian Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * refactor(books): add re4b - german Reverse Engineering for Beginners - https://beginners.re/RE4B-DE.pdf Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 Translators: Dennis Siekmeier17 @DSiekmeier, Julius Angres18 @JAngres, Dirk Loser19 @PolymathMonkey, Clemens Tamme, Philipp Schweinzer Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * refactor(books): add re4b - japanese Reverse Engineering for Beginners - https://beginners.re/RE4B-JA.pdf Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 Translators: @shmz @4ryuJP Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * refactor(books): add re4b - italian Reverse Engineering for Beginners - https://beginners.re/RE4B-IT.pdf Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 @yurichev Translators: Federico Ramondino @pinkrab , Paolo Stivanin @paolostivanin, @twyK, Fabrizio Bertone @fbertone, Matteo Sticco @sticken88, Marco Negro @Internaut401, @bluepulsar. Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * fix(books): section level * refactor(books): add re4b - polish Reverse Engineering for Beginners - https://beginners.re/RE4B-PL.pdf Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 @yurichev Translators: Kateryna Rozanova, Aleksander Mistewicz, Wiktoria Lewicka, Marcin Sokołowski Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * refactor(books): add re4b - traditional chinese Reverse Engineering for Beginners - Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 @yurichev Translators: Antiy Labs, Archer Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * lint(books): fix marker style * refactor(books): move re4b - german to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): move re4b - italian to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): move re4b - french to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): merge assembly - webassembly Moving/adding book "WebAssembly friendly programming with C/C++" Author: @chaishushan, @3dgen Translator: @yushih It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): move re4b - chinese to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): move re4b - polish to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): move re4b - japanese to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse
4 years ago
* [Assembly](#assembly)
* [Bash](#bash)
* [C](#c)
* [C#](#csharp)
* [C++](#cpp)
* [Coq](#coq)
* [Haskell](#haskell)
* [HTML and CSS](#html-and-css)
* [Java](#java)
* [JavaScript](#javascript)
* [LaTeX](#latex)
* [Lisp](#lisp)
* [MySQL](#mysql)
* [Perl](#perl)
* [PHP](#php)
* [Symfony](#symfony)
* [Prolog](#prolog)
* [Python](#python)
* [Django](#django)
* [R](#R)
* [Ruby](#ruby)
* [SQL](#sql)
### 0 - Niezależne od języka programowania
* [Git](https://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/Git) - Wikibooks
* [Interaktywna platforma do nauki programowania](http://apki.org)
* [Pisanie OS](https://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/Pisanie_OS) - Wikibooks
* [Poradnik początkującego programisty](http://www.eioba.pl/a/2eu1/poradnik-poczatkujacego-programisty) - Mariusz Żurawek
* [Programowanie webowe E14](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOYHgt8dIdoxOp0wtNk9Sle5WUsBZc6kq)
* [Struktury danych i ich zastosowania](https://web.archive.org/web/20190126061036/http://informatykaplus.edu.pl/upload/list/czytelnia/Struktury_danych_i_ich_zastosowania.pdf) - Informatyka+ (PDF)
* [W poszukiwaniu wyzwań 2](https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~idziaszek/algonotes/looking-for-a-challenge-2-pl.pdf) - Zadania z AMPPZ 2011–2014 (PDF)
#### Version Control Systems
* [Pro Git](https://git-scm.com/book/pl/) - Scott Chacon, Ben Straub, et al. (HTML)
* [SVN](https://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/Subversion) - Wikibooks
### Android
* [O Androidzie ludzkim głosem](https://andrzejklusiewicz-android.blogspot.com/p/bezpatny-kurs-programowania-android-java.html) - Andrzej Klusiewicz
9 years ago
* [O Androidzie ludzkim głosem](http://jsystems.pl/storage/kurs_android/ebook/ebook-android.pdf) (PDF)
* [Przybornik pragmatycznego programisty Android](http://soldiersofmobile.com/przybornik/przybornik_8_02.pdf) (PDF)
