* [Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4cUxeGkcC9goXbgTDQ0n_4TBzOO0ocPR) (The Net Ninja)
* [Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4cUxeGkcC9goXbgTDQ0n_4TBzOO0ocPR) (The Net Ninja)
* [Git and GitHub for Poets](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6ZF9C0YMKuns9sLDzK6zoiV)
* [Git and GitHub for Poets](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6ZF9C0YMKuns9sLDzK6zoiV)
* [GIT for beginners](https://www.eduonix.com/git-for-beginners) - Maksym Rudnyi (Eduonix Learning Solutions) *(account or email address required)*
* [GIT for beginners](https://www.eduonix.com/git-for-beginners) - Maksym Rudnyi (Eduonix Learning Solutions) *(account or email address required)*
* [Git for Professionals Tutorial - Tools & Concepts for Mastering Version Control with Git](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uszj_k0DGsg) - Tobias Günther (YouTube)
* [Git How To](https://githowto.com) - Alexander Shvets
* [Git How To](https://githowto.com) - Alexander Shvets