This guide details how to contribute to this repository.
## Contributor License Agreement
By contributing you agree to the [LICENSE]( of this repository.
## Contributor Code of Conduct
By contributing you agree to respect the [Code of Conduct]( of this repository.
## Contributor license agreement
By submitting code you agree to the [LICENSE]( of this repository.
## All the steps you need
1. First of all, what you want to add should be actually 'Free'. Don't mistake "An easy link to Download a book" with "Free".
2. If you don't know how to work with git or github, just simply go to [Wiki: Contribution]( and read the rest.
3. We have 5 kinds of lists. Make sure you know where you're adding the link:
## In a nutshell
1. "A link to easily download a book" is not always a link to a *free* book. Please only contribute free content. Make sure it's free.
2. You don't have to know git: if you found something of interest which is *not already in this repo*, please open an issue with your links propositions.
- If you know git, please fork the repo and send pull requests.
3. We have 5 kinds of lists. Choose the right one:
+ **Books** : PDF, HTML, DJVU, ePub, a based site, a Git repo, etc.
+ **Courses** : A course is a well designed learning material which was made by an organized group and is availabe for a long time where there is no interactive tool embeded in the site. e.g.: [OpenCourseWare](, [PHPAcademy](, etc.
+ **Interactive Tutorials** : An application which helps you learn, by actually typing syntax. e.g.: [Codecademy](, [Try Github](, etc.
+ **Javascript Resources** : Resources for learning a Javascript Framework
+ **Problem Sets & Competetitive Programming** : Challenges/problems, where you can prove your programming skills for yourself or against others
4. We prefer small commits rather than one large commit in a pull request. If you don't have the time to make small commit, add an issue with all the links included and we'll add them for you.
5. Use our standard for formatting the .md file. Check it out: [Formatting](#formatting)
6. Must use ***alphabetic*** order.
- *Books* : PDF, HTML, ePub, a based site, a Git repo, etc.
- *Courses* : A course is a learning material which is not a book and where there is no interactive tool embedded in the site. [This is a course](
- *Interactive Tutorials* : An interactive website which lets the user type code or commands and evaluates the result (by "evaluate" we don't mean "grade"). e.g.: [Try Haskell](, [Try Github](
- *JavaScript Resources* : Any resources teaching a JavaScript framework or library.
- *Problem Sets & Competitive Programming* : A website or software which lets you assess your programming skills by solving simple or complex problems, with or without code review, with or without comparing the results with other users.
4. Make sure to follow the [guidelines below](#guidelines) and respect the [Markdown formatting](#formatting) of the files
### Guidelines
- make sure a book is free. Double-check if needed
- we don't accept files hosted on google drive, dropbox, mega, scribd, issuu and other similar file upload platforms
- insert your links in alphabetical order. If you see a misplaced link, please reorder it and submit a PR
- use the link with the most authoritative source (meaning author's website is better than editor's website is better than third party website)
+ no file hosting services (this includes (but is not limited to) Dropbox and Google Drive links)
- always prefer a `https` link over a `http` one -- as long as they are on the same domain and serve the same content
- on root domains, strip the trailing slash: `` instead of ``
- always prefer the shortest link: `` is better than ``
+ no URL shortener links
- usually prefer the "current" link over the "version" one: `` is better than ``
- if a link has an expired certificate/self-signed certificate/SSL issue of any other kind:
1. *replace it* with its `http` counterpart if possible (because accepting exceptions can be complicated on mobile devices)
2. *leave it* if no `http` version but link still accessible through `https` by adding an exception to the browser or ignoring the warning
3. *remove it* otherwise
- if a link exists in multiple format, add a separate link with a note about each format
- if a resource exists at different places on the Internet
+ use the link with the most authoritative source (meaning author's website is better than editor's website is better than third party website)
+ if they link to different editions and you judge these editions are different enough to be worth keeping them, add a separate link with a note about each edition
- prefer atomic commits (one commit by addition/deletion/modification) over bigger commits. No need to squash your commits before submitting a PR. (We will never enforce this rule as it's just a matter of convenience for the maintainers)
### Formatting
+ All lists are `.md` files. Try to learn Github's Markdown syntax. It's simple!
+ All the lists start with an Index, the idea is to show all of sections and subsections there, so it's important to have an index for each section. Right now it's alphabetized, so please use alphabetic order.
+ Sections are using level 3 heading (in HTML is `<h3>`, in Markdown is `###`), and subsections are using level 4 (in HTML is `<h4>`, in Markdown is `####`).
- All lists are `.md` files. Try to learn [Markdown]( syntax. It's simple!
- All the lists start with an Index. The idea is to list and link all sections and subsections there. Keep it in alphabetical order.
- Sections are using level 3 headings (`###`), and subsections are level 4 headings (`####`).
