📚 Freely available programming books
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We've decided to move these resources back into books, courses, casts, and playgrounds pages. We could use help on this. - The management
## Angular.js
* [Angular Basics](http://www.angularjsbook.com)
* [Angular for the jQuery developer](http://www.ng-newsletter.com/posts/angular-for-the-jquery-developer.html)
* [Angular.js Cheat Sheet](http://www.cheatography.com/proloser/cheat-sheets/angularjs/)
* [Angular.js Guide](https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/)
* [Angular.js Material Designing](https://material.angularjs.org/latest/)
* [Angular.js Snippets for Sublime Text 2](https://github.com/maxhoffmann/angular-snippets)
* [Angular.js Tutorial](https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial)
* [Angular.js Youtube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/angularjs)
* [AngularJS - Extend your Browser](https://speakerdeck.com/petebd/devox-uk-2013-angularjs?slide=2)
* [AngularJS - Step by Logical Step](http://nicholasjohnson.com/angular-book/)
* [AngularJS Essentials](https://www.packtpub.com/packt/free-ebook/angularjs-essentials) - Rodrigo Branas, Packt *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [AngularJS in 60 Minutes](http://sd.blackball.lv/library/AngularJS_in_60_minutes_Dan_Wahlin_May_2013.pdf) (PDF)
* [AngularJS Insights](http://pascalprecht.github.io/slides/angularjs-insights/#/)
* [AngularJS Succinctly](https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/ebooks/angularjs) (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [AngularJs vs EmberJs](http://angularjs-emberjs-compare.bguiz.com)
* [AngularJS with Ruby on Rails](http://angular-rails.com)
* [egghead.io: Learn AngularJS with Tutorial Videos & Training](https://egghead.io)
* [egghead.io youtube channel: Learn AngularJS with Tutorial Videos & Training](https://www.youtube.com/user/johnlindquist)
* [Learn AngularJS with free interactive lessons](http://www.learn-angular.org)
* [Mastering AngularJS Directives](http://pascalprecht.github.io/slides/mastering-angularjs-directives/)
* [Recipes with Angular.js](https://leanpub.com/recipes-with-angular-js/read) - Frederik Dietz
* [Seven-Part Introduction to Angular](http://ngokevin.com/blog/angular-1/)
* [Unit Testing Best Practices in AngularJS](http://andyshora.com/unit-testing-best-practices-angularjs.html)
## Angular
* [Developing with Angular](https://leanpub.com/developing-with-angular/) - Denys Vuika *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)* (:construction: *in process*)
sort the books of Javascript Framework, move Node.js from JS Framework to free-programming-books and so on (#2355) * delete Natural Language Processing in Lisp * GNU Emacs Manual * Sketchy LISP * Haskell and Yesod * Sketchy LISP: An Introduction to Functional Programming in Scheme * Sketchy LISP: An Introduction to Functional Programming in Scheme * Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Day * change 'The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial' to Python * remove Programming and Using Linux Sound - in depth * Data Structures and Algorithms in Python * Fundamentals of Python Programming * Fundamentals of Python Programming * Fundamentals of Python Programming * supporting Python 3 An in-depth guide * Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis * Python for Everybody Exploring Data Using Python 3 * The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python * Python 3 Module of the Week * Scipy Lecture Notes * The Standard Python Library * Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python * How To Tango With Django * Quick Tutorial for Pyramid * C Programming Boot Camp * 1015:3-1015:78 warning Missing PDF indication books-links remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1807 and l.1806 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1839 and l.1838 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1853 and l.1852 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:134 warning Missing PDF indication books-links remark-lint 1893:1-1893:130 warning Incorrect number of blank lines between last section and next heading blank-lines-1-0-2 remark-lint * 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1809 and l.1808 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1838 and l.1837 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1854 and l.1853 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:140 warning Misplaced author books-links remark-lint * 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1809 and l.1808 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1838 and l.1837 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1854 and l.1853 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:140 warning Misplaced author books-links remark-lint * remove hackershelf.com * remove hackershelf.com remove Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java remove JAAS in Action * modify the title of book Java Application Development on Linux * Java Language and Virtual Machine Specifications * remove The Java Tutorials * 1270:1-1299:83 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1293 and l.1292 alphabetize-lists remark-lint * 1270:1-1299:83 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1283 and l.1282 alphabetize-lists remark-lint * remove 'JavaScript Spessore' * remove 'Oh My JS' * The Problem with Native JavaScript APIs * fount the lost 2 books:Oh My JS and JavaScript Spessore in archive.org * ignore some change of name * update the url of 'AngularJS in 60 Minutes' * The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. * swap Redux and React * move Node.js from js-frameworks-resources to free-programming-books * sort by aphabeta * 1374:1-1380:52 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1379 and l.1378 alphabetize-lists remark-lint
