This guide details how to contribute to this repository.
## Contributor license agreement
By submitting code you agree to the [LICENSE]( of this repository.
By contributing you agree to the [LICENSE]( of this repository.
## In a nutshell
1. "An link to easily download a book" is not alway a link to a *free* book. Please only contribute free content. Make sure it's free.
2. You don't have to know git: if you found something of interest which is *not already in this repo*, please open an issue with your links propositions.
- If you know git, please fork the repo and send pull requests.
3. We have 5 kinds of lists. Choose the right one:
- *Books* : PDF, HTML, ePub, a based site, a Git repo, etc.
- *Courses* : A course is a learning material which is not a book and where there is no interactive tool embeded in the site. [This is a course](
- *Interactive Tutorials* : An interactive website which lets the user type code or commands and evaluates the result (by "evaluate" we don't mean "grade"). e.g.: [Try Haskell](, [Try Github](
- *JavaScript Resources* : Any resources teaching a JavaScript framework or library.
- *Problem Sets & Competitive Programming* : A website or software which lets you assess your programming skills by solving simple or complex problems, with or without code review, with or without comparing the results with other users.
4. Make sure to follow the [guidelines below](#guidelines) and respect the [Markdown formatting](#formatting) of the files
### Guidelines
- make sure a book is free. Double-check if needed.
- insert your links in alphabetical order. If you see a misplaced link, please reorder it and submit a PR
- use the link with the most authoritative source (meaning author's website is better than editor's website is better than third party website)
+ no file hosting services (this includes Dropbox and Google Drive links)
- always prefer a `https` link over a `http` one -- as long as they are on the same domain and serve the same content
- on root domains, strip the trailing slash: `` instead of ``
- always prefer the shortest link: `` is better than ``
+ no URL shortener links
- usually prefer the "current" link over the "version" one: `` is better than ``
- if a link has an expired certificate/self-signed certificate/SSL issue of any other kind:
1. *replace it* with its `http` counterpart if possible (because accepting exceptions can be complicated on mobile devices)
2. *leave it* if no `http` version but link still accessible through `https` by adding an exception to the browser or ignoring the warning
3. *remove it* otherwise
- if a link exists in multiple format, add a separate link with a note about each format
- if a resource exists at different places on the Internet
+ use the link with the most authoritative source (meaning author's website is better than editor's website is better than third party website)
+ if they link to different editions and you judge these editions are different enough to be worth keeping them, add a separate link with a note about each edition
- prefer atomic commits (one commit by addition/deletion/modification) over bigger commits. No need to squash your commits before submitting a PR. (We will never enforce this rule as it's just a matter of convenience for the maintainers)
### Formatting
- All lists are `.md` files. Try to learn Github's Markdown syntax. It's simple!
- All the lists start with an Index. The idea is to list and link all sections and subsections there. Keep it in alphabetical order.
- Sections are using level 3 headings (`###`), and subsections are level 4 headings (`####`).
## All the steps you need
1. First of all, what you want to add should be actually 'Free'. Don't mistake "An easy link to Download a book" with "Free".
2. If you don't know how to work with git or github, just simply go to [Wiki: Contribution]( and read the rest.
3. We have 5 kinds of lists. Make sure you know where you're adding the link:
The idea is to have
- `2` empty lines between last link and new section
- `1` empty line between heading & first link of its section
- `0` empty line between two links
- `1` empty line at the end of each `.md` file
+ **Books** : PDF, HTML, DJVU, ePub, a based site, a Git repo, etc.
+ **Courses** : A course is a well designed learning material which was made by an organized group and is availabe for a long time where there is no interactive tool embeded in the site. e.g.: [OpenCourseWare](, [PHPAcademy](, etc.
+ **Interactive Tutorials** : An application which helps you learn, by actually typing syntax. e.g.: [Codecademy](, [Try Github](, etc.
+ **Javascript Resources** : Resources for learning a Javascript Framework
+ **Problem Sets & Competetitive Programming** : Challenges/problems, where you can prove your programming skills for yourself or against others
4. We prefer small commits rather than one large commit in a pull request. If you don't have the time to make small commit, add an issue with all the links included and we'll add them for you.
5. Use our standard for formatting the .md file. Check it out: [Formatting](#formatting)
6. Must use ***alphabetic*** order.
- [Essential Pascal Version 1 and 2](
### Formatting
+ All lists are `.md` files. Try to learn Github's Markdown syntax. It's simple!
+ All the lists start with an Index, the idea is to show all of sections and subsections there, so it's important to have an index for each section. Right now it's alphabetized, so please use alphabetic order.