The idea is to have
+ `2` empty lines between last suggested book & new header
+ `1` empty line between header & first book of that very section.
+ `0` empty line between each book in 1 section.
+ `1` empty line at the end of each `.md` file.
- `2` empty lines between last link and new section
- `1` empty line between heading & first link of its section
- `0` empty line between two links
-`1` empty line at the end of each `.md` file
Like this example:
* [Essential Pascal Version 1 and 2](
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
This work, "free-programming-books", is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
software under copyright law.
For more information, please refer to <>
# List of Free Learning Resources [](
[View the list](
[View the English list](
## Intro
This list initially was a clone of [stackoverflow - List of Freely Available Programming Books]( by George Stocker. Now updated, with dead links gone and new content.
Moved to GitHub for collaborative updating and for the site mentioned above.
- Read the [TODO](/ file (Adding new books is our #1 priority, but things like Alphabetizing are important, too.)
- [Edit]( (we prefer multiple small commits rather than one large change)
- [Send a PR](
- Be part of a project starred by over 42,000
**Again, unlike other projects, we prefer multiple small commits rather than one large change in a pull request - it's fine to have one PR, but please make sure your title reflects what you're changing**, thanks.
Please read [CONTRIBUTING](/
### How to Share
+ [Share on Twitter](
### Noticeable lists from [reSRC](
+ Free JavaScript frameworks resources and tutorials: [github](/ or [site](
### Free Online Courses
+ [Free Online Courses](/
### Interactive Programming Resources
+ Free interactive programming tutorials: [github](/ or [site](
* [Developing iOS 7 Apps for iPhone and iPad](
### Java
* [Central Connecticut State University, Introduction to CS Using Java](
* [Introduction to Java](
* [Java for Complete Beginners](
* [Princeton Algorithms, Part 1](
* [Princeton Algorithms, Part 2](
* [Problem Solving With Java](
* [Problem Solving With Java](
* [Berkeley´s CS 194: What is an Operating System?](
* [Berkeley´s Math 10B: Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and COmbinatorics](
* [Berkeley's CS 61B: Data Structures](
* [Berkeley's CS 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory](
* [Berkeley's CS 162: Operating Systems and Systems Programming](
* [Berkeley's CS 164: Programming Languages and Compilers](
* [Berkeley's CS 194: What is an Operating System?](
* [Berkeley's Math 10B: Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics](
* [Bits: The Computer Science of Digital Information](
* [MIT´s Computer Language Engineering](
* [MIT´s Introduction to Algorithms](
* [MIT´s Mathematics for Computer Science](
* [MIT's Computer Language Engineering](
* [MIT's Introduction to Algorithms](
* [MIT's Mathematics for Computer Science](
* [Principles of Reactive Programming](
* [Introduction to Computer Science and Programming]( (MIT's opencourseware)
* [Learn Python](
* [Programming for Everybody](
* [Learn to program in Python](
* [Programming for Everybody](
* [Screencast] - [Введение в программирование на языке Java и с Java EE]( - Yakov Fain
* [Screencast] - [Java. Базовый курс - Stepic](
* [Въведение в програмирането със С#]( - Светлин Наков, Веселин Колев и колектив
* [Въведение в програмирането със С#]( - Светлин Наков, Веселин Колев и колектив (PDF)
* [Програмиране за .NET Framework]( - Светлин Наков и колектив
* [Báječný svět elektronického podpisu]( - Jiří Peterka (PDF)
* [Buď pánem svého prostoru]( - Linda McCarthy a Denise Weldon-Siviy (PDF)
* [Báječný svět elektronického podpisu]( - Jiří Peterka (PDF)
* [Buď pánem svého prostoru]( - Linda McCarthy a Denise Weldon-Siviy (PDF)
