add new arabic courses (#6964)

* add new arabic courses

* fix extra new line

* fix order

* add some missing ‏

* delete courses that dependent on paid books
أحمد الطبراني 3 years ago committed by GitHub
parent a70f4afe04
commit 19958fb8ae
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 21

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
### Algorithms & Data Structures
* [Algorithms - Full Coures In Arabic‏]( - Hard-Code
* [C++ Data Structures - تراكيب البيانات]( - محمد الدسوقي
* [CS Master - Level 1- Algorithms & Data Structures الخوارزميات وهياكل البيانات]( - KMR Script
* [CS Master - Level 2- Dive into the Computer كيف يعمل الكمبيوتر]( - KMR Script
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
* [CS50 In Arabic‏]( - Coders Camp
* [Cs50 In Arabic 2022 \| كورس cs50 بالعربي كامل]( - Abdelrahman Gamal‏ (:construction: *in process*)
* [Data Structure‏]( - Hard Code
* [Data Structure : JavaScript (leetcode problem solving)‏]( - Shadow Coding
* [Data Structure C++‎‏]( - Mega Code
* [Data Structures Full Course In Arabic‏]( - Adel Nasim
* [Problem solving (Arabic)‏]( - Muhammed Afifi
@ -61,7 +63,7 @@
### Bootstrap
* [كورس بوتستراب كامل للمبتدئين | bootstrap 2021 tutorial for beginners‏]( - Abdelrahman Gamal
* [كورس بوتستراب كامل للمبتدئين \| bootstrap 2021 tutorial for beginners‏]( - Abdelrahman Gamal
* [Bootstrap 3 In Arabic‏]( - Elzero Web School
* [Bootstrap 4‏]( - Elzero Web School
* [Bootstrap 5 Design 01 Bondi‏]( - Elzero Web School
@ -86,6 +88,7 @@
* [Arabic C++ For kids & beginners (برمجة لصغار السن والمبتدئيين)]( - Arabic Competitive Programming
* [C++ Intensive - برمجة الحاسوب]( - Arabic Competitive Programming
* [C++ Object-Oriented Design and Programming‏]( - Arabic Competitive Programming
* [C++ Programming \| Arabic Course‏]( - Hard-Code
* [C++ Programming Basics‏]( - Ali Shahin
* [C++ Programming Course Level 1 Basics By Arabic]( - محمد شوشان
* [C++ Programming Course Level 2 Object Oriented Programming By Arabic]( - محمد شوشان
@ -170,6 +173,7 @@
* [Learn SASS In Arabic 2021‏]( - Elzero Web School
* [Sass‏]( - Elzero Web School
* [Sass - Create a website‏]( - Elzero Web School
* [Yonisfy CS94's | Web Programming with JavaScript‏]( - Mohammed Elzanaty
### Java
@ -189,13 +193,17 @@
### JavaScript
* [سلسلة دروس جافا سكريبت]( - أكاديمية ترميز (:construction: *in process*)
* [كورس جافا سكريبت كامل | Javascript Tutorial‏]( - Abdelrahman Gamal
* [سلسلة دروس جافا سكريبت]( - أكاديمية ترميز
* [كورس جافا سكريبت كامل \| Javascript Tutorial‏]( - Abdelrahman Gamal
* [كورس Ajax بالعربي-ITI‏]( - Mobarmg
* [كورس ES6 بالعربي-ITI‏]( - Mobarmg
* [Arabic JavaScript‏]( - KMR Script
* [Arabic JavaScript ES6 الاصدار السادس من الجافاسكربت]( - KMR Script
* [Complete Intro to Javascript‏]( - Mohammed Elzanaty
* [Design Patterns \| javascript \| \[Arabic\]‏]( - Shadow Coding
* [ECMAScript 6 Tutorial In Arabic‏]( - Mohammed Elzanaty
* [Friday js‏]( - codeZone
* [HTML \| CSS \| JavaScript \| Project‏]( - Shadow Coding
* [Javascript‏]( - Elzero Web School
* [JavaScript AJAX‏]( - Elzero Web School
* [JavaScript Application‏]( - Elzero Web School
@ -213,7 +221,7 @@
#### Gulp.js
* [Automatic Your Work With Gulpjs]( - Elzero Web School
* [Automatic Your Work With Gulpjs‏]( - Elzero Web School
* [Basic of Gulp.js‏]( - Algorithm Academy
* [Gulp.js - Workshop‏]( - Algorithm Academy
@ -231,6 +239,7 @@
* [كورس MongoDB بالعربي-ITI‏]( - Mobarmg
* [كورس NodeJS بالعربي -ITI‏]( - Mobarmg
* [Arabic Dive into Node JS Development الغوص في النود جي اس]( - KMR Script
* [JWT Authentication using Node, Express, Typescript, Jasmine & Postgres‏]( - Mohammed Elzanaty
* [Learn Basic of NodeJS‏]( - Emam Academy
* [Learn NodeJS from zero to hero‏]( - Algorithm Academy
* [NodeJS - Build a Full E-Commerce RESTful APIs (بالعربي)]( - Programming Solutions - Academy
@ -251,6 +260,7 @@
#### React.js
* [Learn React JS Tutorial \|\| React دورة كاملة لتعلم الـ]( - Unique Coderz Academy
* [React JS A JavaScript library دورة]( - Muhammed Essa
* [React.js‏]( - Algorithm Academy
* [React.js Hooks‏]( - Algorithm Academy
* [React.js Todo App‏]( - Algorithm Academy
@ -259,6 +269,7 @@
* [ReactJS Part 1 - Learn React Hooks by Project [تعلم الرياكت هوكس] [الجزء الاول]]( - kimz codes
* [ReactJS Part 2 - UseEffect & UseRef - working with API and Prev State [Arabic] [بالعربي][الجزء الثاني]]( - kimz codes
* [ReactJS Part 3 - Performance Optimization (react memo, use memo, use call back) [تعلم الرياكت] [الجزء الثالث]]( - kimz codes
* [ReactJS with zanaty‏]( - Mohammed Elzanaty
* [Redux ToolKit 2021/2022 part 4 [شرح Redux toolkit] [تعلم Redux] [شرح Redux]]( - kimz codes
* [Redux ToolKit Project, Book Store project [تعلم Redux toolkit]]( - kimz codes
@ -292,6 +303,7 @@
* [تصميم و برمجة موقع eCommerce by PHP‏]( - Elzero Web School
* [Arabic PHP‏]( - Elzero Web School
* [Design Patterns in PHP Arabic شرح بالعربي]( - Ramy Hakam
* [Learn Object Oriented PHP‏]( - Elzero Web School
* [PHP Bootcamp 2022‏]( - Elzero Web School
@ -336,6 +348,7 @@
* [Clean Code Book - بالعربي]( - Omar Ahmed
* [Creational Design Patterns بالعربى]( - Mohammed Reda
* [Declarative Programming]( - درة الاكواد لابن حماد
* [Software Design Patterns]( - محمد يحيى
* [SOLID Principles بالعربى]( - Mohammed Reda
* [SOLID Principles بالعربي]( - Omar Ahmed
* [Structural Design Patterns بالعربى]( - Mohammed Reda
