* fix: MD007/ul-indent: Unordered list indentation [Expected: 4; Actual: 2]
* format: author/hosters `and` to colon separator
* fix: MD007/ul-indent: Unordered list indentation [Expected: 4; Actual: 2]
* improve Android category
* improve C# category
* improve C++ category
* improve Clojure category
* improve Common Lisp category
* improve CSS category
* `et al.` colons
* alphabetize to solve lint error in Android section
* improve `Data Science` category
- Add authors and hosters
- Update some titles
- Fix some 404 errors
* improve Elixir category
* improve Erlang category
* improve Git category
* improve Gulp category
* homogenize c-sharp section anchor alias
* improve Go (go-lang) category
* improve Haskell category
* improve IDE category
* improve Java category
* improve JavaScript category
- Add authors/hosters/sponsors
- HTTPS and other url issues
* improve Angular category
- Add authors/hosters/sponsors/panelists
* improve Elm and Ember category
- Add hosters/sponsors/panelists
* Add hoster-sponsor-panelist on Node.js category resources
* Add hoster-sponsor-panelist on p5.js category resources
* improve React.js category
- Add hosters/sponsors/panelists
- Update some urls
* improve Kotlin category
- Add hosters/sponsors/panelists
* move `machine learning` category to the right place and register it into TOC
* Add hoster-sponsor-panelist on Rust category resources
* Add hoster-sponsor-panelist on PostgreSQL category resources
* Update 404/dup `The ruby on rails podcast` link
Also add hoster-sponsor-panelist
Via lint: Broken links reported from urlchecker #5470
An error occurred
* Add hoster-sponsor-panelist on Ruby resources and fix some urls
* Add hoster-sponsor-panelist on PHP resources
* Expand youtube playlist url and add hosters
* Add hoster-sponsor-panelist on Python resources
* Add hosters-https on by subject resources
* [Now in Android](https://nowinandroid.libsyn.com) (podcast)
* [Android Developers Backstage](http://androidbackstage.blogspot.com) - Chet Haase, Tor Norbye, Romain Guy, Nick Butcher, et al. Android Developers team (podcast)
* [Now in Android](https://nowinandroid.libsyn.com) - Chet Haase, Dan Galpin, Manuel Vivo, Meghan Mehta, et al. Android Developers team (podcast)
* [The complete Android Application Development Course - Work Great in 2020](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLknSwrodgQ72X4sKpzf5vT8kY80HKcUSe) - Android Developer (screencast)
### C#
### <aid="c-sharp"></a>C#
* [Beginning C# with Unity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ki58iQkot4&list=PLFgjYYTq6xyhtVK6VzLiFe3pmBu-XSNlX) (screencast)
* [How to program in C# - Beginner Course \| Brackeys](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPV2KyIb3jR6ZkG8gZwJYSjnXxmfPAl51) (screencast)
* [Beginning C# with Unity](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFgjYYTq6xyhtVK6VzLiFe3pmBu-XSNlX) - Brian Douglas Moakley, VegetarianZombie (screencast)
* [How to program in C# - Beginner Course \| Brackeys](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPV2KyIb3jR6ZkG8gZwJYSjnXxmfPAl51) - Asbjørn Thirslund (screencast)
* [C++ Complete Course](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlrATfBNZ98dudnM48yfGUldqGD0S4FFb) - Yan Chernikov (screencast)
* [C++ Programming Video Lectures](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTZbNwgO5ebo64D1k0DJQGX30X6iSTmRr) - Saurabh School of Computing (screencast)
* [C++ Standard Library](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5jc9xFGsL8G3y3ywuFSvOuNm3GjBwdkb) - Bo Qian (screencast)
* [CppCast](http://cppcast.com) - Conor Hoekstra, Jason Turner, JeanHeyd Meneide, Matt Godbolt, Rob Irving (podcast)
### Clojure
* [ClojureScript Podcast](https://clojurescriptpodcast.com) - Jacek Schae (podcast)
* [Parens of the Dead](http://www.parens-of-the-dead.com) (screencast)
* [Parens of the Dead](http://www.parens-of-the-dead.com) - Magnar Sveen, Elisabeth Irgens (screencast)
### Common Lisp
* [Common Lisp for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyXDE5gP2QI&list=PLCpux10P7KDKPb4eI5b_qSnQaY1ePGKGK) (screencast)