+ Sections are using level 3 heading (in HTML is `<h3>`, in Markdown is `###`), and subsections are using level 4 (in HTML is `<h4>`, in Markdown is `####`).
### DTrace
The idea is to have
+ `2` empty lines between last suggested book & new header
+ `1` empty line between header & first book of that very section.
+ `0` empty line between each book in 1 section.
+ `1` empty line at the end of each `.md` file.
Like this example:
* [Essential Pascal Version 1 and 2](
# List of Free Learning Resources [](
[View the list](
[View the English list](
## Intro
This list initially was a clone of [stackoverflow - List of Freely Available Programming Books]( by George Stocker. Now updated, with dead links gone and new content.
Moved to GitHub for collaborative updating and for the site mentioned above.
- Read the [TODO](/ file (Adding new books is our #1 priority, but things like Alphabetizing are important, too.)
- [Edit]( (we prefer multiple small commits rather than one large change)
- [Send a PR](
- Be part of a project starred by over 42,000
**Again, unlike other projects, we prefer multiple small commits rather than one large change in a pull request - it's fine to have one PR, but please make sure your title reflects what you're changing**, thanks.
Please read [CONTRIBUTING](/
### How to Share
+ [Share on Twitter](
### Noticeable lists from [reSRC](
+ Free JavaScript frameworks resources and tutorials: [github](/ or [site](
### Noticeable lists
+ [Free JavaScript frameworks resources and tutorials](/
### Interactive Programming Resources
+ Free interactive programming tutorials: [github](/ or [site](
* [Tutorials for modern OpenGL](
@ -268,14 +267,14 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
* [Elementary Algorithms]( - Larry LIU Xinyu
* [Foundations of Computer Science]( - Al Aho and Jeff Ullman
* [Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization](
* [Lectures Notes on Algorithm Analysis and Computational Complexity (Fourth Edition)](, University of North Texas (PDF)
* [Lectures Notes on Algorithm Analysis and Computational Complexity (Fourth Edition)]( - University of North Texas (PDF)
* [LEDA: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing](
* [Linked List Basics]( (PDF)
* [Linked List Problems]( (PDF)
* [Implementing Functional Languages: A Tutorial]( - Simon Peyton Jones, David Lester
@ -360,7 +358,6 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
* [An Introduction to Statistical Learning]( - Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani
* [Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning](
* [Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning](
* [Power Programming with Mathematica]( - David B. Wagner
* [Probability and Statistics Cookbook](
* [Probability and Statistics Cookbook](
* [Probability and Statistics EBook](
* [Statistics Done Wrong]( - Alex Reinhart
* [Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics Made Simple]( - Allen B. Downey
@ -431,7 +428,7 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
* [Designing for Performance]( by Lara Hogan
* [Designing Interfaces]( by Jennifer Tidwell
* [DevDocs]( - Documents for Developers in 1 place
* [DevOps For Dummies (IBM Edition)]( (PDF)
* [DevOps For Dummies (IBM Edition)]( (PDF)
* [Digital Signal Processing For Communications](
* [Digital Signal Processing For Engineers and Scientists](
* [Distributed systems for fun and profit](
@ -611,7 +608,6 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
* [Programming Reliable Systems (Joe Armstrong's PhD thesis)]( (PDF)
* [Scrum and XP from the Trenches](
* [Alef Language Reference Manual](
@ -668,13 +664,12 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
* [Agile Android Software Development]( (PDF, epub, mobi - need email confirmation) by Etienne Savard
* [Android 4 App Development Essentials](
* [Android Programming Guide for Beginners]( (PDF - need email confirmation)
* [Android Programming Succinctly, Syncfusion]( ([PDF](, [Kindle]( *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Android Programming Succinctly, Syncfusion]( ([PDF]( - [Kindle]( *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Tutorial Point Android Tutorial]( (PDF)
@ -763,7 +758,6 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
### C
* [A Tutorial on Pointers and Arrays in C](
* [Advanced Linux Programming](
* [Beej's Guide to C Programming](
* [Beej's Guide to Network Programming](
* [Build Your Own Lisp](
@ -790,7 +784,6 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
