* chore!: join editors into section `IDE and editors`
This homogenize the place where are organized the IDE and editors like Vim, Emacs, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, IntelliJ... into the same section.
Emacs Lips is a language per sé. so apply and add some crosslinks #5535 in order to reference editors.
Moved books in `-langs.md` now are in `-subjects.md` since editors are language agnostic, I think.
Complete this moved resources with author, formats and notes
* fix: alphabetize says linter
Run fpb-lint ./books/
4:5-22:42 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.22 and l.21 alphabetize-lists remark-lint
58:1-61:70 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.60 and l.59 alphabetize-lists remark-lint
254:1-258:87 warning Alphabetical ordering: swap l.258 and l.257 alphabetize-lists remark-lint
* chore!: Organize near spoken Lisp dialects.
- Common Lisp, PicoLisp, Emacs Lisp -> Lisp
- Rename Common Lisp and LISP -> Lisp
- Emacs & Pico as subsections of Lisp preserving current crosslinks
* chore: merge non-referenced Emacs Lisp into Lisp
* [Google Common Lisp スタイルガイド 日本語訳](https://lisphub.jp/doc/google-common-lisp-style-guide/lispguide.xml) - Robert Brown, François-René Rideau, TOYOZUMIKouichi 他(翻訳)
* [LISP and PROLOG](https://web.archive.org/web/20060526095202/http://home.soka.ac.jp/~unemi/LispProlog) - 畝見達夫
* [On Lisp (草稿)](http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~kc7k-nd) - Paul Graham, 野田開(翻訳)
* [マンガで分かるLisp(Manga Guide to Lisp)](http://lambda.bugyo.tk/cdr/mwl) - λ組
### Coq
* [ソフトウェアの基礎](http://proofcafe.org/sf) - Benjamin C. Pierce, Chris Casinghino, Michael Greenberg, Vilhelm Sjöberg, Brent Yorgey, 梅村晃広(翻訳), 片山功士(翻訳), 水野洋樹(翻訳), 大橋台地(翻訳), 増子萌(翻訳), 今井宜洋(翻訳)
@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ That section got so big, we decided to split it into its own file, the [BY SUBJE
* [Ecto](#ecto)
* [Phoenix](#phoenix)
* [Elm](#elm)
* [Emacs](#emacs)
* [Embedded Systems](#embedded-systems)
* [Erlang](#erlang)
* [F#](#f-sharp)
@ -123,6 +122,8 @@ That section got so big, we decided to split it into its own file, the [BY SUBJE
* [Limbo](#limbo)
* [Linux](#linux)
* [Lisp](#lisp)
* [Emacs Lisp](#emacs-lisp)
* [PicoLisp](#picolisp)
* [Livecode](#livecode)
* [Lua](#lua)
* [Make](#make)
@ -157,7 +158,6 @@ That section got so big, we decided to split it into its own file, the [BY SUBJE
* [Laravel](#laravel)
* [Symfony](#symfony)
* [Zend](#zend)
* [PicoLisp](#picolisp)
* [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)
* [PowerShell](#powershell)
* [Processing](#processing)
@ -213,7 +213,6 @@ That section got so big, we decided to split it into its own file, the [BY SUBJE
* [V](#v)
* [Verilog](#verilog)
* [VHDL](#vhdl)
* [Vim](#vim)
* [Visual Basic](#visual-basic)
* [Visual Prolog](#visual-prolog)
* [Vulkan](#vulkan)
@ -453,7 +452,6 @@ That section got so big, we decided to split it into its own file, the [BY SUBJE
* [The Basics of C Programming](https://www.phys.uconn.edu/~rozman/Courses/P2200_13F/downloads/TheBasicsofCProgramming-draft-20131030.pdf) - Marshall Brain (PDF)
* [The C book](http://publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c_book/) - Mike Banahan, Declan Brady, Mark Doran (PDF, HTML)
* [The C Programming Language Handbook](https://flaviocopes.com/page/c-handbook/) - Flavio Copes (PDF, EPUB, Kindle) *(email address requested)*
* [The Craft of Text Editing or A Cookbook for an Emacs](http://www.finseth.com/craft/) - Craig A. Finseth
* [The Current C Programming Language Standard – ISO/IEC 9899:2018 (C17/C18), Draft](https://web.archive.org/web/20181230041359/http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/abq/c17_updated_proposed_fdis.pdf) - Open Standards Org - www.open-std.org (PDF)
* [The GNU C Programming Tutorial](http://www.crasseux.com/books/ctut.pdf) - Mark Burgess, Ron Hale-Evans (PDF)
* [The GNU C Reference Manual](https://www.gnu.org/software/gnu-c-manual/gnu-c-manual.html) - Trevis Rothwell, James Youngman (HTML) [(PDF)](https://www.gnu.org/software/gnu-c-manual/gnu-c-manual.pdf)
@ -681,14 +679,6 @@ That section got so big, we decided to split it into its own file, the [BY SUBJE
* [Versioned APIs with Phoenix](https://elviovicosa.com/freebies/versioned-apis-with-phoenix-by-elvio-vicosa.pdf) - Elvio Vicosa (PDF)
### Emacs
* [An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/eintr.html)
* [Emacs for the Modern World](https://www.finseth.com/craft/) (HTML)
@ -1546,8 +1550,6 @@ That section got so big, we decided to split it into its own file, the [BY SUBJE
* [NuGet In-House Succinctly](https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/nuget-in-house-succinctly) - José Roberto Olivas Mendoza
* [Rider Succinctly](https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/rider-succinctly) - Dmitri Nesteruk
* [Under the Hood of .NET Memory Management](https://assets.red-gate.com/community/books/under-the-hood-of-net-memory-management.pdf) - Chris Farrell, Nick Harrison (PDF)
* [Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks](http://www.infoq.com/minibooks/vsnettt) (VS 2003-2005 only)
* [Visual Studio 2019 Succinctly](https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/visual-studio-2019-succinctly) - Alessandro Del Sole
### NewSQL
@ -1734,12 +1736,6 @@ That section got so big, we decided to split it into its own file, the [BY SUBJE
* [Nie za krótkie wprowadzeniedo systemu LATEX 2ε](http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/polish) - Janusz Goldasz, Ryszard Kubiak, Tomasz Przechlewski
### Lisp
* [Kurs programowania w języku Common Lisp](http://jcubic.pl/lisp_tutorial.php) - Jakub Jankiewicz
### MySQL
* [Bazy Danych MYSQL](https://miroslawzelent.pl/kurs-mysql/)
* [Visual Studio Code: Produtividade infinita](https://github.com/bylearn/VS-Code-Produtividade-Infinita) - Felipe Cabrera Ribeiro dos Santos
#### Vim
#### IDE and editors
* [O Editor de Texto Vim](https://code.google.com/p/vimbook) - Sérgio Luiz Araújo Silva, et al.