* [Little Bits of Lisp](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2VAYZE_4wRJi_vgpjsH75kMhN4KsuzR_) (screencast)
* [Common Lisp for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCpux10P7KDKPb4eI5b_qSnQaY1ePGKGK) - Neil Munro (screencast)
* [Little Bits of Lisp](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2VAYZE_4wRJi_vgpjsH75kMhN4KsuzR_) - Cecilie Baggers (screencast)
### CSS
* [CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfoY53QXEnI) (screencast)
* [Data Futurology - Leadership And Strategy in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science](https://www.datafuturology.com/podcasts) - Felipe Flores (podcast)
* [Go Time](https://changelog.com/gotime) - Mat Ryer, John Calhoun, Natalie Pistunovich, Johnny Boursiquot, Angelica Hill, Kris Brandow, Mark Bates, Carmen Andoh, et al. The Changelog team (podcast)
* [GolangShow](https://golangshow.com) - Elena Grahovac, Alexey Palazhchenko, Andrew Pogrebnoy, Alexander Morozov, Artem Andreenko (podcast)
* [Hacking with Andrew and Brad: an HTTP/2 client](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG-UaBJXZ80) - Andrew Gerrand, Brad Fitzpatrick (screencast)
* [Hacking with Andrew and Brad: tip.golang.org](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rZ-JorHJEY) - Andrew Gerrand, Brad Fitzpatrick (screencast)
* [vim Hacking](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-p5XmQHB_JSTaEPygu1DZjuFfb704Uv7) - Luke Smith (screencast)
### Java
* [Building a Java & Spring Boot app: Kid-Bank development](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBHctPrH7Z29W8XtVDyc_mMvD2GO7GIF2) - Ted M. Young (screencast)
* [How to Program with Java Podcast](https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/6mxhc-344f7/How-to-Program-with-Java-Podcast) - Trevor Page (podcast)
* [Inside Java](https://inside.java/podcast) - Chad Arimura and David Delabassee (podcast)
* [devMode.fm](https://devmode.fm) - Andrew Welch, Ryan Irelan, Patrick Harrington, Jonathan Melville, Michael Rog, Earl Johnston, Marion Newlevant, Lauren Dorman, Matt Stein, Jennifer Blumberg (podcast)
* [HTML All The Things](https://www.htmlallthethings.com/podcast) - Mike Karan, Matt Lawrence (podcast)
* [JavaScript Air](https://javascriptair.com) - Kent C. Dodds, Dan Abramov, Matt Zabriskie, Pam Selle, Lin Clark, Brian Lonsdorf, Iheanyi Ekechukwu,, Tyler McGinnis, Kyle Simpson, et al.(podcast)
* [JavaScript Jabber](https://javascriptjabber.com) - Aimee Knight, AJ O'Neal, Charles Wood, Dan Shappir, Steve Edwards, et al. (podcast)
* [JS Party](https://changelog.com/jsparty) - Jerod Santo, Nick Nisi, Amelia Wattenberger, Kevin Ball, Divya, Feross Aboukhadijeh, Amal Hussein, Christopher Hiller, Ali Spittel, et al. (podcast)
* [Modern Web](https://www.thisdot.co/modern-web) - This Dot Labs (podcast)
* [Node Tuts - Node.JS Video Tutorials](http://nodetuts.com) - YLD Ltd. (screencast)
* [Real Talk JavaScript](https://realtalkjavascript.simplecast.fm) - John Papa, Ward Bell, Craig Shoemaker, Dan Wahlin (podcast)
* [Syntax](https://syntax.fm) - Wes Bos, Scott Tolinski (podcast)
* [The JavaScript Show](http://javascriptshow.com) - Peter Cooper, Jason Seifer (podcast)
* [The React Native Show](https://www.callstack.com/podcast-react-native-show) - Mike Grabowski et al. (screencast)
* [Chats with Kent C. Dodds](https://kentcdodds.com/chats) - Kent C. Dodds (podcast)
* [React Native Radio](https://www.reactnativeradio.com/episodes) - Jamon Holmgren, Robin Heinze, Mazen Chami, Jon Major (podcast)
* [React Podcast](https://reactpodcast.simplecast.fm) - Michael Chan (podcast)
* [React Round Up](https://reactroundup.com/episodes) - Carl Mungazi, Charles Max Wood, TJ VanToll, Paige Niedringhaus, Jack Herrington, et al. (podcast)
* [ReactCasts](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZkjWyyLvzWeoVWEpRemrDQ) - Cassio Zen (screencast, [:package: code sources](https://github.com/cassiozen/ReactCasts)
* [The React Native Show](https://www.callstack.com/podcast-react-native-show) - Mike Grabowski, Mike Chudziak, Satyajit Sahoo, Michał Pierzchała, et al. (screencast)