#### Matematika
* [Diskrétní matematika]( - Petr Habala (PDFs)
* [Lineární algebra]( - Petr Olšák (PDF)
* [Matematika SŠ]( - Martin Krynický (PDFs)
* [Think Stats: Pravděpodobnost a statistika pro programátory]( - Allen B. Downey (PDF)
#### Právo
* [Internet jako objekt práva]( - Ján Matejka (PDF)
* [Internet jako objekt práva]( - Ján Matejka (PDF)
* [Webová režie: základy koncepčního myšlení u webových projektů]( (PDF)
### XML
* [XML pro každého]( (PDF)
* [Scrum und XP im harten Projektalltag]( [PDF]
* [IT-Handbuch für Fachinformatiker](
* [Scrum und XP im harten Projektalltag]( (PDF)
### Action Script
* [ActionScript 1 und 2](
* [Einstieg in ActionScript](
* [ActionScript 1 und 2](
* [Einstieg in ActionScript](
### Android
* [Grundlagen und Programmierung]( [PDF]
* [Grundlagen und Programmierung]( (PDF)
### Assembly Language
* [PC Assembly Language]( - Paul A. Carter
### C
* [C von A bis Z](
* [Softwareentwicklung in C]( [PDF]
* [C von A bis Z](
* [Softwareentwicklung in C]( (PDF)
### C++
* [Die Boost C++ Bibliotheken](
* [Programmieren in C++: Einführung](
* [Die Boost C++ Bibliotheken](
* [Programmieren in C++: Aufbau](
* [Softwareprogrammierung in C++]( [PDF]
* [Programmieren in C++: Einführung](
### C Sharp
* [Programmieren in C#: Einführung](
* [Algoritmos y Programación (Guía para docentes)]( (PDF)
* [Análisis de Algoritmos](
* [Análisis y Diseño de Algoritmos]( (PDF)
* [Apuntes de Algoritmos y Estructuras de Datos]( (PDF)
* [Aprenda a programar como si estuviera en primero]( (PDF)
* [Breves Notas sobre Análisis de Algoritmos]( (PDF)
* [Apuntes de Algoritmos y Estructuras de Datos]( (PDF)
* [Breves Notas sobre Análisis de Algoritmos]( (PDF)
* [Fundamentos de Informática y Programación](
* [Técnicas de Diseño de Algoritmos ]( ([PDF](
* [Temas selectos de estructuras de datos]( (PDF)
* [Temas selectos de estructuras de datos]( (PDF)
* [Teoría sintáctico-gramatical de objetos](
#### Base de Datos
* [Apuntes de Base de Datos 1, Universidad de Alicante]( (PDF)
* [Base de Datos, por Mercedes Marqués]( (PDF)
* [Base de Datos Avanzadas, por Aramburu & Sanz Blasco](
* [Base de Datos]( - Mercedes Marqués (PDF)
* [Base de Datos Avanzadas]( - Aramburu & Sanz Blasco (PDF)
* [El modelo relacional y el álgebra relacional]( (PDF)
* [Introducción a las Bases de Datos]( (PDF)
#### Ciencia Computacional
* [Breves Notas sobre Teoría de la Computación]( (PDF)
* [Breves Notas sobre Autómatas y Lenguajes]( (PDF)
* [Breves Notas sobre Autómatas y Lenguajes]( (PDF)
* [Breves Notas sobre Teoría de la Computación]( (PDF)
#### Cursos Masivos en Línea
* [MIT Opencourseware en Español](
* [MIT Opencourseware en Español](
#### Metodologías de desarrollo de software
* [Compendio de Ingeniería del Software]( (PDF)
* [Diseño Ágil con TDD](
* [Diseño Ágil con TDD](
* [Ingeniería de Software: Una Guía para Crear Sistemas de Información]( (PDF)
* [Metodologías Ágiles para el Desarrollo de Software](
* [Sistemas Operativos, por Dr. David Luis la Red]( (PDF)
* [Fundamentos de Sistemas Operativos, Gunnar Wolf et al]( (PDF)
* [Fundamentos de Sistemas Operativos]( - Gunnar Wolf et al (PDF)
* [Sistemas Operativos]( - Dr. David Luis la Red (PDF)
### Android
* [Curso de Programación Android]( (PDF) by Salvador Gómez Oliver
* [Curso Android: Todo lo que necesitas para empezar]( (HTML) by Adrian Catalán
* [Curso Android: Todo lo que necesitas para empezar]( - Adrian Catalán (HTML)
* [Curso de Programación Android]( - Salvador Gómez Oliver (PDF)
* [Guía Completa de CSS3](
* [Introducción a CSS](
* [Introducción a CSS](
### Coffeescript
* [Coffeescript, un pequeño gran libro – Javi Jiménez](
* [Coffeescript, un pequeño gran libro]( - Javi Jiménez
### Ensamblador
* [Código de Máquina para Principiantes]( (PDF), Lisa Watts y Mike Wharton [Z80 and 6502 CPUs]
* [Lenguaje Ensamblador para PC - Paul Carter](
* [Código de Máquina para Principiantes [Z80 and 6502 CPUs]]( - Lisa Watts y Mike Wharton (PDF)