8 years ago
## Aurelia
* [Beginning Aurelia](https://leanpub.com/beginning-of-aurelia) - behzad *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
sort the books of Javascript Framework, move Node.js from JS Framework to free-programming-books and so on (#2355) * delete Natural Language Processing in Lisp * GNU Emacs Manual * Sketchy LISP * Haskell and Yesod * Sketchy LISP: An Introduction to Functional Programming in Scheme * Sketchy LISP: An Introduction to Functional Programming in Scheme * Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Day * change 'The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial' to Python * remove Programming and Using Linux Sound - in depth * Data Structures and Algorithms in Python * Fundamentals of Python Programming * Fundamentals of Python Programming * Fundamentals of Python Programming * supporting Python 3 An in-depth guide * Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis * Python for Everybody Exploring Data Using Python 3 * The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python * Python 3 Module of the Week * Scipy Lecture Notes * The Standard Python Library * Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python * How To Tango With Django * Quick Tutorial for Pyramid * C Programming Boot Camp * 1015:3-1015:78 warning Missing PDF indication books-links remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1807 and l.1806 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1839 and l.1838 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1853 and l.1852 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:134 warning Missing PDF indication books-links remark-lint 1893:1-1893:130 warning Incorrect number of blank lines between last section and next heading blank-lines-1-0-2 remark-lint * 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1809 and l.1808 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1838 and l.1837 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1854 and l.1853 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:140 warning Misplaced author books-links remark-lint * 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1809 and l.1808 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1838 and l.1837 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1854 and l.1853 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:140 warning Misplaced author books-links remark-lint * remove hackershelf.com * remove hackershelf.com remove Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java remove JAAS in Action * modify the title of book Java Application Development on Linux * Java Language and Virtual Machine Specifications * remove The Java Tutorials * 1270:1-1299:83 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1293 and l.1292 alphabetize-lists remark-lint * 1270:1-1299:83 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1283 and l.1282 alphabetize-lists remark-lint * remove 'JavaScript Spessore' * remove 'Oh My JS' * The Problem with Native JavaScript APIs * fount the lost 2 books:Oh My JS and JavaScript Spessore in archive.org * ignore some change of name * update the url of 'AngularJS in 60 Minutes' * The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. * swap Redux and React * move Node.js from js-frameworks-resources to free-programming-books * sort by aphabeta * 1374:1-1380:52 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1379 and l.1378 alphabetize-lists remark-lint
8 years ago
## Backbone.js
* [A Complete guide for learning Backbone.js](http://codebeerstartups.com/2012/12/a-complete-guide-for-learning-backbone-js/)
* [A pragmatic guide to Backbone.js apps](http://pragmatic-backbone.com)
* [Backbone Tutorials: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced](https://leanpub.com/backbonetutorials) - Thomas Davis *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Backbone.js + Require.js, Modularization and Just in Time Dependency Loading, part 1](http://developer.teradata.com/blog/jasonstrimpel/2011/12/part-1-backbone-js-require-js) [part 2](http://developer.teradata.com/blog/jasonstrimpel/2012/01/part-2-backbone-js-require-js-further-modularization-and-just-in-time-dep)
* [Backbone.js and socket.io](http://developer.teradata.com/blog/jasonstrimpel/2011/11/backbone-js-and-socket-io)
* [Backbonejs Tutorials](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/backbone.js/tutorials/)
* [Building Single Page Web Apps with Backbone.js](https://singlepagebook.supportbee.com) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Developing Backbone.js Applications](http://addyosmani.github.io/backbone-fundamentals/)
* [Getting Started with Backbone.js](http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/getting-started-with-backbone-js/)
* [How to share Backbone.js models with node.js](http://amirmalik.net/2010/11/27/how-to-share-backbonejs-models-with-nodejs)
12 years ago
## Booty5.js
* [The Booty5 HTML5 Game Maker Manual](http://booty5.com/booty5-free-html-game-maker-e-book-manual/)
## D3.js
* [D3 Tips and Tricks](https://leanpub.com/D3-Tips-and-Tricks/read) - Malcolm Maclean
* [Dashing D3.js Tutorial](https://www.dashingd3js.com/table-of-contents)