### Kotlin
* [freeCodeCamp - Tutorial for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9UC9DY-vIU) - Nate Ebel (screencast)
* [Array Cast](https://arraycast.com) - Conor Hoekstra, Adám Brudzewsky, Richard Park, Rodrigo Girão Serrão, Stephen Taylor, Nick Psaris, Bob Therriault (podcast)
* [Arrested DevOps](https://www.arresteddevops.com) - Bridget Kromhout, Jeff Smith, Jessica Kerr, Joe Laha, Matt Stratton, Trevor Hess (podcast)
* [baseCS](https://www.codenewbie.org/basecs) - Vaidehi Joshi, Saron Yitbarek (podcast based on [a series of posts on medium](https://medium.com/basecs))
* [Between \| Screens Podcast](https://soundcloud.com/between-screens) - Ed Wassermann (podcast)
* [BSDTalk](https://bsdtalk.blogspot.com) - Will Backman (podcast)
* [CodeNewbie](https://www.codenewbie.org/podcast) - CodeNewbie Team (podcast)
* [CodePen Radio](https://blog.codepen.io/radio/) - CodePen Team (podcast)
* [Coding Blocks](https://www.codingblocks.net) - Michael Outlaw, Joe Zack, Allen Underwood (podcast)
* [Command Line Heroes](https://www.redhat.com/en/command-line-heroes) - Saron Yitbarek, Red Hat (podcast)
* [Ladybug Podcast](https://www.ladybug.dev) - Kelly Vaughn, Ali Spittel, Emma Bostian, Sidney Buckner (podcast)
* [Learn to Code with Me](https://learntocodewith.me/podcast/) - Laurence Bradford (podcast)
* [Loosely Coupled](https://looselycoupled.info) - Jeff Carouth, Matt Frost (podcast)
* [.NET Rocks!](https://www.dotnetrocks.com) - Carl Franklin, Richard Campbell (podcast)
* [Open Source System Podcast](https://opensourcesystempodcast.vf.io) - Vlad Filippov, Kyle Robinson Young, Tim Branyen, Darcy Clarke, Mike Taylor, Alex Sexton, Jason Etcovitch (podcast)
* [Programming Throwdown](https://www.programmingthrowdown.com) - Jason Gauci, Patrick Wheeler (podcast)
* [Software Engineering Daily](https://softwareengineeringdaily.com) - Jeff Meyerson, Alex DeBrie, Lee Atchison, Jocelyn Byrne Houle, Mike Bifulco, Sean Falconer, et al. (podcast)
* [Software Engineering Radio](https://www.se-radio.net) - Robert Blumen, Jeff Doolittle, Felienne Hermans, Gavin Henry, Jeremy Jung, Nikhil Krishna, Priyanka Raghavan, Kanchan Shringi, Philip Winston (podcast)
* [PHP Town Hall](http://phptownhall.com) (podcast)
* [Sound of Symfony](http://www.soundofsymfony.com) (podcast)
* [Voices of the ElePHPant](https://voicesoftheelephpant.com) (podcast)
* [Laravel News Podcast](https://podcast.laravel-news.com) - Jacob Bennett, Michael Dyrynda, Eric L. Barnes (podcast)
* [MageTalk - A Magento Podcast](https://magetalk.com) - Phillip Jackson, Kalen Jordan (podcast)
* [PHP Podcasts](https://www.phppodcasts.com) - Jacob Bennett, Michael Dyrynda, Joel Clermont, Aaron Saray, Eric Van Johnson, John Congdon, Tom Rideout, Derick Rethans (podcast)
* [Practical Flask Web Development Tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQVvvaa0QuDc_owjTbIY4rbgXOFkUYOUB) - Harrison Kinsley (screencast)
* [Python Bytes](https://pythonbytes.fm) - Michael Kennedy, Brian Okken (podcast)
* [Python Tips](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP8GkvaIxJP3ignHY_Dq7bFsvwzAcqZ1i) - Christopher Bailey (screencast)
* [Talk Python To Me - A podcast on Python and related technologies](https://talkpython.fm) - Michael Kennedy (podcast)
* [Teaching Python](https://www.teachingpython.fm) - Kelly Paredes, Sean Tibor (podcast)
* [Test \& Code in Python](https://testandcode.com) - Brian Okken (podcast)
* [The Real Python Podcast](https://realpython.com/podcasts/rpp) - Christopher Bailey (podcast)
* [TheNewBoston - Pygame (Python Game Development) Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6gx4Cwl9DGAjkwJocj7vlc_mFU-4wXJq) (screencast)
* [Code with Jason](https://www.codewithjason.com/rails-with-jason-podcast/) - Jason Swett (podcast)
* [Drifting Ruby](https://www.driftingruby.com/episodes?free=true&pro=false) - Dave Kimura (screencast)
* [Railscasts](http://railscasts.com) - Ryan Bates (screencast)
* [Ruby Rogues](https://topenddevs.com/podcasts/ruby-rogues/) - Charles Max Wood, Dave Kimura, Valentino Stoll, Luke Stutters, John Epperson, Sam Livingston-Gray, Avdi Grimm, Aaron Patterson, James Edward Gray, Katrina Owen (podcast)