* [Lenguaje Ensamblador para PC]( - Paul Carter
### Erlang
* [Erlang/OTP: Un mundo concurrente](
* [Erlang/OTP: Un mundo concurrente](
* [Programación en Erlang]( en Wikibooks
### Emacs
* [Una Introducción a Emacs Lisp en Español](
### Git
* [Git Immersion en Español](
* [Git Immersion en Español](
* [Desarrollo de proyectos informáticos con Java]( (PDF)
* [Notas de Introducción al Lenguaje de Programación Java](, por Jorge L. Ortega Arjona, UNAM (PDF)
* [OCPJP6 Resumen Español](, por Pablo Reyes Almagro (PDF)
* [Guía Java para Docentes]( (PDF)
* [Notas de Introducción al Lenguaje de Programación Java]( - Jorge L. Ortega Arjona, UNAM (PDF)
* [OCPJP6 Resumen Español]( - Pablo Reyes Almagro (PDF)
* [Pensando la computación como un científico (con Java)](
* [PlugIn Tapestry: Desarrollo de aplicaciones y páginas web con Apache Tapestry]( ([PDF]( ([EPUB]( ([MOBI](
* [Programación Orientada a Objetos en Java]( (PDF)
* [Tutorial básico de Java EE]( (PDF)
* [Tutorial Introducción a Maven 3]( (PDF)
* [Guía Java para Docentes]( (PDF)
* [Tutorial básico de Java EE]( (PDF)
* [Tutorial Introducción a Maven 3]( (PDF)
### JavaScript
* [Introducción a AJAX](
* [Introducción a JavaScript](
* [Introducción a AJAX](
* [Introducción a JavaScript](
* [Jardín de JavaScript](
* [JavaScript Para Gatos](
* [Tutorial de D3](
#### jQuery
* [Fundamentos de jQuery](
* [Fundamentos de jQuery](
#### Node.js
* [El Libro para Principiantes en Node.js](
* [Introducción a Node.js a través de Koans](
* [Introducción a Node.js a través de Koans](
### LaTeX
* [La introducción no-tan-corta a LaTeX 2ε](
### Linux
* [Debian GNU/Linux para administradores] (
* [Bases de la programación en Bash](
* [El Manual de BASH Scripting Básico para Principiantes]( en WikiBooks
* [BASH Scripting Avanzado: Utilizando declare para definición de tipo](
* [Debian GNU/Linux para administradores](
* [El Manual de BASH Scripting Básico para Principiantes]( en WikiBooks
### .NET (C# / Visual Studio)
* [El lenguaje de programación C#]( (PDF)
* [Guía de Arquitectura N-capas Orientadas al Dominio](
* [Guía de Arquitectura N-capas Orientadas al Dominio](
### NoSQL
* MongoDB
* [El pequeño libro MongoDB](
#### MongoDB
* [El pequeño libro MongoDB](
* [MongoDB en español: T1, El principio]( - Yohan Graterol
### PHP
* [Manual de estudio introductorio al lenguaje PHP procedural](
* [Manual de estudio introductorio al lenguaje PHP procedural]( (PDF)
* [PHP y Ajax]( (PDF)
* [PHP y Programación orientada a objetos](
* [POO y MVC en PHP](
* [Silex, el manual oficial](
* [Symfony 1.4, la guía definitiva](
* [Symfony 2.3, el libro oficial](
* [PHP y Ajax](
*[PHP y Programación orientada a objetos](
* [Silex, el manual oficial](
* [Symfony 1.4, la guía definitiva](
* [Symfony 2.3, el libro oficial](
### Perl
* [Manual de Perl]( - Universidad de Oviedo, España
* [Tutorial de introducción a perl]( - Universidad de Granada, España
* [Aprenda a pensar como un programador (con Python)]( (PDF)
* [Aprenda a pensar como un programador (con Python)]( (PDF)
* [Doma de Serpientes para Niños: Aprendiendo a Programar con Python](
* [Inmersión en Python](
* [Inmersión en Python 3]( (PDF)
* [Introducción a la programación con Python]( (PDF)
* [Introducción a la programación con Python]( (PDF)
* [Introducción a Programando con Python](
* [Notas sobre el lenguaje Python]( (PDF)
* [Python para ciencia e ingeniería](
* [Python para ciencia e ingeniería](
* [Python para principiantes]( (PDF) [(HTML)](
* [Python para todos]( (PDF)
* [Python para principiantes (PDF)]( [(HTML)](
#### Django
* [El libro de Django 1.0](
#### Web2py
* [Web2py - Manual de Referencia Completo, 5a Edición](
### Ruby
* [Guía para aprender a programar con Ruby. Adaptación al español del libro "Learn to Program" de Chris Pine](
* [La Guía de Estilos de Ruby](
* [Ruby en 20 minutos](
