* added beginner courses for solidity
* arranged in alphabetical order
* swapped as per build info
* swapped 1116 and 1117
* swap 1116 and 1117
* arranged in alphanum order
* added blank space
* Configured to playlist
* Changed to playlist ( eat the blocks)
* [Solidity Tutorial - A Full Course on Ethereum, Blockchain Development, Smart Contracts, and the EVM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipwxYa-F1uY) - Gregory McCubbin @ freeCodeCamp.org & Dapp University (YouTube)
* [Solidity Tutorial - A Full Course on Ethereum, Blockchain Development, Smart Contracts, and the EVM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipwxYa-F1uY) - Gregory McCubbin @ freeCodeCamp.org & Dapp University (YouTube)