* [Interactive Data Visualization for the Web](http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1230000000345/index.html)
* [Interactive Data Visualization with D3](http://alignedleft.com/tutorials/d3)
12 years ago
11 years ago
## Dojo
11 years ago
* [Dojo: The Definitive Guide](http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1234000001819/index.html) - Matthew A. Russell
sort the books of Javascript Framework, move Node.js from JS Framework to free-programming-books and so on (#2355) * delete Natural Language Processing in Lisp * GNU Emacs Manual * Sketchy LISP * Haskell and Yesod * Sketchy LISP: An Introduction to Functional Programming in Scheme * Sketchy LISP: An Introduction to Functional Programming in Scheme * Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Day * change 'The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial' to Python * remove Programming and Using Linux Sound - in depth * Data Structures and Algorithms in Python * Fundamentals of Python Programming * Fundamentals of Python Programming * Fundamentals of Python Programming * supporting Python 3 An in-depth guide * Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis * Python for Everybody Exploring Data Using Python 3 * The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python * Python 3 Module of the Week * Scipy Lecture Notes * The Standard Python Library * Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python * How To Tango With Django * Quick Tutorial for Pyramid * C Programming Boot Camp * 1015:3-1015:78 warning Missing PDF indication books-links remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1807 and l.1806 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1839 and l.1838 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1853 and l.1852 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:134 warning Missing PDF indication books-links remark-lint 1893:1-1893:130 warning Incorrect number of blank lines between last section and next heading blank-lines-1-0-2 remark-lint * 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1809 and l.1808 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1838 and l.1837 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1854 and l.1853 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:140 warning Misplaced author books-links remark-lint * 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1809 and l.1808 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1838 and l.1837 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1854 and l.1853 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:140 warning Misplaced author books-links remark-lint * remove hackershelf.com * remove hackershelf.com remove Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java remove JAAS in Action * modify the title of book Java Application Development on Linux * Java Language and Virtual Machine Specifications * remove The Java Tutorials * 1270:1-1299:83 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1293 and l.1292 alphabetize-lists remark-lint * 1270:1-1299:83 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1283 and l.1282 alphabetize-lists remark-lint * remove 'JavaScript Spessore' * remove 'Oh My JS' * The Problem with Native JavaScript APIs * fount the lost 2 books:Oh My JS and JavaScript Spessore in archive.org * ignore some change of name * update the url of 'AngularJS in 60 Minutes' * The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. * swap Redux and React * move Node.js from js-frameworks-resources to free-programming-books * sort by aphabeta * 1374:1-1380:52 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1379 and l.1378 alphabetize-lists remark-lint
8 years ago
## Elm
* [Building a Live-Validating Signup Form in Elm](http://tech.noredink.com/post/129641182738/building-a-live-validated-signup-form-in-elm)
* [Elm Tutorial](http://www.elm-tutorial.org)
* [The Elm Architecture](https://github.com/evancz/elm-architecture-tutorial)
## Ember.js
* [AngularJs vs EmberJs](http://angularjs-emberjs-compare.bguiz.com)
9 years ago
* [DockYard Ember.js Style Guide](https://github.com/DockYard/styleguides/blob/master/engineering/ember.md)
* [Ember App with RailsApi](https://dockyard.com/blog/ember/2013/01/07/building-an-ember-app-with-rails-api-part-1)
* [Ember.js - Getting started](http://emberjs.com/guides/getting-started/)
* [Vic Ramon's Ember Tutorial](http://ember.vicramon.com)
12 years ago
11 years ago
## Express.js
* [Express.js Guide](https://web.archive.org/web/20140621124403/https://leanpub.com/express/read) - Azat Mardanov
11 years ago
11 years ago
## jQuery
* [JavaScript Fundamentals, Plus a Dash Of JQuery - for dinner ladies](http://nicholasjohnson.com/javascript-book/)
11 years ago
* [jQuery Novice to Ninja](http://mediatheque.cite-musique.fr/MediaComposite/Debug/Dossier-Orchestre/ressources/jQuery.Novice.to.Ninja.2nd.Edition.pdf) (PDF)
* [jQuery Succinctly, Syncfusion](https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/ebooks/jquery) (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
11 years ago
## Meteor
* [BulletProof Meteor](https://bulletproofmeteor.com)
* [Your First Meteor Application, A Complete Beginner’s Guide to the Meteor JavaScript Framework](http://meteortips.com/book/)
## Node.js
* [Node Documentation](https://nodejs.org/en/docs/)
* [What You Need To Know About Node.js](https://www.packtpub.com/packt/free-ebook/what-you-need-to-know-about-nodejs) - Bruno Joseph Dmello, Packt *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
## Om
* [Om Tutorial](http://awkay.github.io/om-tutorial/)