* [Ruby tutorial o como pasar un buen rato programando](
* [La Guía de Estilos de Ruby](
#### Ruby on Rails
* [El maldito libro de los Descarrilados]( (PDF)
* [Introducción a Rails](
### R
* [Cartas sobre Estadística de la Revista Argentina de Bioingeniería](
* [Generacion automática de reportes con R y LaTeX](
* [Gráficos Estadísticos con R](
* [Introducción a R](
* [Introducción al uso y programación del sistema estadístico R](
* [Métodos Estadísticos con R y R Commander](
* [Optimización Matemática con R: Volúmen I](
* [R para Principiantes](
* [Cartas sobre Estadística de la Revista Argentina de Bioingeniería]( (PDF)
* [Generacion automática de reportes con R y LaTeX]( (PDF)
* [Gráficos Estadísticos con R]( (PDF)
* [Introducción a R]( (PDF)
* [Introducción al uso y programación del sistema estadístico R]( (PDF)
* [Métodos Estadísticos con R y R Commander]( (PDF)
* [Optimización Matemática con R: Volúmen I]( (PDF)
* [R para Principiantes]( (PDF)
### Scala
* [Scala con Ejemplos]( (En proceso)
* [Manual de Scala para programadores Java]( (PDF)
* [Scala con Ejemplos]( (En proceso)
* [Éléments d'algorithmique]( - D. Beauquier, J. Berstel, et Ph. Chrétienne (PDF)
* [France-IOI](
* [Prologin](
#### Logiciels libres
* [Histoires et cultures du libres](
* [Option libre. Du bon usage des licences libres](, par Jean Benjamin
* [Produire du logiciel libre](, par Karl Fogel
* [Richard Stallman et la révolution du logiciel libre](, par R.M. Stallman, S. Williams et C. Masutti
* [Option libre. Du bon usage des licences libres]( - Jean Benjamin
* [Produire du logiciel libre]( - Karl Fogel
* [Richard Stallman et la révolution du logiciel libre]( - R.M. Stallman, S. Williams et C. Masutti
#### Makefile
* [Concevoir un Makefile](, par Vincent Loechner d'après Nicolas Zin
* [Introduction aux Makefile](
* [Concevoir un Makefile]( - Vincent Loechner d'après Nicolas Zin (PDF)
* [Introduction aux Makefile]( (PDF)
#### Méthodes de développement
* [Scrum et XP depuis les tranchées](, par Henrik Kniberg
#### Pédagogie pour enfants et adolescents
* [Scrum et XP depuis les tranchées]( - Henrik Kniberg (PDF)
* [Activités débranchées]( Catalogue de ressource pour apprendre l'informatique sans ordinateur.
* [Apprendre l'informatique sans ordinateur](, par Tim Bell, Ian H. Witten et Mike Fellows (traduit)
#### Pédagogie pour enfants et adolescents
#### Théorie des langages
* [Compilation. Théorie des langages]( par Université de Bretagne Occidentale
* [Activités débranchées]( Catalogue de ressource pour apprendre l'informatique sans ordinateur.
* [Apprendre l'informatique sans ordinateur]( - Tim Bell, Ian H. Witten et Mike Fellows (traduit)
### Arduino
* [Arduino : Premiers pas en informatique embarquée]( - Eskimon et olyte
### Assembleur
* [PC Assembly Language]( - Paul A. Carter
### Bash / Shell
* [Guide avancé d'écriture des scripts Bash](
### Caml
* [Le language Caml](
* [Le language Caml](
### C / C++
* [Cours de C/C++]( par Christian Casteyde
* [Le C en 20 heures](, par Eric Berthomier et Daniel Schang
* [Cours de C/C++]( - Christian Casteyde
* [Le C en 20 heures]( - Eric Berthomier et Daniel Schang
### Coq
* [Le Coq'Art (V8)]( par Yves Bertot et Pierre Castéran
* [Preuves de programmes en coq]( par Yves Bertot
* [Le Coq'Art (V8)]( - Yves Bertot et Pierre Castéran
* [Preuves de programmes en coq]( - Yves Bertot
### CSS
* [Apprendre les mises en page CSS](
* [Apprendre les mises en page CSS](
### Git
* [Git Magic]( par Alexandre Garel, Paul Gaborit et Nicolas Deram
* [Pro Git]( par Scott Chacon et Ben Straub
* [Git Magic]( - Alexandre Garel, Paul Gaborit et Nicolas Deram
* [Pro Git]( - Scott Chacon et Ben Straub
### Java
* [Java Programming for Kids, Parents and Grandparents]( - Yakov Fain
* [A Gentle Introduction to Haskell]( par Paul Hudak, John Peterson et Joseph Fasel
* [Apprendre Haskell vous fera le plus grand bien !](