* [Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#](
* [Dissecting a C# Application]( - Christian Holm, Bernhard Spuida, Mike Kruger
* [Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#]( - Svetlin Nakov
* [HTTP Programming Recipes for C# Bots](
* [Threading in C#](
@ -801,7 +794,6 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
* [C++ Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Apex Design Patterns and Best Practices](
* [ Platform Fundamentals: An Introduction to Custom Application Development in the Cloud](
* [A Beginner's Guide to Forth](
@ -1035,7 +1015,7 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
* [The Grails Framework - Reference Documentation]( ([PDF]( - Graeme Rocher, Peter Ledbrook, Marc Palmer, Jeff Brown, Luke Daley, Burt Beckwith, Lari Hotari
#### Spock Framework
* [Spock Framework Reference Documentation]( - Peter Niederwieser
* [Spock Framework Reference Documentation]( - Peter Niederwieser
* [Spock Intro]( - Ed Gibbs
@ -1097,7 +1077,6 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
### IDL
* [Getting Started with IDL](
* [Guide to Using IDL for Astronomers](
### iOS
@ -1125,13 +1104,12 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
* [J for C Programmers by Henry Rich- online]( || [pdf]( || [word 2003 file](
* [Hibernate 4 Example Programs]( - L. Mohan Arun
* [HTTP Programming Recipes for Java Bots](
* [Introduction to Computer science using Java](
* [Introduction to Neural Networks with Java](
* [Introduction to Programming in Java]( - Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
* [Introduction to Programming Using Java]( - David J. Eck
* [JAAS in Action](
* [Java Application Development on Linux by Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz (PDF)]( (PDF)
* [Java for the Beginning Programmer](
* [Java Programming for Kids, Parents and Grandparents]( - Yakov Fain
@ -1177,13 +1150,13 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
* [Spring Framework Reference Documentation]( ([PDF]( - Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller, Keith Donald, Colin Sampaleanu, Rob Harrop, Thomas Risberg, Alef Arendsen, Darren Davison, Dmitriy Kopylenko, Mark Pollack, Thierry Templier, Erwin Vervaet, Portia Tung, Ben Hale, Adrian Colyer, John Lewis, Costin Leau, Mark Fisher, Sam Brannen, Ramnivas Laddad, Arjen Poutsma, Chris Beams, Tareq Abedrabbo, Andy Clement, Dave Syer, Oliver Gierke, Rossen Stoyanchev, Phillip Webb, Rob Winch, Brian Clozel, Stephane Nicoll, Sebastien Deleuze
#### Spring Boot
* [Spring Boot Reference Guide]( ([PDF](, [EPUB]( - Phillip Webb, Dave Syer, Josh Long, Stéphane Nicoll, Rob Winch, Andy Wilkinson, Marcel Overdijk, Christian Dupuis
* [Spring Boot Reference Guide]( ([PDF]( - [EPUB]( - Phillip Webb, Dave Syer, Josh Long, Stéphane Nicoll, Rob Winch, Andy Wilkinson, Marcel Overdijk, Christian Dupuis
#### Spring Security
* [Spring Security Reference]( - Ben Alex, Luke Taylor, Rob Winch
#### Wicket
* [Official Free Online Guide for Apache Wicket framework](
* [Official Free Online Guide for Apache Wicket framework](
### JavaScript
@ -1229,7 +1202,7 @@ Original Source: [List of freely available programming books](http://web.archive
For resources on Angular, Backbone, D3, Dojo, Ember, Express, jQuery, Knockout, Meteor, React and any other JS toolkit/framework, please refer to [Javascript Frameworks Resources and Tutorials](/
#### Node.js
* [An Introduction to libuv]( - Nikhil Marathe ([PDF](, [ePub](
* [JavaScript and Node FUNdamentals]( *(Leanpub - by Azat Mardanov)*
* [Mixu's Node Book](
* [Node.js Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
@ -1253,7 +1226,6 @@ See also [TeX](#tex)
### Linux
* [Ad Hoc Data Analysis From The Unix Command Line](
* [Advanced Linux Programming](
* [Automated Linux From Scratch](
* [Getting Started with Ubuntu](
* [GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool](
* [Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design (Python)]( (PDF) (2.1.1)
@ -1619,7 +1590,6 @@ See also [TeX](#tex)
* [Snake Wrangling For Kids]( (3.x)
* [Test-Driven Web Development with Python]( (3.3 - 3.x)
* [Text Processing in Python]( - David Mertz (2.3 - 2.x)
* [The Art and Craft of Programming]( (3.x)
* [The Little Book of Python Anti-Patterns]( ([Source](
* [The Programming Historian]( - William J. Turkel, Adam Crymble and Alan MacEachern
* [The Python Ecosystem: An Introduction](
@ -1709,7 +1679,6 @@ See also [TeX](#tex)
* [Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book](