* [Vim para Noobs](https://woliveiras.com.br/vimparanoobs/) - William Oliveira Souza (HTML, PDF, EPUB) (*Necessário criar uma conta (gratuita) no Leanpub para baixar o livro completo*)
* [Visual Studio Code: Produtividade infinita](https://github.com/bylearn/VS-Code-Produtividade-Infinita) - Felipe Cabrera Ribeiro dos Santos
#### Programação
@ -300,7 +296,7 @@
* [Latexação](https://www.ime.usp.br/~tassio/arquivo/latex/apostila.pdf) - Tássio Naia dos Santos (PDF)
### LISP
### Lisp
* [Introdução a linguagem LISP](http://www.dca.fee.unicamp.br/courses/EA072/lisp9596/Lisp9596.html) (HTML)
@ -385,7 +381,7 @@
#### Angular
> :information_source: Veja também … [AngularJS](#angularjs)
> :information_source: Veja também … [AngularJS](#angularjs), [IDE and editors](#ide-and-editors)
* [Angular 2 - Criando sua primeira aplicação no Visual Studio Code](http://www.macoratti.net/17/02/net_ang2vsc1.htm) - José Carlos Macoratti (HTML)
* [Implemente um aplicativo de página única com o Angular 2](https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/br/library/implemente-aplicativo-pagina-unica-angular-2/) - IBM, Babu Suresh (HTML)
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Books that cover a specific programming language can be found in the [BY PROGRA
* [Game Development](#game-development)
* [Graphical user interfaces](#graphical-user-interfaces)
* [Graphics Programming](#graphics-programming)
* [IDE and editors](#ide-and-editors)
* [Information Retrieval](#information-retrieval)
* [Licensing](#licensing)
* [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
@ -313,6 +314,25 @@ Books that cover a specific programming language can be found in the [BY PROGRA
* [Web Style Guide Online](https://www.webstyleguide.com/wsg3/index.html) - Patrick J. Lynch, Sarah Horton
### IDE and editors
> :information_source: See also … [Emacs Lisp](free-programming-books-langs.md#emacs-lisp), [Regular Expressions](#regular-expressions)
* [A Byte of Vim](http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/vim/) - Swaroop (PDF)
* [GNU Emacs Manual](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/emacs.html) - Free Software Foundation Inc. (HTML, PDF)
* [Learn Vim (the Smart Way)](https://github.com/iggredible/Learn-Vim) - Igor Irianto (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Learn Vim For the Last Time](https://danielmiessler.com/study/vim/) - Daniel Miessler
* [Learn Vim Progressively](http://yannesposito.com/Scratch/en/blog/Learn-Vim-Progressively/) - Yann Esposito
* [Learn Vimscript the Hard Way](http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com) - Steve Losh
* [The Craft of Text Editing or A Cookbook for an Emacs](http://www.finseth.com/craft/) - Craig A. Finseth (HTML, PDF, ePUB, Kindle, PostScript, LaTeX)
* [Vi Improved -- Vim](http://www.truth.sk/vim/vimbook-OPL.pdf) - Steve Oualline (PDF)
* [VIM-GALORE - All things Vim!](https://github.com/mhinz/vim-galore#readme) - Marco Hinz (HTML)
* [Vim Recipes](https://web.archive.org/web/20130302172911/http://vim.runpaint.org/vim-recipes.pdf) - Run Paint Run Run, Run Paint Press (PDF)
* [Parens of the Dead](http://www.parens-of-the-dead.com) - Magnar Sveen, Elisabeth Irgens (screencast)
### Common Lisp
* [Common Lisp for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCpux10P7KDKPb4eI5b_qSnQaY1ePGKGK) - Neil Munro (screencast)
* [Little Bits of Lisp](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2VAYZE_4wRJi_vgpjsH75kMhN4KsuzR_) - Cecilie Baggers (screencast)
### Data Science
* [Data Futurology - Leadership And Strategy in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science](https://www.datafuturology.com/podcasts) - Felipe Flores (podcast)
@ -142,7 +136,7 @@
* [The CSS Podcast](https://thecsspodcast.libsyn.com) - Una Kravets, Adam Argyle (podcast)