* [A Gentle Introduction to Haskell]( - Paul Hudak, John Peterson et Joseph Fasel
* [Apprendre Haskell vous fera le plus grand bien !](
### (La)TeX et associés
#### LaTeX
* [Détecter et résoudre
les problèmes](, Annexe B du LaTeX Companion 2006, par Frank Mittelbach et Michel Goossens, mis à disposition par l'éditeur dans l'onglet « Compléments »
* [LaTeX... pour le prof de maths !]( par Arnaud Gazagnes
* [Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur LaTeX sans jamais oser le demander]( par Vincent Lozano
* [(Xe)LaTeX appliqué aux sciences humaines]( par Maïeul Rouquette
* [LaTeX... pour le prof de maths !]( - Arnaud Gazagnes (PDF)
* [Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur LaTeX sans jamais oser le demander]( - Vincent Lozano
* [(Xe)LaTeX appliqué aux sciences humaines]( - Maïeul Rouquette
#### Asymptote
* [Asymptote. Démarrage rapide](, par Christophe Grospellier
* [Tracer des graphes avec Metapost](, par John D. Hobby
* [Un manuel de Metapost](, par John D. Hobby
* [Tracer des graphes avec Metapost]( - John D. Hobby (PDF)
* [Un manuel de Metapost]( - John D. Hobby (PDF)
#### PGF/TikZ
* [TikZ pour l'impatient](, par Gérard Tisseau et Jacques Duma
* [TikZ pour l'impatient]( - Gérard Tisseau et Jacques Duma
#### TeX
* [TeX pour l'Impatient](, par Paul Abrahams, Kathryn Hargreaves, and Karl Berry, trad. Marc Chaudemanche
* [TeX pour l'Impatient]( - Paul Abrahams, Kathryn Hargreaves, and Karl Berry, trad. Marc Chaudemanche (PDF)
### Lisp
* [Introduction à la programmation en Common Lisp]( par Francis Leboutte
* [Traité de programmation en Common Lisp]( par Robert Strandh et Irène Durand
* [Introduction à la programmation en Common Lisp]( - Francis Leboutte (PDF)
* [Traité de programmation en Common Lisp]( - Robert Strandh et Irène Durand
### Lua
* [Introduction à la programmation Lua](
* [Lua : le tutoriel](, par Claude Urban
* [Lua : le tutoriel]( - Claude Urban
### Meteor
* [Apprendre Meteor](, par Maxime Quandalle
* [Discover Meteor](, par Tom Coleman et Sacha Greif
* [Apprendre Meteor]( - Maxime Quandalle
* [Discover Meteor]( - Tom Coleman et Sacha Greif
### Perl
* [Guide Perl - débuter et progresser en Perl](, par Sylvain Lhullier
* [Guide Perl - débuter et progresser en Perl]( - Sylvain Lhullier
* [La documentation Perl en français](
### PHP
* [Cours de PHP 5]( par Guillaume Rossolini
* [Initiation au PHP]( par David Ducrocq
* [Programmer en PHP]( par Julien Gaulmin
* [Cours de PHP 5]( - Guillaume Rossolini
* [Initiation au PHP]( - David Ducrocq (PDF)
* [Programmer en PHP]( - Julien Gaulmin (PDF)
### Python
* [Appendre à programmer avec Python]( par Gerard Swinnen
* [Dropbox a des fuites ! Un aperçu de la rétro-ingénierie des programmes Python](
* [Python]( par Guido Van Rossum
* [Une introduction à Python 3]( par Bob Cordeau et Laurent Pointal
* [Appendre à programmer avec Python]( - Gerard Swinnen
* [Dropbox a des fuites ! Un aperçu de la rétro-ingénierie des programmes Python](
* [Python]( - Guido Van Rossum (PDF)
* [Une introduction à Python 3]( - Bob Cordeau et Laurent Pointal
### R
* [Introduction à la programmation en R]( par Vincent Goulet
* [Introduction à la programmation en R]( - Vincent Goulet (PDF)
### Ruby
* [Ruby en vingt minutes](
* [Venir à Ruby après un autre language](
#### Ruby on Rails
* [Tutoriel Ruby on Rails : Apprendre Rails par l'exemple](, par Michael Hartl
* [Tutoriel Ruby on Rails : Apprendre Rails par l'exemple]( - Michael Hartl
### Sage
* [Calcul mathématique avec Sage](, par A. Casamayou, N. Cohen, G. Connan, T. Dumont, L. Fousse, F. Maltey, M. Meulien, M. Mezzarobba, C. Pernet, N. M. Thiéry, P. Zimmermann
* [Calcul mathématique avec Sage]( - A. Casamayou, N. Cohen, G. Connan, T. Dumont, L. Fousse, F. Maltey, M. Meulien, M. Mezzarobba, C. Pernet, N. M. Thiéry, P. Zimmermann
### Scilab
* [Introduction à Scilab]( par Michaël Baudin, Artem Glebov, Jérome Briot