refactor(books): Split RE4B - Reverse Engineering For Beginners (#5603) * refactor(books): add re4b - french Reverse Engineering for Beginners - https://beginners.re/RE4B-FR.pdf Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 Translators: Florent Besnard @besnardf, Marc Remy @mremy, Baudouin Landais, Téo Dacquet @T30rix, @BlueSkeye Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 (cherry picked from commit 14c32afe2cce6015009647445ddef620284634fe) * refactor(books): remove due to not free in english & russian Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * refactor(books): add re4b - german Reverse Engineering for Beginners - https://beginners.re/RE4B-DE.pdf Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 Translators: Dennis Siekmeier17 @DSiekmeier, Julius Angres18 @JAngres, Dirk Loser19 @PolymathMonkey, Clemens Tamme, Philipp Schweinzer Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * refactor(books): add re4b - japanese Reverse Engineering for Beginners - https://beginners.re/RE4B-JA.pdf Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 Translators: @shmz @4ryuJP Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * refactor(books): add re4b - italian Reverse Engineering for Beginners - https://beginners.re/RE4B-IT.pdf Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 @yurichev Translators: Federico Ramondino @pinkrab , Paolo Stivanin @paolostivanin, @twyK, Fabrizio Bertone @fbertone, Matteo Sticco @sticken88, Marco Negro @Internaut401, @bluepulsar. Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * fix(books): section level * refactor(books): add re4b - polish Reverse Engineering for Beginners - https://beginners.re/RE4B-PL.pdf Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 @yurichev Translators: Kateryna Rozanova, Aleksander Mistewicz, Wiktoria Lewicka, Marcin Sokołowski Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * refactor(books): add re4b - traditional chinese Reverse Engineering for Beginners - Author: Dennis Yurichev @DennisYurichev @dennis714 @yurichev Translators: Antiy Labs, Archer Implements EbookFoundation/free-programming-books#5558 * lint(books): fix marker style * refactor(books): move re4b - german to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): move re4b - italian to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): move re4b - french to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): merge assembly - webassembly Moving/adding book "WebAssembly friendly programming with C/C++" Author: @chaishushan, @3dgen Translator: @yushih It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): move re4b - chinese to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): move re4b - polish to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse * refactor(books): move re4b - japanese to assembly It's usually not helpful to add a category for a single resource. Try to find another category, or see if there are other books in our lists that would fit into your category. It satisfy as it's like in other listings: https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/search?q=reverse
4 years ago
### Assembly
* [Inżynieria wsteczna dla początkujących](https://beginners.re/RE4B-PL.pdf) - Dennis Yurichev, Kateryna Rozanova, Aleksander Mistewicz, Wiktoria Lewicka, Marcin Sokołowski (PDF)
### Bash
* [Kurs Bash'a](http://web.archive.org/web/20180129013729/http://dief.republika.pl/kursbasha.tar.gz) (tar.gz)
* [Programowanie w Bashu czyli jak pisać skrypty w Linuksie](https://www.arturpyszczuk.pl/files/bash/bash.pdf) - Artur Pyszczuk (PDF)
11 years ago
### C
* [Beej's Guide to Network Programming - Używanie gniazd internetowych](http://www.asawicki.info/Mirror/Beej_s%20Guide%20to%20Network%20Programming%20PL/bgnet.pdf) - Brian "Beej Jorgensen" Hall, Przełożył Bartosz Zapałowski (PDF)
* [Kurs języka C](http://kurs-c.manifo.com/konfiguracja-srodowiska-298-547) - Mateusz Piaszczak
* [Programowanie w C](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikibooks/pl/6/6a/C.pdf) - Wikibooks (PDF)
* [Programowanie w języku C](http://www.arturpyszczuk.pl/files/c/pwc.pdf) (PDF)
* [Wgłąb języka C](http://helion.pl/online/wglab/wglab.zip) (ZIP)
### <a id="csharp"></a>C\#
* [Darmowy kurs C#](http://kurs.aspnetmvc.pl/Csharp)
* [Kurs C#](http://zajacmarek.com/kurs-c-sharp/) - Marek Zając
* [Kurs podstawy C#](https://cezarywalenciuk.pl/blog/programing/kurs/kurs-podstaw-c-sharp) - Cezary Walenciuk
* [Programowanie w języku C#](https://4programmers.net/C_sharp)
* [Wstęp do programowania w C#](http://c-sharp.ue.katowice.pl/ksiazka/c_sharp_wer2_0.pdf) - Anna Kempa, Tomasz Staś (PDF)