## React
* [Free React on Rails course](https://learnetto.com/users/hrishio/courses/the-free-react-on-rails-5-course)
* [Hacking with React](http://www.hackingwithreact.com)
* [Intro to the React Framework](http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/intro-to-the-react-framework--net-35660)
* [Learning React.js: Getting Started and Concepts](https://scotch.io/tutorials/learning-react-getting-started-and-concepts)
* [React Enlightenment](https://www.gitbook.com/book/frontendmasters/react-enlightenment/details)
* [React In-depth: An exploration of UI development](https://www.gitbook.com/book/developmentarc/react-indepth/details)
* [React Primer Draft](https://github.com/mikechau/react-primer-draft)
* [React Tutorial](https://reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.html)
* React Tutorial by Josh Finnie
* [Part 1](http://www.joshfinnie.com/blog/reactjs-tutorial-part-1/)
* [Part 2](http://www.joshfinnie.com/blog/reactjs-tutorial-part-2/)
* [Part 3](http://www.joshfinnie.com/blog/reactjs-tutorial-part-3/)
* [React with ASP.NET Core Tutorial](https://reactjs.net/getting-started/aspnetcore.html)
* [React.js Fundamentals](http://courses.reactjsprogram.com/courses/reactjsfundamentals)
* [React.js Tutorial: Now is Your Time to Try It, Right in Your Browser](https://codegeekz.com/react-js-tutorial/)
* [Start Using React to Build Web Applications](https://egghead.io/courses/react-fundamentals)
* [SurviveJS - Webpack and React](http://survivejs.com)
## React Native
* [Programming React Native](https://leanpub.com/programming-react-native) *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [React Native Animation Book](http://browniefed.com/react-native-animation-book/)
* [React Native Express](http://www.reactnativeexpress.com)
* [React Native Training](https://www.gitbook.com/book/unbug/react-native-training/details)
sort the books of Javascript Framework, move Node.js from JS Framework to free-programming-books and so on (#2355) * delete Natural Language Processing in Lisp * GNU Emacs Manual * Sketchy LISP * Haskell and Yesod * Sketchy LISP: An Introduction to Functional Programming in Scheme * Sketchy LISP: An Introduction to Functional Programming in Scheme * Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Day * change 'The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial' to Python * remove Programming and Using Linux Sound - in depth * Data Structures and Algorithms in Python * Fundamentals of Python Programming * Fundamentals of Python Programming * Fundamentals of Python Programming * supporting Python 3 An in-depth guide * Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis * Python for Everybody Exploring Data Using Python 3 * The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python * Python 3 Module of the Week * Scipy Lecture Notes * The Standard Python Library * Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python * How To Tango With Django * Quick Tutorial for Pyramid * C Programming Boot Camp * 1015:3-1015:78 warning Missing PDF indication books-links remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1807 and l.1806 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1839 and l.1838 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1853 and l.1852 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:134 warning Missing PDF indication books-links remark-lint 1893:1-1893:130 warning Incorrect number of blank lines between last section and next heading blank-lines-1-0-2 remark-lint * 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1809 and l.1808 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1838 and l.1837 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1854 and l.1853 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:140 warning Misplaced author books-links remark-lint * 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1809 and l.1808 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1838 and l.1837 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1844 and l.1843 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1780:1-1859:90 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1854 and l.1853 alphabetize-lists remark-lint 1792:3-1792:140 warning Misplaced author books-links remark-lint * remove hackershelf.com * remove hackershelf.com remove Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java remove JAAS in Action * modify the title of book Java Application Development on Linux * Java Language and Virtual Machine Specifications * remove The Java Tutorials * 1270:1-1299:83 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1293 and l.1292 alphabetize-lists remark-lint * 1270:1-1299:83 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1283 and l.1282 alphabetize-lists remark-lint * remove 'JavaScript Spessore' * remove 'Oh My JS' * The Problem with Native JavaScript APIs * fount the lost 2 books:Oh My JS and JavaScript Spessore in archive.org * ignore some change of name * update the url of 'AngularJS in 60 Minutes' * The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. * swap Redux and React * move Node.js from js-frameworks-resources to free-programming-books * sort by aphabeta * 1374:1-1380:52 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.1379 and l.1378 alphabetize-lists remark-lint
8 years ago
## Redux
* [Full-Stack Redux Tutorial](http://teropa.info/blog/2015/09/10/full-stack-redux-tutorial.html)
* [Getting Started with Redux](https://egghead.io/series/getting-started-with-redux)
* [SoundCloud Application in React + Redux](https://www.robinwieruch.de/the-soundcloud-client-in-react-redux/)