* [Εισαγωγή στον προγραμματισμό κελύφους](
### C++
* [Εισαγωγή στη C++](
* [Εισαγωγή στη C++]( (PDF)
### Java
* [Εισαγωγή στη γλώσσα προγραμματισμού JAVA](
* [Εισαγωγή στη Java](
* [Ηλεκτρονικό εγχειρίδιο της JAVA](
* [Εισαγωγή στη Java]( (PDF)
* [Εισαγωγή στη γλώσσα προγραμματισμού JAVA]( (PDF)
* [Ηλεκτρονικό εγχειρίδιο της JAVA]( (PDF)
* [Kanban és Scrum mindkettőből a legjobbat]( - Henrik Kniberg, Mattias Skarin, ford.: Csutorás Zoltán és Marhefka István (PDF)
* [Prognyelvek portál]( - Felelős oktató: Nyékyné Gaizler Judit (HTML)
* [Mese a felhasználó központú tervezőről]( - David Travis, ford.: Favorit Fordító Iroda (PDF)
* [Prognyelvek portál]( - Felelős oktató: Nyékyné Gaizler Judit (HTML)
### Ada
* [Az Ada programozási nyelv]( - Kozics Sándor (PDF)
### Arduino
* [Arduino programozási kézikönyv]( - Brian W. Evans írása alapján fordította, kiegészítette és frissítette Cseh Róbert (PDF - regisztráció szükséges)
* [Arduino programozási kézikönyv]( - Brian W. Evans írása alapján fordította, kiegészítette és frissítette Cseh Róbert (PDF - regisztráció szükséges)
### C++
* [Fejlett programozási technikák]( - Antal Margit (PDF)
### HTML / CSS
* [CSS alapjai]( - Bártházi András (HTML)
* [Webes szabványok]( - Chris Mills, Ben Buchanan, Tom Hughes-Croucher, Mark Norman "Norm" Francis, Linda Goin, Paul Haine, Jen Hanen, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis, Ben Henick, Christian Heilmann, Roger Johansson, Peter-Paul Koch, Jonathan Lane, Tommy Olsson, Nicole Sullivan és Mike West, ford.: Nagy Gusztáv (PDF)
### Java
* [CORBA-alapú elosztott alkalmazások]( - Csizmazia Balázs (PDF)
* [Fantasztikus programozás]( - Bátfai Mária Erika, Bátfai Norbert (PDF)
* [Google Common Lisp スタイルガイド 日本語訳]( - Robert Brown, François-René Rideau, TOYOZUMIKouichi 他(翻訳)
* [LISP and PROLOG]( - 畝見達夫
* [マンガで分かるLisp(Manga Guide to Lisp)]( - λ組
* [On Lisp (草稿)]( - Paul Graham, 野田開(翻訳)
* [Google Common Lisp スタイルガイド 日本語訳]( - Robert Brown, François-René Rideau, TOYOZUMIKouichi 他(翻訳)
* [マンガで分かるLisp(Manga Guide to Lisp)]( - λ組
### Coq
* [ソフトウェアの基礎]( - Benjamin C. Pierce, Chris Casinghino, Michael Greenberg, Vilhelm Sjöberg, Brent Yorgey, 梅村晃広(翻訳), 片山功士(翻訳), 水野洋樹(翻訳), 大橋台地(翻訳), 増子萌(翻訳), 今井宜洋(翻訳)
* [Google JavaScript スタイルガイド]( - Aaron Whyte, Bob Jervis, Dan Pupius, Erik Arvidsson, Fritz Schneider, Robby Walker, aiaswood(翻訳)
* [Google JavaScript スタイルガイド]( - Aaron Whyte, Bob Jervis, Dan Pupius, Erik Arvidsson, Fritz Schneider, Robby Walker, aiaswood(翻訳)
* [JavaScript Garden]( - Ivo Wetzel, HIRAKI Satoru(翻訳)
* [Dive Into Python 3 日本語版]( - Mark Pilgrim, Fukada(翻訳), Fujimoto(翻訳)
* [Google Python スタイルガイド]( - Amit Patel, Antoine Picard, Eugene Jhong, Jeremy Hylton, Matt Smart, Mike Shields, Kosei Kitahara(翻訳)
* [The Programming Historian]( - William J. Turkel, Alan MacEachern, @moroshigeki(翻訳), @historyanddigi(翻訳), @Say\_no(翻訳), @knagasaki(翻訳), @mak\_goto(翻訳)
* [Python プログラマーのための gevent チュートリアル]( - Stephen Diehl, Jérémy Bethmont, sww, Bruno Bigras, David Ripton, Travis Cline, Boris Feld, youngsterxyf, Eddie Hebert, Alexis Metaireau, Daniel Velkov, methane(翻訳)
* [The Programming Historian]( - William J. Turkel, Alan MacEachern, @moroshigeki(翻訳), @historyanddigi(翻訳), @Say\_no(翻訳), @knagasaki(翻訳), @mak\_goto(翻訳)
* [Think Python:コンピュータサイエンティストのように考えてみよう]( - Allen Downey, 相川 利樹(翻訳)(PDF)
* [R 入門]( (PDF) - W. N. Venables, D. M. Smith and the R Development Core Team, 間瀬茂(翻訳)
* [R 言語定義]( (PDF) - R Development Core Team, 間瀬茂(翻訳)
* [R 入門]( - W. N. Venables, D. M. Smith and the R Development Core Team, 間瀬茂(翻訳) (PDF)
* [Minicurso - Controle de Versão usando o Git]( - LTIA UNESP
* [Pro Git](
### Haskell
* [Aprender o Haskell será um grande bem para você (tradução em andamento)](
### HTML / CSS
* [Curso de HTML5 em vídeo do Guanabara](
* [Curso de HTML5 em vídeo do Guanabara](
* [Desenvolvendo para browsers antigos](