### <a id="cpp"></a>C++
* [C++](https://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/C++) - Wikibooks
* [Język C++ – podstawy programowania](http://www.dz5.pl/ti/cpp/zz_dodatki/kurs_cpp_szczegolowy2.pdf) - Paweł Mikołajczak (PDF)
* [Kurs C++](http://cpp0x.pl/kursy/Kurs-C++/1) - Piotr Szawdyński
* [Kurs podstaw Arduino](https://forbot.pl/blog/kurs-arduino-podstawy-programowania-spis-tresci-kursu-id5290) - forbot.pl
* [Megatutorial "Od zera do gier kodera"](http://xion.org.pl/productions/texts/coding/megatutorial/) - Karol Kuczmarski
* [Programowanie obiektowe i C++](https://mst.mimuw.edu.pl/wyklady/poc/wyklad.pdf) - Janusz Jabłonowski (PDF)
11 years ago
### Haskell
* [Haskell](https://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell) - Wikibooks
### HTML and CSS
* [HTML dla zielonych](http://www.kurshtml.edu.pl/html/zielony.html) - Sławomir Kokłowski
* [Kaskadowe Arkusze Stylów](http://www.kurshtml.edu.pl/css/index.html) - Sławomir Kokłowski
* [Kurs CSS](https://webref.pl/arena/css/css_index.html) - Arkadiusz Michalski
* [KURS HTML](http://www.kurshtml.edu.pl) - Sławomir Kokłowski
* [Moja pierwsza strona internetowa w HTML5 i CSS3](https://ferrante.pl/books/html/) - Damian Wielgosik
11 years ago
### Java
* [Darmowy kurs Java](https://javastart.pl/baza-wiedzy/darmowy-kurs-java) - Sławek Ludwiczak
* [Język Java](http://www.dz5.pl/ti/java/java_skladnia.pdf) - Jacek Rumiński (PDF)
* [Kurs Java](https://stormit.pl/kurs-java/) - Tomasz Woliński
* [Kurs programowania Java](http://www.samouczekprogramisty.pl/kurs-programowania-java/) - Marcin Pietraszek
* [Praktyczny kurs Javy](https://kobietydokodu.pl/kurs-javy/) - Jakub Derda
11 years ago
### JavaScript
* [JavaScript](https://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/JavaScript) - Wikibooks
* [JavaScript Garden](http://bonsaiden.github.io/JavaScript-Garden/pl)
* [JavaScript. I wszystko jasne](http://shebang.pl/kursy/wszystko-jasne/) - Marijn Haverbeke, Łukasz Piwko
* [Wstęp - JavaScript](http://www.kurshtml.edu.pl/js/index.html) - Sławomir Kokłowski
11 years ago
### LaTeX
* [LaTeX. Książka kucharska](https://ptm.org.pl/sites/default/files/latex-ksiazka-kucharska.pdf) - Marcin Borkowski, Bartłomiej Przybylski (PDF)
* [Nie za krótkie wprowadzeniedo systemu LATEX 2ε](http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/polish) - Janusz Goldasz, Ryszard Ku­biak, To­masz Przech­lewski
* [Wprowadzenie do systemu LATEX](https://www.math.uni.wroc.pl/sites/default/files/wdsl.pdf) - Karol Selwat (PDF)
### Lisp
* [Kurs programowania w języku Common Lisp](http://jcubic.pl/lisp_tutorial.php) - Jakub Jankiewicz
### MySQL
* [Bazy Danych MYSQL](https://miroslawzelent.pl/kurs-mysql/)
* [Kurs MySQL](http://webmade.org/kursy-online/kurs-mysql.php) - Piotr Kuźmiński
### Perl
* [Perl](https://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/Perl) - Wikibooks
* [Samouczek Perl](https://www.w3big.com/pl/perl/default.html) - w3big.com
11 years ago
### PHP
* [Kurs PHP](http://phpkurs.pl) - Leszek Krupiński
* [Kurs PHP OOP](http://cyberpunk.e-spin.pl/86,37,5/KOD/KURSY-PROGRAMOWANIA/Kurs-PHP-OOP)
* [PHP](https://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/PHP) - Wikibooks
* [PHP: The Right Way](http://pl.phptherightway.com) - Josh Lockhart
11 years ago
### Prolog
* [Programowanie w logice z ograniczeniami: Łagodne wprowadzenie dla platformy ECLiPSe](http://www.pwlzo.pl) - Antoni Niederliński
11 years ago
### Python
* [Python dla wszystkich: Odkrywanie danych z Python 3](https://py4e.pl/book) - Charles Russell Severance (PDF, HTML, EPUB, MOBI)
* [Zanurkuj w Pythonie](https://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/Zanurkuj_w_Pythonie)
#### Django
* [Kurs Django](http://www.python.rk.edu.pl/w/p/djangoindex/)
* [Kurs Django Girls](https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/pl/) (1.11) (HTML)
### R
* [Przewodnik po pakiecie R](https://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Biecek-R-basics.pdf) - Przemysław Biecek (PDF)
11 years ago
### Ruby
* [Ruby](https://pl.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ruby) - Wikibooks
11 years ago
### SQL
* [Bazy danych](https://mst.mimuw.edu.pl/wyklady/bad/wyklad.pdf) - Zbigniew Jurkiewicz (PDF)
* [Kurs SQL](https://www.sqlpedia.pl/kurs-sql) - Jakub Kasprzak
* [PL/SQL - podstawy (na stronie)](http://andrzejklusiewicz.blogspot.com/2010/11/kurs-oracle-plsql.html)
* [SQL - podstawy (na stronie)](http://andrzejklusiewicz.blogspot.com/2010/11/kurs-oracle-sql.html)