* [Dive Into HTML5](
* [Estruturando o HTML com CSS](
* [Desenvolvimento Web com HTML, CSS e JavaScript]( - Caelum
* [Dive Into HTML5](
* [Estruturando o HTML com CSS](
* [Performance WEB](
### Java
* [Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados com Java](
* [Java e Orientação a Objetos](
* [Java para Desenvolvimento Web](
* [Web ágil com VRaptor, Hibernate e AJAX](
* [Introdução a Ciência da Computação com Java](
* [Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados com Java]( - Caelum
* [Desenvolvimento Web Avançado com JSF 2, EJB 3.1 e CDI]( - k19
* [Desenvolvimento Web com JSF 2 e JPA 2]( - K19
* [Desenvolvimento Web com Struts]( - K19
* [Design Patterns em Java]( - K19
* [Integração de Sistemas com Webservices, JMS e EJB]( - K19
* [Introdução a Ciência da Computação com Java]( (PDF)
* [Java e Orientação a Objetos]( - Caelum
* [Java para Desenvolvimento Web]( - Caelum
* [Lab. Java com Testes, JSF e Design Patterns]( - Caelum
* [Orientação a objetos em Java]( - K19
* [Persistência com JPA 2 e Hibernate]( - K19
* [Web ágil com VRaptor, Hibernate e AJAX]( - Caelum
* [Apontamentos de Programação em C/C++]( (PDF) - Paulo Baltarejo e Jorge Santos
* [C++ como uma linguagem de programação orientada a objectos]( (PDF) - Autor desconhecido
* [Apontamentos de Programação em C/C++]( - Paulo Baltarejo e Jorge Santos (PDF)
* [Aprenda a Programar - Uma Breve Introdução]( - Henrique Dias, 2015 (PDF)
### CSS
* [Aprenda o layout de CSS](
* [Aprenda o layout de CSS](
### Haskell
* [Programação Funcional CC]( (PDF) - Maria João Frade
### Haskell
### Java
* [Apostilha de Java]( (PDF) - Grupo PET Informática
* [Programação Funcional CC]( - Maria João Frade (PDF)
### LaTeX
* [Uma não tão pequena introdução ao LaTeX]( - Tradução de Alberto Simões (PDF)
* [Uma não tão pequena introdução ao LATEX 2ε](
* [Uma não tão pequena introdução ao LaTeX]( (PDF) - Tradução de Alberto Simões
### Prolog
* [Lógica Computacional (com Prolog)]( (PDF) - Maria João Frade
* [Introdução às Bases de Dados Oracle]( (PDF) - Pedro Bizarro, Universidade de Coimbra, 2008
* [Lógica Computacional (com Prolog)]( - Maria João Frade (PDF)
* [Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures](
### PostgreSQL
* [История о PostgreSQL](
* [Работа с PostgreSQL - настройка и масштабирование](
### R
* [Анализ данных с R](
* [Рандомизация и бутстреп: статистический анализ в биологии и экологии с использованием R.]( (PDF)
### Reverse engineering
* [Введение в reverse engineering для начинающих](
* Google Material Design 正體中文版 ([译本一]( [译本二](
* [How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python, Interactive Edition](
* [Adicionar Bootstrap e Font-awesome no projeto criado com o Vue Cli](
* [Recipes with Angular.js]( *(Leanpub, by Frederik Dietz)*
* [Seven-Part Introduction to Angular](
* [Seven-Part Introduction to Angular](
* [Unit Testing Best Practices in AngularJS](
* [AngularJs vs EmberJs](
* [Angular Basics](
## Backbone.js
* [A Complete guide for learning Backbone.js](
* [A pragmatic guide to Backbone.js apps](
* [A Complete guide for learning Backbone.js](
* [A pragmatic guide to Backbone.js apps](
* [Backbone Tutorials: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced]( - Thomas Davis
* [Backbone.js + Require.js, Modularization and Just in Time Dependency Loading, part 1]( [part 2](
* [Backbone.js and](
* [Backbone Tutorials: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced]( - Thomas Davis
* [Express.js Guide]( *(Leanpub, by Azat Mardanov)*
* [Express.js Guide]( - Azat Mardanov *(Leanpub)*
## jQuery
* [JavaScript Fundamentals, Plus a Dash Of JQuery - for dinner ladies](
* [JavaScript Fundamentals, Plus a Dash Of JQuery - for dinner ladies](
* [jQuery Novice to Ninja]( (PDF)
* [jQuery Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [jQuery Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*